Marvel Au - Part 1
Virgil's PoV:
I groaned as I woke up, yesterday I had to deal with Deadpool out on patrol. It was infuriating. He was so smooth and flirtatious. It was hard to concentrate on what I was supposed to do, with him complimenting my ass every 5 minutes.
I got up, tired, I had school today. 'Virgil! Why did you patrol on a school night?' you say? Because I like to make myself suffer.
I took a quick shower and changed into a thick hoodie, also applying eyeshadow under my eyes. The more pathetic I looked, the less likely people are to think I'm your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. I grabbed some breakfast, my uncle Patton had made it. Patton recently told me he was bi, which is fine, I told him I was also. He seemed relieved, then we started talking about my aunt... it was... a depressing, yet liberating conversation.
There was a note on the fridge, left by Patton.
Heya kiddo!
I was called in to cover a shift on really late notice, I won't be home until 11-ish. Ask Mr. Cogn if you could stay at his, because I know that you aren't reliable enough to take care of yourself >:|
Actually, scratch that, I already called him, he's picking you up. Your lunch is on the coffee table.
Have a good day kiddo! Bye! Love ya!
I smiled fondly, Patton was always looking out for me. Stuffing the rest of the toast into my mouth, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my lunch, walking out the door.
The entire walk to school I felt a buzz in the back of my head, alerting me of... something. But every time I looked, there was nothing. I shrugged it off, trying to walk to school as calmly as possible. When I finally saw the building I saw relieved, picking up my pace ever so slightly.
"Virgil!" I heard someone call, I looked over. T'was my best friend Dee! I grinned and walked over, he slung an arm over my shoulder.
"Sup, Dee," I smiled.
"The sky," he replied quickly. I rolled my eyes. I was smiling, then I caught the schools resident rich-and-popular kid looking at me, Roman Prince. captain of the soccer team, very athletic, good looking, and above all, most likely fake. I frowned and looked away, stone facing it all the way to my locker, Dee knew exactly what set me off.
You see, Roman and I used to be close, but every year after second grade, he got further and further away, and now we pretend like we don't know each other. Pretend that we never got in trouble for talking during class, pretend we never hung out after school, pretend we never broke Patton and Mays window while practicing baseball. Pretend I don't get butterflies in my stomach whenever he speaks or glances at me. Nope, don't remember, didn't happen. (Someone plz get it)
A part of me is glad he left before we became too close. But another part of me misses all those memories we had, and that we missed out on.
But we went our separate ways, and that's that.
Sliding into the seat right next to Dee I took out the lunch Patton had packed me. It was simple, a PB&J and baked lays chips. Dee had some leftover Chinese. Everything was going fine, until it wasn't.
And by that, I mean a certain someone showed up. A certain someone who I hate more than Roman.
None other than Flash Tompson.
"So snake-face and fucking loser," he started. Dee flinched. You see, a while back, Dee was in a house fire, and the left side of his face got a bit... deformed. It wasn't that bad, but Flash had to point out it looked like a snake.
I gritted my teeth, "Leave him alone Flash," I growled.
He chuckled, "Or what? What are you gonna do puny? Headbutt my chest?"
"Say goodbye to your knee-caps, bitch," I muttered. He picked me up by my hood and turned me towards him.
"What did you say to me skank?" he hissed. I scrunched up my nose at his breath.
"Yo! Leave them be," someone demanded smoothly, Flash and I looked over to see Remy, he usually sat at the same table as Dee and I, but he never said anything to us. He just sat there and read his books, drinking Starbucks he magically got.
Flash through me to the side, I landed on the ground with a soft groan, Dee got up and slipped by Flash to help me up, by now the surrounding tables were looking at us.
"What exactly are you gonna do about it? Tell the teacher?" Flash mused.
Remy blew a gum bubble and popped it before answering, "I can do a lot more damage than you think, Eugene,"
The entire lunchroom went silent and looked over, eyes wide. No one ever dared call Flash by his real name, unless you wanted a beating of course. But Remy didn't look scared, he looked confident.
Flash growled and stepped towards him, until someone else interrupted.
Of course Roman had to come over.
"Flash, leave right now," Roman said calmly. Flash sneered and tried to shove Roman away too. But Roman was even taller than Flash, and simply raised an eyebrow at his futile attempt. "Leave them alone," Roman said again, this time much more menacingly. Flash attempted to get past Roman, but he didn't budge.
Eventually, Roman leaned in and whispered something to Flash, which made the bully's face go white. Flash walked away quickly and Roman went to give Remy a thumbs up, but Remy was back to sitting in his usual seat. So instead Roman turned to us, I didn't look him in the eyes and sat down, I heard Dee say something to him before sitting down next to me too.
I could feel that Roman was still looking at me, but I didn't look over.
I got out of the building as fast as possible and scanned around for Mr. Cogn's car, I quickly remembered that whenever he picks me up he waits a block away, just in case.
So I bid Dee goodbye and thanked Remy one final time before walking as fast as possible to the meet-up place. I heard footsteps behind me and took a purposeful wrong turn, taking my phone out and sending Mr. Cogn a quick text, telling him I would be late.
I remembered what Patton told me to do 'Walk in a full circle, if they're still behind you, they're following you'. So I walked in a full circle around a block, still hearing footsteps behind me, I picked up to pace, and the next time I turned the corner I ducked into a store, smiling apologetically to the employee, and rushing over.
"Excuse me, can I use the back exit? I think someones following me," I asked and explained, the woman at the counter nodded, and glanced at the door, she pushed me into the employee only door. I waited. The door thing rang and I heard her talking to someone.
Eventually, she came back to me, "Okay sweetie, the only person who came in was your age, but do you need me to call someone?" she asked. I smiled nervously and shook my head.
"No need ma'am, I'll just walk over to where my ride is," I told her. She nodded, and showed me the back exit, I thanked her and walked out, sprinting to where Mr. Cogn's car was supposed to be. I opened the door and got in, breathing a huge sigh of relief.
"What happened?"
I jumped at the sudden voice, whipping my head in the direction of the person. Mr. Cogn rolled his eyes.
"S-Sorry Mr. Cogn, but I thought someone was following me and-" my throat closed up. I wasn't gonna cry, but I was scared, the panic had finally settled in.
"Hey, kid, what have I said? It's Logan, and someone was following you? Why didn't you say so?" he asked.
I shrugged, "I thought I could deal with it, and I did," I replied coolly.
Mr, Cogn rolled his eyes, "Sure ya did kid, Sure ya did,"
I breathed out a breath. Right now I was on top of Cogn tower, in suit, of course, The sun had gone down, I'd finished my homework, ate two pizzas, and worked with Mr. Cogn in the lab for a bit. Now I was out looking out for the little guys.
"Heya Spidey! How are you on this blessed night?" an over-the-top, dramatic, annoying as hell voice called. I groaned. "Aw come on Spidey baby, why are you like that?"
"Fuck off Deadpool," I huffed. I felt arms around my waist.
"Hmm... how about nooo?" I could practically feel his smirk. I elbowed him roughly and launched a web away, swing away. It did nothing, as the second I landed he teleported right next to me.
I sighed in defeat, "Alright, you can patrol with me," I could tell he was about to say something so I kicked him. "But one comment about my ass and I'm drop kicking you to France, maybe you'll learn some culture there," I hissed. He laughed.
"Alright! Alright! Yeesh, feisty aren't we?" he quipped. I decided it wasn't worth it to start a verbal battle and instead listened to the city, for everything and anything. I sighed.
"Seems like nothings happening,"
"Yaaay!!! Now we can get to know each other!" he chuckled, grabbing my forearm and pulling me down. I yelped and twisted away.
"JEEZE! You're so touchy!" I yelled. He shrugged.
"Maybe so, but sit down before I teleport you across the city," he demanded. I listened, last time I didn't listen and he teleported me, it was not a fun experience, I was quite sick.
I made a point to sit away at least 5 feet away from him. Just in case someone was recording a future iconic vine.
"Okay, I'll go first! So I love pizza rolls, theater, Disney, I'm a senior in high school-"
"You're a senior?" I blurted out suddenly. He flinched.
"I'm a senior!" I blurted again, immediately clamping my hands on my mouth. Deadpools straightened up.
"No way! We might go to the same school! That's great!" I could practically see him grin through his grin.
He went to pull off his mask, I reacted quickly, slapping his hands away and pulling it down, but the tiny glimpse I had of the bottom half of his face revealed some suspiciously familiar lips.
"Dude! No!" I yelled. He turned his head to the side, obviously extremely confused. I took a breath, "I mean, someone may be watching, don't you want to keep your secret identity?"
He thought for a bit, then he shrugged, "Yea I guess... you know, you remind me of someone I used to know..." he trailed off. I shrugged. But listening to his voice, I also recognized it... but from where I didn't know.
"Hm, weird. You know, you also sound familiar." I replied. He seemed to still be thinking.
"So, you wanna hear some stories?" he asked suddenly. I shrugged.
"Okay, so this one I feel really guilty about," he began, I nodded, Right into the personal stuff, "So when I was in elementary, I had this best friend. We were really close," I could hear the warmth in his voice. Did they die? "I was a bitch, and I didn't realize how good of a person and friend he was. So I stopped hanging out with him in favor of 'cooler' friends," he paused, "So we drifted apart, he knew that it wasn't an accident, and he hates me now. Earlier today I stopped some dick from picking on me and I wanted to talk to him, but he wouldn't look at me. And after school let out I tried to follow him and talk to him, but I lost him..." he explained quickly.
I tried not to think how similar his story was to what happened to me today.
"Hm, something like that happened to me..." I mumbled.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close "We're made for each other Spidey! Same experiences, you have a nice ass-"
I stood up quickly and kicked him off the building, I had learned a long time ago he can't die, so I wasn't worried at all. "Aaaaand, that's my cue, see ya," I grumbled, swing off to continue my patrol.
Ugh, he's so annoying.
~Author's PoV~
Yoooo, so didya like this? Instead of having a set schedual I'll try to update once a week, K?
So that's it, after a part 2 of this (or however many parts until I'm done with this story line) I already have a few other Au's planned, but if you have a suggestion, leave it lol.
~ Smug
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