Lights, Camera, Action~
Roman is a superstar and Virgil is his makeup artist/agent
~Virgil's PoV~
Roman Prince had gotten another role, and of course, the makeup for the role was extreme. If I didn't like him so much I would quit, he's put me through so much work and effort, and he refuses to hire anyone to help me with him! Not only do I have to do his makeup, but doubling as his agent is even more stress!
But he always repays me somehow, whether it's doubling my paycheck or baking me pastries or leaving me alone for a week, he always manages to get back on my good side.
Another problem is the fact that he's openly gay and I'm closeted gay. I know there's a possibility that he could like me, but it would be unprofessional and he definitely doesn't.
He's hot, has a great face structure, his personality is positive...
And then there's me, the polar opposite of every single thing about him.
I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair for the umpteenth time, tapping my foot anxiously. Roman was late to the first day of filming and I was losing my mind! The director was patient and said the traffic was bad so it made sense. But I had told him to get up and out early!
I fiddled with the cuffs of my sleeves, feeling a hundred eyes on me. This is why I'm not an actor myself. The lack of confidence and self-consciousness.
"Where is Roman?" an actress growled, getting impatient with the waiting and stalking towards me. I put on a brave face and straightened up, looking down at her.
"I assure you, Miss, Mr. Prince will be here shortly, the world doesn't revolve around you, and if I'm not mistaken, we're not filming any scenes with you today, so sit down or go home," I said, completely level and monotone. She let out a squeak and turned red, stomping away. I rolled my eyes "Entitled prick,"
"Tell me about it," A deep voice said, right into my ear. I jumped and whipped around, glaring at Roman after a second of fright. He simply smiled at me. "Mornin' Virgil!" he greeted happily, giving me my morning hug. He was a very touchy person I've noticed, so my heart shouldn't skip a beat every time he hugged me. The hug seemed to be a millisecond too long before Roman pulled away and looked at the director, starting to apologize.
I took a second to compose myself before checking the clipboard, Roman was going to be acting scenes 1 and 2 all day, along with his co-star, Patton Sanders. I know Mr. Sander's agent, Logan Cogn, it would be nice to catch up with an old friend. I smiled and walked past Roman and into the set lot, seeing Logan discussing something with the techies.
I walked up and was next to Logan by the time he finished. "Hey Logan," I greeted. He smiled at me, a smile from him was very rare.
"Good morning, Virgil, is your actor here yet?" he questioned teasingly.
I rolled my eyes, "Yea, just got here,"
"Roman, Patton, Madison, Paris, and Pepper report to set on lot 3, I repeat: Roman, Patton, Madison, Paris, and Pepper report to set on lot 3, thank you," a woman on the intercom interrupted.
"Yes, this is lot 3, Virgil," Logan said, knowing what I was thinking.
I nodded and waited for everyone to come in, the director, Thomas Sanders (no relation to Patton) gave everyone a rundown of the scene. Patton and Madison were Roman's parents, and Paris and Pepper were his sisters, who were twins.
I sat off to the side with Logan and the three girls agents. Madison's was Taylor, Paris' was Kaitlynn, and Pepper's was Teagan Jay.
We got to a point where Roman had to give Pepper a hug, but he hesitated.
"Sorry, I'm not a very... touchy person," he said sheepishly. I rose an eyebrow and snorted, he glanced over at me and blushed, looking away quickly. I narrowed my eyes. Alright then...
They did the part again and Roman accomplished it successfully. We ran through the scenes thoroughly, exploring all the possible opening scene ideas.
The clock struck 7 and we all stood up and stretched, the day was over. I started to back up when Roman walked over to me. "I didn't bring much, I could carry your stuff for you?" he offered. I thought for a moment before shrugging.
"Sure, my house isn't that far, if you're up for a walk-"
"I have a car, I can just drive us," he quickly offered. I shrugged.
"Alright," and followed him to his car. He opened the door for me and I smirked at him, "What a gentleman," I commented, he smirked back and did a little bow before getting into the driver's seat. I directed him to my house and he asked if he could hang out, I let him.
"So what's that bullshit about you 'not being a touchy person'?" I teased. He didn't respond, though I noticed a blush. I grinned. "Did you just not want to hug Pepper? I mean, she's threatening, yes, but not so threatening that I wouldn't hug her," he seemed to relax for a moment. "Or is it me? Am I a special snowflake? The only one you will hug?" he grinned, his face turned red score, he looked so cute.
"Listen, Virgil," he sounded sincere.
"Why me? I mean, honestly, out of every possible person you allow yourself to hug, me?"
"Listen, Virge," I piped down, "I just... I like you! Okay? I know that you're as straight as a ruler and will probably hate me after this but I find you adorable! Your hair is always the right mix between neat and messy, you're always real with me, that one time you fell asleep on my shoulder after a long day set my soul on fire, and just... goddamnit you're so my type!" he ranted. I was quiet, I felt the color drain from my face.
I got up and walked out of the room, I could tell he had deflated. I walked over to my desk and grabbed one of those bendy, rubber rulers and bent it into a circle. I walked back into the living room, where Roman was leaving, and threw it at him.
It hit him in the head and fell to his feet, he looked at it, then risked a glance at me. I saw smiling and blushing. I started laughing and shaking his head.
"You dramatic little bitch," in just 2 strides he was already right in front of me, arms wrapped around my shoulders. He started to lean in.
"Can I kiss you..?" he asked.
Consent, 1,000 points to Gryffindor!
I smirked and closed the gap.
Of course he was a great kisser.
Of course his arms moved from my shoulders and his hands rested on my hips.
Of course his lips were soft and warm.
Of course he was perfect.
And me? What am I? What does he see in me?
Yea, I've got issues to work out, but now I have Roman along for the ride to help me sort them out
~Author's Note~
im sorry to everyone that has been waiting for another oneshot. being a dog mamma is hard, graduation is tomorrow, finals were last week, fuck me silly. shitsticks on a corn cob fuck
anyways, im thinking about quitting wattpad, sorry but i just need to focus on my studies. ill try to stockpile during the summer tho :)
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