Childhood Friends Au
TW: mentions of alcohol abuse, and the insane mentality that comes with it, there is also some attempted abuse, I'll put a [ when it starts and a ] when it ends
The familiar sound of glass shattering bounced off the walls and into my room. I frowned and got up, shutting the door and locking it. Then I quickly scrambled over to the window, just to be as far away from the living room as I can be. I winced and flinched at the harsh words my parents threw at each other.
What happened? We used to be a wonderful family. Mom and Dad would take me to the park. They would play with me and kiss each other. We were normal. Everything was good and happy. What happened?
The screaming got louder and louder, and I curled into a tighter and tighter ball. I looked at the window and got up, cautiously walking over to it. I flipped off the safety and opened it.
I dangled my legs out and breathed in the salty breeze of Florida air. I looked down and took off my socks.
I jumped.
My room was on the first floor, so I landed safely. I wasted no time, running to the beach. I didn't stop until I felt the freezing water on my toes. I stopped and stared out at the moon. Tears rolled down my cheeks. What happened?
I sat down, not caring if my pants got wet, I sat down and cried. I cried until I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I flinched and looked up. A boy was standing there. This boy was from my class, but I couldn't place my finger on it. He looked at me with concern. It's been a while since someone was concerned about me.
"Hey, are okay?" he asked softly. I hesitated, then shook my head, what was the point of lying? He'd seen me cry. He sat down next to me. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked again. I shook my head no immediately. He hummed in acknowledgement, and we sat there in silence.
I started thinking about home. I didn't wanna go back. I didn't wanna see dad, and mom would be asleep. I didn't wanna have to lock my door every night just in case. I didn't wanna have to care for myself.
The boys wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Hey hey, it's okay, uhm... I-I'm Roman, I like soccer, theater, and rainbows. My favorite color is red, but not like the one that hurts your eyes, I like to one that has a little bit of purple in it," he rambled. I found his voice relaxing and I calmed down, not realizing I had laid my head on his shoulder. He either didn't notice or care. "I know you're in my class, so you know which school I go to. I have two moms, a brother, and a sister. I have two really good friends, Patton and Logan. Logan really likes space, Patton really likes animals. We play tag during recess," he kept rambling on and on until I decided to say something.
"I-I'm V-Virgil...." I said quietly. He stopped talking and smiled at me.
"That's a cute name!" he grinned, I blushed, I was used to people saying my name was weird.
"Thanks..." I mumbled. He grinned again.
We were 7
I was sitting in the living room, working on homework. I didn't understand why mom hadn't divorced dad yet. Mom was the only one working. Dad just lazed at home and did nothing. But I guess a divorce costs money, and Mom has two child mouths to feed and occasionally a lazy grump too.
The door of my dad's room slammed open. I silently prayed my sister Velma was upstairs in her room. But she wasn't. She was on the couch beside me watching Steven Universe. Her head snapped up and her eyes met mine, I grabbed her hand and ran out of the house with her in tow. She followed, keeping up with me perfectly.
I took her to the beach and found a log, I gently sat her down on it, and I could see her eyes watering.
"Why V? Why is dad such a bad person?" her voice wavered.
"I don't know... I don't know..." I replied, hugging her. I heard footsteps and looked over, Roman. He smiled at me but frowned when he saw Velma. He knelt down in front of her, next to me.
"Why's a pretty princess like you crying?" he asked. I bit my cheek, hoping Velma woudn't tell Ro about dad. I didn't want Ro to know, I hoped he would never know. This was my families secret. When other family came over, they didn't bat an eye anymore at my father's state, no one mentioned it. And I didn't want Roman to know. I just didn't.
"A-A monster," she squeaked. No child should ever call their father a monster. But here we are, in this fucked up world. I could see a glimmer of amusement in Roman's eyes.
"Did your big, strong, cute, brother save you from this monster?" he asked, obviously joking. But Velma simply nodded solemnly.
"Yes, V saved me from the monster," Velma said. Roman seemed to catch on, that it wasn't a fictional monster, but he probably didn't suspect anything at home. Probably.
"Ah," he said dryly, I was sweating bullets, nervous as hell. He looked over at me, with an obvious 'I-Need-To-Talk-To-You-Right-Now' face. I gulped nervously. He turned back to Velma, "Well why don't you go play on the beach, for now, maybe find a few seashells?" Ro suggested. Velma lit up and leaped up, walking around the shore looking for treasure.
I Felt hands on my shoulder and looked up and Roman, He pulled me up so we were both standing. "So whos the 'monster'? Do I need to call the police?" he asked, keeping his voice low.
"Dude, it's fine, my parents just got in an argument," I replied. I obviously didn't believe me.
"Uh-huh, sure, let's say I do believe you. But who is the 'monster'? The argument? Virgil, what happened?" he grew more and more agitated with every word, causing me to shrink back.
"I'm handling it, Ro, everything is fine," I tried to reassure him. He stared at me for a bit longer, as if trying to get me to crack.
He eventually sighed in defeat, "Alright..." he gave me a hug, "But if anything happens, you can always tell me,"
I nodded, wrapping my arms around him too.
We were 13
I was on edge today. Nothing seemed right. It seemed to sunshiny. Everything at school seemed too good. Everything was too weird.
I walked home, mom wasn't home yet, no surprise there. I was just at the doorstep when I heard a shrill screech from inside. I threw open the door and ran in, throwing my backpack off.
What I saw made my blood run cold.
My sister was running around the house. And dad was chasing her, knife in hand. I whipped my phone out of my pocket and I ran forward, tackling my dad to the floor.
"Velma! Get a knife and hide in moms room!" I screamed, she ran to the kitchen and sprinted down the hall with a knife in hand. Dad cursed and groaned incoherently, He was too drunk to even think. I got off him and quickly kicked him away before running up the hallways and into my room, locking it, and praying to whatever god there was that Velma had done the same.
I looked at my phone.
And dialed 9-1-1.
When the police cars were in the driveway I saw the entire neighborhood get out of their houses, worried, terrified, about what happened. They say my dad being dragged into a police car, and me hugging my sister close. Our mom was on her way.
Then I saw Roman. He looked mad, beyond that, He ran up to us, ignoring the police, I expected to be met with a punch, or a shove.
Instead, I was met with a warm embrace. His body was shaking, and mines were too, Velma snuggled in close too, and we all cried.
When my mom arrived she hugged us too, by this time we were inside. Mom made us tea, and Roman volunteered to go get takeout. My mom gave him money, but I saw him leave it on the coffee table. When he was gone my mom broke down.
"I'm so sorry!" she sobbed. We hugged her, with all our might.
She explained to us.
Dad was a sweet and kind man, but, he slowly started getting addicted to alcohol, all those fights were mom trying to get dad sober, it never worked. She cried harder than us that day, apologising as much as she good.
Roman eventually came back, with Italian take-out, we ate in peace, and Roman said his mom allowed him to stay over. That night Mom insisted on sleeping with Velma and me, and Roman also wanted too. So we got two blow up mattresses and put them together, Then we decided to watch a movie to calm our nerves. Tomorrow we were going to the station to say what happened, as today we were still too shell-shocked
As I was making popcorn, Mom walked into the kitchen. "Virgil," she started, I looked up at her, "I think that boy likes you," she said.
I turned red and started coughing. She smiled.
"And I like him too, Virgil, he's so sweet, going out of his way for you... he's a keeper," she said softly. I turned a darker shade of red. "So what I'm saying is, he has my blessing," and then she left. Leaving me an embarrassing mess. Roman likes me?
But what is there to like about me? I'm just a guy who has family issues! Why would someone as caring, kind, pretty, strong, and hot as Roman ever like me? There was nothing to like! But... Mom did have a point. The microwave beeped and I poured the popcorn into a bowl.
I walked back and saw Roman blushing too, with Velma and Mom looking at the T.V. innocently.
I put the popcorn between us all. Mom was on the edge, then Velma, Me, and finally Roman. We watched the movie in peace and I fell asleep in the middle of it, and when I woke up, Romans arms were around me.
We were 17
It had been 6 months since then. I forgot about what my mom said. Roman would come over a lot, my room had slowly turned into his too, and by this point, I didn't even bother putting away the mattress Roman slept on. Dads room was abandoned.
Roman had invited me to a coffee shop, and that's where I was heading now.
I entered and the little bell rang, I found that I was a bit more carefree, and not as anxious now, Roman waved me over. I smiled and walked over, sitting at the table.
He looked nervous.
"So," he started, then paused, I was about to say something, but he beat me to it, "Virgil, I care about you, a lot, from that first night at the beach ten years ago, till now, I've cared about you so freaking much. You put on this facade of stoicness and shyness, but sometimes I see your true self shimmer through, your caring self, your joking self, your light-hearted-ness, your kindness. I just... I really, really like you, and it's okay if you don't feel the same way, but I just really wanted you to know, and I wanted to ask if you could do me the honor of being your boyfriend," he rambled. My eyes were wide, cheeks pink. He looked nervous as hell.
I got up, and he looked terrified and sad, but I wasn't even controlling myself, I walked over to him and kissed his cheek, not wanting to be too forward.
The few people at the cafe started clapping, and I blushed harder. Roman grinned, and hugged me, I hugged him back.
Damn did I get lucky with this one.
Authors Note:
.... I promise that the rest of the oneshots won't be this.... intense lol
So yea, anyways, please leave requests!
~ Smug
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