Secret Stripper (Prinxiety Smut)
(This is a Stripper! Human! AU with the Sanders Sides. I hope you enjoy ;) also smut, cuz I felt like it lol, this is also my first smut, so, be nice please)
Virgil had a huge secret. He hadn't even told Patton, his older brother, about it! The one he trusted most! Virgil had to get some extra cash, and he was already working at a small retail store, hoping it'll give him some bonus points when he applies at Hot Topic.
Virgil was a stripper and a pole dancer.
When he applied for the job, he was already pretty nimble, able to do handstands, backbends, and half splits due to his daily exercise in yoga and pilates. This instantly gave him the job when the boss saw how he was able to work his way around a pole, clumsily, but was able to do it nonetheless without practice. Virgil had gotten really popular, being given the nickname 'Kitty', based on frequent costumes that he wore that were cats.
Virgil sighed as he clocked in at 9 PM at Hot Stuff Club, a gay bar, and headed to the back to get ready. He worked with a lesbian woman, Kristie, who would usually help him with his makeup and costumes while he started stretching for the 5 long hours that he worked. Kristie was already in the back, helping other performers get in costume before the doors open, which was 10 pm. Virgil had to get in an hour early so he can help the bartenders set up and get the tables and booths in order for the shows.
Virgil dragged himself to the corner makeup stand, set up especially for him, with glowing letters on the top that said 'Kitty'. He despised being a favorite, but, getting paid extra by the patrons is always nice. He started taking off his purple and black plaid jacket, his shirt following after he had a good look at his body frame, not entirely impressed. Virgil grabbed a wristband that had a button that would tell security to come and get whoever was being a little too touchy without the consent of the worker, which has happened multiple times. Virgil's pants soon came off after he adjusted the wristband, being in a pair of tight boxer briefs.
Kristie soon came up to his station with a black sexy cat costume, with a hole cut out in the front where his v-line would be shown, and a pair of black tights. He's going shoeless tonight. Again. He sighed as Kristie gave a sympathetic smile after giving him the clothes. She knew he hated doing this without shoes on, especially because of the one time that he stepped on shards of leftover broken glass from a dropped martini cup.
But, the boss gets what he wants. And if he wanted Virgil to be shoeless tonight, then he is being obedient and doing as the boss says.
With a sigh, Virgil went behind the changing curtain, putting on a red thong for when he was requested for a strip show, having minimal difficulty in getting the tights up his pale legs. He did, however, need help for doing his makeup, even when he had an idea of what the face should look like.
"A bright red or purple lip with dramatic smokey eyes," Kristie said, getting Virgil out of his thoughts. "Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Maybe a red lip today, yeah?" Virgil said above the excited chatter of the dancers, going out on stage before the doors opened. Kristie smiled and nodded, getting straight to work, taking a makeup wipe and removing his black eyeshadow and white foundation to go with a more natural foundation and to put eyeshadow where eyeshadow was supposed to be. Virgil closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows lightly to make it easier for Kristie to get the foundation in the eyelids and what not.
In about fifteen minutes, Virgil's makeup was done, finishing the look with a cat eye with liquid eyeliner. "Thanks, Kristie," Virgil mumbled quietly trying to get his hair to cooperate with the cat headband he was going to wear with the costume, that was complete with a cat tail. Of course, he would take the ears off when he was pole dancing, but the patrons didn't mind, because they usually saw him in the cat ears before and after performances.
What Virgil didn't know was that today, Patton wanted to go out to a gay bar with his friends, Logan, Roman, and Remy. Specifically, the Hot Stuff Club, since he heard such great reviews, and wanted to find out who the famous 'Kitty' boy was. He knew Virgil did not like to go to bars, so didn't bother to ask him out of kindness.
Or so he thought.
There Virgil was, up on stage, his mid-section being shown off in the most gorgeous way possible, glitter shimmering in the light due to the very glittery eyeshadow that kept falling from his eyelids. Roman could not believe his eyes when 'Sexy Bitch' by David Guetta came up for Virgil's stage performance, starting off with a flirtatious glance across the crowd, throwing his cat ears out into the crowd, being caught by none other than Roman himself. Roman looked down at his hands, then back up, repeating this process a few times while his face turned a darker shade of red. Virgil or 'Kitty' was what the crowd chanted, started off with a nice swing around the pole, then threw his legs up and started climbing up upside down on the pole, his tail hanging behind him limply.
Virgil started doing some pretty impressive spins and twirls around the pole, only separating from the pole to sensually wander around the stage, grabbing the cash that the men and women provided towards him, stuffing it in his chest, legs, near his crotch and near his v-line to give a bit of a show towards the patrons for his gratitude. Soon, the performance ended, and Virgil bowed, heading to the back to cool down and get some water. The sacred rule in the bar was that when a dancer threw something out in the crowd, the person whoever caught it would get a special showing from that specific dancer, which Roman only found out when he tried to get a bartender to return it to him. Which also means that he would be giving Virgil the cat ears in person.
Roman blushed furiously when he was led to a room that had no windows, a large bed in the middle of the room, and lounge chairs scattered around the room, in corners and some next to the bed. Roman awkwardly sat on the end of the bed, fiddling with the black felt cat ears in his hands, growing as red as his t-shirt that he was wearing. Virgil was still in the back, touching up his makeup and whatnot for the special person who caught his cat ears. Virgil never minded the special rule that was apart of the bar, since he gained extra cash, but also gave him a break to slow down and catch his breath. Virgil fixed his bangs out of his eyes and applied more red lipstick to his lips, and headed out to the room that he always had his patrons go to for his shows.
Roman was now practically hard in his pants when he wandered off to Virgil's performance, how his skin glistened with sweat, and how Virgil sauntered up and down the stage. God, how much he wanted him right now, but he knew Virgil would freak out when he sees him because he had not told anyone, anyone, about his side job, being established by Patton that he didn't know either. Roman jumped when he heard three knocks on the black door, and shakily said, "C-Come in!" He inwardly cringed at his voice, not expecting it to come out as high as it did.
Virgil opened the door and sees Roman, holding his cat ears that he threw out at the beginning of the performance. Virgil's eyes widened and his mouth gaped a little as he closed the door behind him, trying not to panic at the sight of Roman sitting on the bed, holding his cat ears. He managed to start speaking. "R-Roman? What are y-you doing here?" Virgil asked Roman, who was very vulnerable in front of Virgil, trying not to jump on him and ravish him. "U-Um, P-P-Patton wanted to go ou-out to a gay bar tonight, and, um, brought Remy, Logan and I a-along..." Roman replied, stuttering getting worse by the second as he watched Virgil pace around the purple themed room.
Virgil looked back at Roman, noticing a tent in his pants, remembering what happened earlier, and why he was here in the first place. Virgil tapped his fingers against the chair, contemplating whether or not he should charge Roman for the show since he was his longtime crush, imagining scenarios like this and getting off to it in the middle of the night in his own apartment. Virgil's face went a light red when his mind wandered back to those times, trying not to groan in front of Roman.
"So, what do you want to do, Roman? You caught the cat ears, and I won't charge you. This time." Virgil had gained a mysterious sense of courage, slightly swinging his hips as he walked to the door to lock it. Roman gulped, loving the way the costume was squeezing Virgil's ass just right. "I... I-I-I want y-you..." Roman mumbled, lust in his eyes, trying not to just jump on him. Virgil froze when he heard those words, face reddening a bit, his cock twitching a bit in arousal at those words.
"F-Fuck... never thought I'd hear those words..." Virgil spoke, sauntering up to him, keeping a hand on his hip, making sure to keep his posture upright, keeping his eyes on Roman, who was currently backing up on the bed with a beet red face. Virgil started climbing up on the bed on his hands and knees, pushing Roman down onto his back with a knee in between his legs, dangerously close to touching his clothed dick. Virgil only said three words that had Roman's head spinning in arousal, flipping the paler male over and onto the bed.
"Tonight, I'm yours."
Roman started kissing down Virgil's neck, occasionally biting and sucking on his neck, giving love bites and hickeys to the shorter male. Virgil moaned softly, squirming a bit under Roman's touch, wanting to be out of the glittery costume that he's wearing. Roman took notice of this, sitting the shyer male up to undo the clasps on the back of the costume. Once Virgil was out of the costume, Roman raked his body with his eyes, loving the red thong that was hugging Virgil's bulge just right. Not to mention how his v-line made it oh-so more prominent.
Roman licked his lips, quickly moving the thong to the side to get access to Virgil's cock and engulfed it in his mouth, giving a soft suck after getting a groan of approval from Virgil. Roman slowly made his way down Virgil's shaft, relaxing his throat to get all seven inches of dick into his mouth in one go, reveling in the lewd mewl that emitted from Virgil when Roman bottomed out. Virgil's hands flew into Roman's hair, pulling softly at the strands of hair, afraid to hurt the man under him. Roman started bobbing his head up and down, softly sucking as he did so, finding himself lost in the distinct taste that was Virgil.
Virgil moaned out as Roman continued his meticulous work, slipping into a sort of daze as he did. Virgil felt a warm sensation in the pit of his stomach, making his moans get louder as Roman continued, bobbing his head faster on his cock. Virgil whimpered and mewled, cumming into Roman's mouth, who was thankfully at Virgil's tip so he wouldn't gag at receiving his cum, swallowing eagerly on Virgil's cock head, wanting all of his load in his mouth to receive his sweet taste. Roman lifted his head away from Virgil's dick, giving a smirk to Virgil, who simply put his face in his hands, embarrassed that Roman had seen him unfold in front of him like that. "No, baby, I want to see your beautiful face~," Roman said, pulling Virgil's hands away from his face and gently pinning them to the bed above his head.
Virgil blushed and leaned up to kiss Roman, attacking his lips in a manner that said 'hurry up and fuck me before I do it myself'. Roman was half tempted in letting Virgil ride him, but that was to be saved for another day. Right now, he wanted his first time with Virgil to be very intimate with lots of kisses and possibly lots of hickeys, of course, being coverable by foundation. Roman took off his shirt and jeans, reaching over to the bedside drawer, remembering that he saw a bowl that had some lube and condoms in it. Probably for cases that people just like Roman Virgil, who want to have sex, you know, have to promote sexual safety in the bar.
Roman hummed, pulling away from Virgil's lips, a long strand of saliva connecting to the other's lips, making Virgil look all that more erotic. His chest and face flushed a pretty pink, the red thong still pulled to the side of his cock, and Virgil's hands bunched up in the sheets. That sight alone could get Roman off for days after this. Roman popped open the cap on a bottle of lube and poured a generous amount onto three of his fingers, rubbing them together to make the gel warmer.
"Have you ever been fingered before, Virgil?" Roman asked, making sure that Virgil was still kind of on Earth and not entirely on Cloud 9; that was to be saved for the best part. "Y-Yeah, I've fingered myself several times before f-for my toys," Virgil stuttered out, breaking out his haze and holding onto the foundation of voice that Roman was giving him. "Fuck, that's so hot. You should invite me the next time you want to masturbate," Roman muttered, Virgil fucking himself with a large dildo flooding his mind immediately after Virgil said that.
Roman circled Virgil's rim at his hole, earning a groan from his darker counterpart. Roman put his pointer finger in, causing Virgil to arch his back to fuck himself back onto his fingers. Roman put his other hand onto his hip, keeping Virgil flush to the bed, wanting to keep Virgil from moving so he didn't hurt the other. Roman gently pumped his finger into Virgil, curling his finger to get a sense of what Virgil kind of likes. Virgil shuddered, pushing his hips into Roman's hand, quietly asking for more, already overwhelmed by Romans fingers. He was so used to using his own fingers, and having something foreign being used instead, is really doing something to him. He couldn't even comprehend the kind of pleasure he would receive with Roman's cock in him, making a lewd noise emit from Virgil at just the thought, having three fingers pumping into him, scissoring to open him even further.
Roman huffed, groaning at the sight of Virgil wanting his cock so bad, making him quickly deem that Virgil was, in fact, ready for his dick that was throbbing in his underwear, spreading precum around. Roman pulled his hands away from Virgil and took off his underwear, his breath hitching at the thought of actually having sex with Virgil right now. It was like one of his wet dreams coming true but is so much better because it was so fucking real. Virgil pulled Roman hips to his own, having taken off the thong after Roman had finished fingering him, whimpering as Roman's cock briefly brushed against his pulsing entrance. Roman groaned, hands slamming onto each side Virgil's head, immense pleasure coursing through with something as simple skin friction.
Roman knew he was not going to last long if this was the reaction his body had with having contact with Virgil, but he'd be damned if he came before Virgil, oh no. He was going to make Virgil cum before he does, or, he'll cum twice. Who knows what will happen at this point, both men being in such a daze of pleasure, doing only what their bodies want. Virgil pushed his hips into Roman's, causing Virgil to whine, wanting Roman's cock now more than ever after having a teasing taste at the touch of Roman's cock.
Roman groaned and spread a generous amount of lube onto his dick, and reached over for a condom, only to be stopped by Virgil. "I-I was recently tested for all of the S-STDS, and the d-doctors said I came out negative... i-if you want, you don't have to use a-a c-condom," Virgil stuttered out, flushing a deeper red when Roman's face went darker, hand coming back to Virgil's head, running his fingers through his purple dyed hair that was in contrast with his red dyed hair. "As you wish, mi amor," Roman purred out in Spanish, putting the tip of his cock against Virgil's hole, pushing in gently.
Virgil let out an obscene moan, encouraging with his body for Roman to bottom out before let himself adjust to the new size of nine inches and pretty thick in diameter. Shit, if this is how he felt inside of him all of the time, Virgil might just ditch all of his toys and always have sex with Roman from now on. Roman's head fell onto Virgil's shoulder, groaning loudly at how tight Virgil is, immediately getting addicted to the feeling of Virgil's body flush against his own. Virgil shifted his hips, and said, "G-Go, fuck, go before I start riding you." Roman nodded against Virgil's shoulder and started thrusting his hips softly, panting, speeding up on his own, chasing after Virgil's orgasm that he knew was nearing, due to how Virgil was digging his nails into Roman's back, and his long moans of 'faster' and 'harder'.
Virgil screamed when Roman hit his prostate, in which Roman put Virgil's left leg over his shoulder, hitting the dark sub's prostate head on with every harsh thrust that he gave for him. Roman groaned and kissed Virgil sloppily, feeling himself getting closer with every lewd sound that came from his lover, desperately wanting Virgil to come before himself. Virgil felt the familiar bubble in his lower abdomen and slid his right hand to his dick, quickly jacking himself off to Roman's thrusts. "R-Roma-man, I'm gonna c-cum!~" Virgil shouted in ecstasy, Roman giving that extra bit of pleasure that made Virgil scream and cum onto both his and Roman's stomachs. Roman shouted Virgil's name as he came into his ass, thrusting softly through both of their highs, shaking.
Roman pulled out, falling to Virgil's side, panting with Virgil, both parties having blissed out expressions cross their faces. "I love you, Virgil, even if you are a stripper." "Roman!" "It's true!"
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