Where were you?
"Thank you, thank you all so much for coming, have a good night!" I took my final bow after speaking, walking off the stage with the audience still roaring with applause. I smiled brightly, it was always such a good feeling, finishing a performance that amazed the crowd this much. I sighed happily as I went to check my phone to see if Virgil texted me. I clicked the power button a few times, but nothing but an empty battery sign appeared. I sighed and went to the changing rooms, checking the clock there and also getting out of my costume. I was out of it quickly, back into my normal, comfortable clothes. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 10:05. I have 25 minutes to get home on time before Virgil starts worrying to much, if he's even awake. He's hopefully asleep, cuddled up in our big puffy blankets. I smiled at the thought and made my way out of the theater, shaking he hands of some of the crowd members as I went. I walked quickly to the train station, trying to get there as quick as I possibly could. When I arrived I checked to see what time my train would be arriving, only to find that it would be delayed 2 hours because of an accident, involving my train. I gasped loudly, hoping no body was hurt but also being annoyed that I would be home so late. Virgil was for sure going to start worrying about me if he's awake right now. I paced back and forth, pinching between my eyes and trying to think. It was about an hour long walk home, but I guess it's quicker than waiting here. I sighed again and began to walk home. I started running slightly, hoping I could get home soon. I really wanted to see Virge, I've missed him all day. I was getting continuously stopped by people who had seen my shows before, and as thankful as I was it was getting annoying. I forced myself to stop and talk to them, taking a few photos each time someone stopped me. Oh gosh I really hope Virgil's not panicking, and that he's just curled up sleeping.
Virgil's P.O.V
I paced back and forth in my small living room, the TV showing the news. I took a deep breath and sat down, Roman wouldn't want me up worrying, I need to calm down and go to sleep. I laid down and closed my eyes, but right as I did so I heard the News reporter on TV say something about a train accident. I instantly grabbed the remote and turned the TV up to listen, sitting upright in an instant.
"Tonight at around 10 p.m train routes number 6 and number 11 have collided in a fatal crash. So far 2 bodies have been recovered, one being a tall female with blonde hair, wearing what seems to be a black t shirt and blue jeans, the other being a tall male with brown hair, wearing a white t-shirt and a red jacket and dark red jeans. We will fill you in with more details as we receive them.
I gasped and covered my mouth, tears instantly spilling from my eyes. That's what Roman was wearing before he left, and he took train 6. I sobbed loudly, shaking my head.
This can't be happening
Is all that went through my head, over and over again like a broken record. I reached for my phone, typing with shaky fingers I tried to get a hold of him.
Virgil: Roman
Virgil; there was a train accident, are you Okay
Virgil:please answer me I need to know you're okay
I panicked more as he didn't even read my messages.
He's gone
He's dead
You'll never see him again.
I sobbed loudly, my shaking only getting worse. By this point I could hardly breath at all, it hurt so much to try.
Okay Virgil maybe it's just a coincidence, maybe that was some other unfortunate soul and Romans phone is just dead. Maybe he's on his way home now to come see you and hug you.
No he's not
He's gone
I cried with each new thought, each one hurting more than the last. I was rocking back and forth slightly, trying to ignore my thoughts as they continued piling up and filling my head with negative things.
Romans P.O.V
I had to stop running eventually, my lungs starting to burn as if I was inhaling flames each time I planted. I looked around my surroundings trying to figure out where I was currently. After a little looking I realized I was near mine and Virgil's favorite restaurant, which meant I was only about 20 minutes away from home. I'm almost back to Virgil, and by now I had a bad feeling, my heart was heavy. I knew Virgil wasn't sleeping, he was panicking right now and I wasn't there to comfort him. That thought alone made me start running again, ignoring the burning sensation that filled my lungs with each breath. All that mattered right now was making sure I get home to Virgil.
As I sprinted down the streets I got a fair amount of strange stares, but I could care less at this point, they didn't know what was happening in my life right now. I heard a few people try to ask if I was alright, but I ignored them completely, as rude as it was I just had to get home.
Time skip
I ran up the stairs of the apartment, skipping steps a few times and trying not to be to loud so I didn't wake up the neighbors. When I finally reached my door, I stopped to catch my breath. I didn't want Virgil to worry even more about me while I was panting heavily and my face was bright red. After a few minutes when I could finally breath, I finally walked into the house. The first thing I heard was Virgil sniffling and trying to hide his crying. I ran into the front room and saw him sitting on the couch.
"Virge?" He looked at me and got up, walking over but looking down, not meeting my eyes.
"Why aren't you asleep?" He hugged my tightly, sobbing into my shoulder as I hugged him back. I held him as close as possible and sat us down on the couch, making him sit on my lap while he still latched onto me.
"Virgil, baby what's the matter?"
"I-I-I th-thought you died!"
"I'm right here, I'm not dead baby I'm perfectly fine..."
"W-where we-were you?!"
"Sprinting home, I tried to get here as fast as possible, I really did..." I hugged him a little tighter, I even started crying a little now. Seeing him in such a scared state was the worst thing ever.
"I-I-I c-can't Br-breath..." I realized he was still having a panic attack. I moved one of my hands from his back to his hair, running my hands though his purple bangs as I tried to sooth him.
"It's okay, I'm here now. Focus on taking deep breaths love, in and out slowly just like me." I took a few deep breaths and heard him try to copy it.
"I-I c-c-can't..."
I pulled him away slightly, making him look at me. I kept my hands on his shoulders to remind him I was really there.
"Yes you can love, just keep trying okay? Just like me in and out... I'm real, I'm here, and I'm okay. I wasn't hurt and I'm healthy and you're safe, we both are." He continued trying to breath, and eventually managed to take one breath.
"Good, do it again"
He continued breathing steadily, never once letting go of me. I hugged him again once he started breathing right, nuzzling my face into his shoulder.
"God I'm so sorry I put you through that Virgil."
"D-d-don't be sorry... I-it's not y-your fault..." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
"Man we really need to get a car..." he let out a raspy giggle into the crook of my neck.
"Y-yeah we rea-really do..."
Virgil's P.O.V
Harsh sobs racked my body as I waited, hoping Roman would be home soon. My phone started ringing, and I answered hopefully, ready to hear Roman comforting me.
"Is this Virgil sanders?" I paused. This can't be what I think it is.
"Y-yes who's t-this?"
"This is officer Logan, do you know a Roman Sanders?"
"Y-yes hes my boyfriend... why?" I heard him take a deep breath.
"I'm afraid to tell you that Roman was found dead in the train accident, I found his phone and you were his emergency contact. You can come down if you really want to, we currently are at the hospital." I sobbed loudly, holding back a scream.
"I'm so sorry for your loss... I'm assuming I'll see you in a few minutes?"
"Y-Yeah..." I hung up and let it all out. I screamed loudly, tears pouring from my eyes one right after the other. He can't be gone, this has to be a fucking nightmare. I put my shoes on and ran out my door, running to the hospital down the street. I arrived and asked the lady at the desk what room he was in. She told me room 345. I ran as fast as I could to the room, barging in suddenly. I saw his body lying in the bed, motionless, his chest not even moving from breathing. I sobbed even more, walking over to his body and holding his hand.
"R-Roman p-please... y-you can't be g-g-gone..." I sobbed into his chest, begging, praying he would wake up. I heard someone walk over, but I didn't bother looking up.
"I'm assuming youre Virgil, Officer Logan told me you'd be coming..." it was a sweet voice, the voice of a lady. I looked up at her with bloodshot eyes. She was obviously a doctor.
"I'm afraid he's gone. We tried our best to save him, but his wounds were to fatal. He's ribs were broken from the impact, it punctured his lungs. We assume he died on impact, but we brought him here Incase. We really did try, and I'm very sorry for your loss." I cried, I felt like I could never stop crying. This can't be true, it just can't be true. I need to wake up, this is just a cruel nightmare, or a joke right?
"I'll give you some time alone." She left the room. I looked up at him again, motionless still.
"R-Roman please... wake up please..." I couldn't cry anymore, I was numb, emotionless. He's really gone. The room was silent except for the solid beep from his heart monitor. He was flatlined. So this is it. He really is gone, I'll never hear his voice again. He'll never hug me again, I'll never miss him again.
He's gone.
A/N ooof have some slight angst that ends with a joke, I couldn't let you guys have to much fluff, the sweetness might've killed you so this had to be done, lol.
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