Not mad
Warning: panic attacks, slight cussing, crying, very few homophobic slurs
Virgil's P.O.V
I leaned against the head board of my bed shaking and crying silently. I don't know what came over me, why I was thinking like this, and why it was affecting me so much. I should be strong and ignore it.
But you're not, you're weak, pathetic.
I sobbed silently. Roman. I need Roman.
You're just going to bother him Virgil, don't.
No he said I can always go to him. He loves me.
No he doesn't! He says that out of pity. You're nothing to him, he hates you!
I took a deep breath, it hurt to do so but it's the only thing that could help. I shakily forced myself to stand up and make my way shakily to the door. I took a deep breath. His rooms just a crossed the hall. I'll be okay. I opened the door with my trembling hands and ran into Romans room, looking around instantly. He wasn't on his bed, he wasn't at his desk, he wasn't in his walk in closet. I started to panic more.
"R-ro-Roman?" I called softly Into the room. I walked around his surprisingly big room. I walked over to a shelf of his, hoping he was just hiding. As I was walking I tripped and reached out to catch myself. The only thing I grabbed was a small table with a glass incased rose in it, just like the one from beauty and the beast. I held back a yell as it fell onto the floor and shattered. I started hyperventilating again and stood up, darting back to my room. While I was in the hall I saw Roman running towards his room. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that he heard what happened. We made eye contact and he instantly stopped running and walked towards me with concern on his face.
"Virg what's wrong?" I ran into my room before he could get to me and slammed the door shut, locking it behind me. I heard him knock softly on the door.
"Virgil? Sweetheart what's wrong? Why did you lock the door?"
He's acting, he doesn't care about you. I sobbed loudly, not even caring who heard.
"Baby? Why are you crying?!"
Do not answer, he'll go away. He's going to be pissed at you. I sobbed again at the thought of Roman mad at me. He was scary when he was mad. He would hurt me, he'll never love me again. That was a rare item, he loved that. After a few more calls at me, I heard him sigh and walk away. I sobbed violently and hugged my knees. I couldn't breath, everything was going black. Eventually the blackness took over and I passed out.
Time skip
I woke up with a harsh jolt as a loud thumping came from my bedroom door. I got scared for a second, but then remembered what happened. I broke Romans prized possession, he was going to kill me. I started shaking again and crying softly.
"Virgil! Let me in!" He sounded... he's mad. I know he is. But he sounds concerned. It's to trick you. If you let him in you'll get screamed at and slapped. Roman would never hit me. He loves me.
"Virgil please!" I cried into my knees again.
"Virgil I don't wanna have to break open the door... please just let me in!" I forced myself to breath and carefully got up and walked over to the door.
Idiot! No don't let him in! I turned the lock. As soon as I did Roman burst through the door and hugged me. It would've knocked me over if he didn't pick me up while he hugged me.
"Virgil oh god I was so scared! Why wouldn't you let me in? What happened baby?" I sobbed into his shoulder.
"I-I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry I'm sorry..."
"What?" He set me on the bed and sat next to me, carefully looking at my face.
"You're mad I know it just get it over with I'm so sorry I'm sorry.. I-I-I'm s-so-sorry" I choked on another loud sob. He wrapped his arms around me again. I couldn't help myself as I hugged him back like my life depended on it.
"What are you sorry for love?"
"I-I b-broke you're r-rose th-thing.." I pulled away from the hug. Oh god here it comes. He placed his hand gently under my chin and tilted my face to look at him. Once I did, he cupped my cheeks with both of his hands gently. Like I was the most fragile thing in the world.
"Virgil, I'm not mad at you. Calm down alright love?" I looked away and cried more. He was lying.
"Hey hey hey, look at me. I'm not mad okay? I have another one anyway in my closet. The same thing."
"T-the sa-same one?"
"Yes the same one, okay? I don't care about that, what I care about is you. I love you, alright? I'll never stop loving you, especially over something like that." He chuckled slightly at the end, a soft smile on his face. I nodded softly and looked away again. That little voice in my head kept telling me he was still mad. I heard him sigh, and then felt his arms gently snake around my waist. He nuzzled his face Into the crook of my neck. I hugged him back, my arms around his shoulders so tight I thought it would bruise him. I felt him softly kiss my neck.
"I love you no matter what angel. I hope you know that." I took another deep breath.
"I l-love you too.." he sighed in what sounded like relief.
"When it fell did you hurt yourself? Did the glass cut you?"
"N-no I don't think so.." he pulled away again. He started examining my hands where there was nothing. He glanced down at my feet and gasped.
"Virgil! You're bleeding!"
"You must've stepped on glass without noticing, stay here." He ran into one of the restrooms and grabbed a wet washcloth and a first aid kit. He came back and looked at me with pity.
"This is gonna hurt." He got a dry cloth and poured peroxide on it and dabbed the cut on my foot.
"Mother fucker!" I screamed, biting my lip slightly.
"I know, it'll be over soon love." He finished cleaning the cut and looked at it. He winced slightly.
"There's a glass shard... this is gonna hurt too." He pulled out the tweezers from the first aid kit and grabbed the glass piece and pulled it out. I punched the bed and yelled.
"Fuck!" He looked up at me with concern and sadness in his eyes.
"I'm sorry love..."
"It's not your fault.. it's mine.."
"Don't say that!" He grabbed the cloth with water on it and gently dabbed at it. He then wrapped the bandages in the first aid kit around my foot. Once it was bandaged up he crawled and later next to me, pulling me into the tightest hug tonight. He pulled me on to his lap. I hugged him back and wrested my head on his shoulder.
"I love you Virgil."
"I love you too Ro."
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