My prince
Warning; (almost), blood, swords, crying, cussing. For a little bit it will be the point of view of the person dying, might be triggering. Please skip this if it's triggering to you loves
Roman's P.O.V
I walked confidently into dreamland, ready to fight more things and make myself stronger. As I was walking, a dragon witch jumped out at me. I smirked and grabbed my sword, getting into a fighting stance.
"Scared Roman?"
"You wish." With that the witch lunged at me, giving me hardly any time to jump out of the way. I leaped to the side and slashed the witches arm, making it screech. It whipped around and tackled me, clawing me multiple times on the stomach before I kicked it off on to the ground. I jumped towards it but it jumped back, hitting my side with their shoulder and knocking me onto my back knocking the breath out of me. I gasped loudly and tried to sit up, but fell again. I caught my breath just in time. Just as I got up I saw the witch lunging at me again. It clawed my face, making me scream in pain. I slashed my sword down its arm, the scarlet liquid instantly spilling out onto the grass. It fell backwards and I took my chance to run at it and stab my sword into its shoulder. It whipped its other arm around and slapped me off into the field. I whimpered and tried to force my weak frame up, falling as tears spilled from the pain all over. I saw the evil figure stand over me and grab my sword, pointing it at my stomach. I was trembling now, crying to. I didn't want to die, not today. Not anytime soon.
"Scared now Roman?" All I let out was a whimper in fear. It laughed evilly before plunging the sword into my gut, making me scream loudly. It walked away afterwards, leaving me pinned to the ground. I stared up at the sky, unable to move or stop from choking on my own sobs and cries for help. I heard someone running towards me just as my vision started to go black. A small figure fell next to me, holding my face and checking my pulse. I tried to move my head to look, but only my eyes moved. I could faintly see Virgil crouched next to me.
"R-Roman o-oh my go-god!" He was sobbing too. I smiled softly.
"I-I-I'll b-be ok-okay Ba-baby..." he sobbed and smiled back, trying to reassure me. He gently took the sword out of my gut, making me scream again. He hissed in guilt.
"Sorry!" He took off his jacket and pressed it against the wound, picking me up swiftly and running towards the mind. He burst through the door and set me down on the couch.
"P-Pat-Patton! L-Logan!!!" They came running down quickly. I heard both of the gasp, and Patton screamed. They ran over quickly and sat next to me with Virgil.
"What happened!?"
"T-the witch..." I mumbled softly.
"G-god dammit Roman I told you you sh-shouldn't f-f-fight them!" I tried to laugh, but coughed loudly in the middle of it.
"Shh kiddo...don't hurt yourself more..." Logan ran off to grab something, and came back quickly with a first aid. Virgil was holding my hand, still crying and trying not to be to loud. I squeezed his hand as much as I could.
"I-I'll be okay baby.. I sw-we-swear..." my vision was slowly getting worse. I could t hear much more then muffled cries and talking now. Everything was fading. I sobbed a bit more. I couldn't die, not without telling Virgil I love him. I winced as I felt something press against my torso. I could make out a faint.
"I'm sorry, it's just bandages" and Virgil saying
"Please just hold on and stay alive" I looked up at the roof. Trying to keep my eyes open as they tried to flutter shut. My hearing got slightly better for a second. I took my chance.
"V-Virgil... just in-Incase...I want you to know I love you..." he gasped and held my hand to his chest.
"I love you too, not-nothing w-will happen baby..." I smiled weakly, my vision going black, the only thing I could see was Virgil's tear stained face.
"I-I... I-I don't wanna d-die..." Virgil sobbed harshly.
"I-I love you so m-much v-Virgil..." my vision went fully black. The last thing I heard was Logan and Patton sobbing. I heard a faint voice.
"I-I-I l-love you too my prince..."
Everything went black. Everything went silent.
Virgil's P.o.V
I screamed and sobbed, hugging his motionless body. Patton and Logan stood up, both crying but Logan hiding it more and trying to comfort Patton.
"W-well give you a minute alone.. we're gonna break it to Thomas..." they sank away. I hugged Roman tightly, sobbing into his chest.
He's gone.
I'll never hear his voice again.
I'll never be hugged by him again.
I sobbed loudly again. Over my sobs I heard a loud gasp. I looked up and saw Roman with his eyes wide and panting. I gasped and hugged him tightly around his shoulders, crying more.
Just as this happened Thomas, Logan, and Patton sank back into the mind. They all gasped when they saw Roman sitting up slightly and hugging me as much as he could. They all cried and ran over to us, engulfing us in a tight hug.
""O-oh my g-god Roman!"
"You're alive!"
"Thank god!" We all cried and hugged for a long time, never letting each other go. Roman wasn't bleeding any more so we weren't as concerned.
Time skip
It's been a few hours, all of us were spending time downstairs. Needless to say, I haven't let Roman go once. I've been hugging his hand and cuddling into his side as much as I could without hurting him. He gladly hugged me back, and held my hand tighter than ever before. We have all been helping him do everything. If he was thirsty, someone got him a cold water bottle, when he was hungry so we'd all go work together to make dinner. It was a lot of fun actually, all of us cooking together. After we all got done eating, patton let out a tired yawn. Logan looked over at his tired frame.
"We're going to go to bed. Goodnight." We all said goodnight in unison, all of our voices scratchy from the crying. Thomas had gone back out of the mind a while ago, so it was just me and Roman. He yawned and rested his head on mine.
"You wanna go upstairs Ro?"
"Sure, only if we can both sleep in my room..." I giggled softly at him, kissing his cheek.
"Id want nothing else." I stood up and saw him try to, too. He stumbled and almost fell over, causing me to rush to his side and catch him. He put his arm over my shoulder, and I held his side for support, my other hand holding the arm over my shoulder.
"Don't say sorry Roman! You're hurt, I'm glad to help." I helped him up the stairs as carefully as I could. We eventually reached his bed, and I set him down carefully, but made him sit up.
"We have to change the band aids, and your shirt, both of them are soaked with..." I trailed off, not being able to finish. He looked at me with sadness.
"Yeah, okay.." I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the band aids from the first aid kit. I also grabbed one of his pajama shirts from the closet while I was in there. I walked back out and saw him with tears in his eyes. I ran over and cupped his face.
"Roman what's wrong?"
"N-nothing it's just... I almost... I almost died today... I could've lost everything, including you! I don't want to ever experience that again! I had to fight so hard to not die, so much effort and hope in my final moments... I don't know what made me come back, but I've never been happier that I did..." I smiled sadly, tears filling my eyes to. I kissed him softly, holding his face in my hands. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.
"You'll never loose me, okay? I won't let that happen..." he smiled.
"Okay, I won't fight anymore witches, I swear" I smiled back. I leaned away and started undoing the bandages carefully, making sure I didn't hurt him. When they fully came off, I saw the wound. It made me remember all the previous experiences, making me gasp and start tearing up a lot, twats instantly falling.
"Hey hey hey Virgil I'm okay, it's fine it doesn't even hurt anymore, the threats gone I swear!" I forced myself to look at his face and not the wound. He looked certain that we were safe. I took a shaky breath and grabbed the bandages. He sat up off the bed for me so I could wrap them around his back. I threw away the old band aid.
"We should take your shirt off face so the bandage is underneath it..." he smirked.
"Only if you help me take it off"
"Jeez even when you're injured your a huge ass flirt." He laughed.
"You know you love me"
"I sure do.." I sighed as he started taking off his shirt, trying not to hurt himself but winning as he did so anyway. I sighed.
"Okay maybe I do need to help you" he smiled shyly.
"Yeah..." I grabbed the hem of his shirt, carefully pulling it over his head. I blushed faintly when I saw him without a shirt. I've seen it before, even more than that actually, but it still makes me nervous each time. He smiled at my flustered state.
"Aw Virgil's all flustered at his boyfriend being shirtless.."
"I don't have to help you."
"No no no no I'm sorry!!!" I chuckled and started wrapping the wound with the bandages. Once it was fully covered I helped him out his night shirt on. After I finished I sat next to him on the bed, yawning and laying my head on his shoulder. He readjusted us to lay down. I turned to face him and he faced me. He put his hand gently in my face and leaned in, catching my lips in a soft kiss. I held his waist and kissed back. We both pulled away at the same time, looking at each other lovingly.
"It's been a long day, but I'm glad I get to end it with that Virge... I love you"
"I love you too, I'm glad it ended like this"
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