Virgil's P.O.V
Dammit, I messed it up again! I sighed loudly in anger, falling back into my bed and covering my face. I screamed into my hands, this was the fifth I messed up the eyebrows! I just couldn't seem to fill them in right! I grabbed another make up wipe and wiped off the mistakes while looking in my stand mirror that was balanced on my laptop. I heard a sudden knock on my door, making me jump and knock over my mirror. I scrambled to put the makeup away, but whoever knocked walked in suddenly making me freeze. I shyly looked over and saw Roman.
"Are you alright Virgil? I heard a scream that sounded quiet angry from here." He glanced behind me and saw the makeup, smiling brightly.
"You have makeup?"
"T-that's none of your business Roman! Why'd you just walk in, I could've been naked!" I shouted angrily at him. I thought he was a prince, and princes always have good manners! He blushed snd shyly rubbed his neck.
"I'm sorry, I was just worried." I sighed, setting the makeup and mirror down behind me on my table. He had already seen it, so their was no point in hiding it.
"It's fine, sorry for shouting I'm just really stressed right now..." he tilted his head and looked at me concerned.
"Why are you stressed out Virge?" I looked down in embarrassment. I heard him walk up to my and place his thumb gently under my chin, tilting my head up to face him.
"Do not be embarrassed, I just want to help you out." I blushed at how close we were, but once he got me to look up he backed up a little.
"I-it's just... I've been trying to do my eyebrows right and I keep messing up, my hand blocks part of it in the mirror then I end up over filling the front while somehow the back is to thin!" He giggled slightly at my concern over such a small thing, and I could see the happiness and joy in his eyes, making me hit his arm lightly. He laughed even harder and acted like I hurt him, making me even break a smile.
"Why are you laughing at me sir sing a lot!"
"It's just your eyebrows JDlightful, I'm sure the rest looked amazing!"
"Yeah but the eyebrows matter! I need someone to practice on..." I trailed off and looked at him expectedly. He smiled brightly again.
"You want to practice on me?" He seemed so happy about it, I wasn't sure why but it was honestly adorable.
"Yeah, if you don't mind that is"
"I don't mind, I love having my makeup done! And I'm excited to see your skills!" I smiled shyly and motioned for him to sit down on the floor. He did, but looked at me confused.
"Why the floor?"
"It's easier than working on my bed." I gathered all the necessary things and set them down next to him. I realized his hair would be in the way and quickly walked to the bathroom and grabbed a headband, handing it to him when I got back before sitting down. He looked at me with sad eyes, sticking out his bottom lip.
"What's that look for Princy?"
"The headbands gonna mess up my hair!" I sighed and chuckled.
"Well it's either I get foundation in your hair or you mess it up a little bit and put it back." He sighed in annoyance and reluctantly put the headband on. I focused as I started to put on the products. Roman seemed to be holding back a small smile as I did this. He seemed to be blushing faintly, but I ignored it and continued working.
Small time skip bc author doesn't know anything about makeup!
"Roman close your eyes!"
"I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He laughed as I freaked out while trying to do his eyeliner.
"Look I just don't wanna poke you in the eye, so keep em closed!"
"Okay okay, I will" I sighed and continued doing his eyeliner, perfecting the wing on both eyes. I cheered and smiled brightly, I finally did the perfect wing! He tried to open his eyes, but I yelled before he could.
"Roman it's not dry don't!" He stopped and closed his eyes again. I sighed after a minute and let him open his eyes. I was still smiling brightly, and he saw making him return the gesture.
"I love it when you smile" I blushed and looked down, feeling my cheeks slowly heat up more.
"Why, my smile isn't all amazing and perfect." He re-adjusted so he was sitting on his knees and lifted my head up for the second time today, looking me straight in the eyes.
"Yeah but it's yours, and I love your smile and to me it is amazing and perfect! It's so adorable and seeing your eyes light up so much is great!" I blushed even more, smiling again.
"See, like that! That shy little smile you do when someone complements you, it's so cute!"
"T-thank you Ro, now lets get back to the makeup, it's eyebrow time" he sat back down and watched me as I grabbed the brow product and brush, dipping the brush gently into the powder. I took a deep breath and started to fill them in. After a while I managed to fill them both in. I sat back and looked at them. I felt s smile grow on my face as I realized I did them right, both were even and filled in just right. I laughed happily.
"I did it! I did the eyebrows right!" Roman laughed too and high-fived me. We laughed for a little while longer before I made him go straight face so I could do the lipstick. I grabbed a deep red liner and lined his lips carefully, followed by a lipstick that was the same shade. I blushed at how close we had to be for this part, as I was having to almost straddle him to be able to do it right. The entire time I could tell he was looking at my lips, too. I finished and went to sit back in my original spot, but he wrapped his arms around my waist stopping me from doing so. I didn't object as I put my hands on his sides gently.
"Virgil..." he slowly leaned in, looking at my lips the entire time. He tilted his head slightly, but stopped right before his lips met mine, making sure it was okay. I hesitantly leaned forward a little, and he noticed and connected our lips gently. I kissed back slowly, getting more comfortable as he continued kissing me. He wrapped his arms slightly tighter around my waist, pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning into the kiss more. We both pulled away, keeping our eyes locked. I sat back slightly and looked at his lipstick, only to see that it was faded and slightly smeared.
"Ro, we messed up your lipstick!" He giggled as he pulled me in again, kissing me quickly.
"Yours isn't looking to good either..." I grabbed my mirror and looked at my self to see red lipstick faintly showing on my lips, slightly smeared just like his. I grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped it off me quickly, also wiping off the smeared part on Romans lipstick. I grabbed the color again and filled his lips back in.
"I want a picture to show my finest work!" He giggled quietly as I grabbed my phone, sitting next to him to take a photo of us. He smirked at the camera, and I just held up a simple peace sign.
(If someone draws this and sends it to me I'll squeal and mention you, I probably will ty to draw it too but it'll be bad. I just really wanna see this XD but you don't have to don't fee pressured!)
I took the photo quickly and looked to see how it turned out. He looked hot in the photo, the light hitting the highlighter perfectly making him glow even more then he already did before.
"God you look...really hot in that..." he picked me on the lips, careful not to mess up his lipstick so he didn't make me freak out again.
"Thank you Virge, you don't look to bad yourself". I noticed he hadn't let go of me, either having his hand on my leg or around my waist, just making any contact with me since he first kissed me.
"What did that mean to you.."
"What did what mean?" I turned to face him.
"The kiss..." he faintly smiled.
"It showed how I really feel, I just found my help myself anymore... I'm sorry if you don't feel the same..."
"I-I do... I just was wondering if you really meant it..."
"Of course I did!" He tightened his grip on my waist softly, so softly a barely noticed it at all.
"You're pretty touchy feely~" I teased at him, trying to get a reaction. He moved his hand away.
"S-sorry am I making you uncomfortable?" I chuckled at how scared he was. At least I know he cared about my feelings.
"No it's okay, I was just teasing" he smirked and wrapped both arms around me again, kissing me deeply but quickly.
"Sorry, it's just that I've been waiting for that for a while and now that I can finally hold you and kiss you I just don't want to stop or let go.."
"I'm not complaining..." I realized that this was the perfect time for a photo shoot.
"Roman! We need to have a photo shoot with the makeup on!" He smiled brightly and nodded, so we both got up and started taking pictures. Some in his room, and most out int he garden.
Another time skip
We both went back to my room so we could take his makeup off.
"I want one more picture with it, please?"
"Im fine with that~" he pulled my closer as I pulled out my phone and held it up. He kissed me softly just as I took the photo, making me blush deeply. I knew that one would be blurry so I took one more, but made sure my eyes were closed to I didn't look so awkward. He pulled away and I pulled up the pictures, the first being blurry if course, but the second one was perfect.
"Okay, we should probably take it off now, we don't know how your skin will react to wearing it for to long."
"Yeah, and I cant risk anything happening this beautiful skin!" I laughed softly as he went and grabbed a few makeup wipes, getting it all off quickly. I sighed sadly, making him look back at me in concern.
"You alright?"
"Yeah,it's just always sad to see a good look get wiped off.." he smiled at me, standing up and kissing my cheek.
"Aw it's okay, you have all those photos to remind you!" I smirked at the opportunity to try and flirt with him.
"And now I also have you, and that's better than any makeup look." He blushed slightly, hugging me tightly.
"Thanks Love, you're so much better than makeup too, I'm glad I have you now" I pulled out of the hug, looking at his worried expression.
"What are we now? Like are we dating or...?"
The worry washed away.
"Virgil, would you be my boyfriend?" I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, id love to be your boyfriend." I glanced at the clock behind him, seeing how late it had gotten. It was around 10:30, and I was super tired from not sleeping last night.
"I'm tired, we should probably go to bed..."
"I don't want to sleep alone Virge... wanna come stay in my room for the night...?"
"Sure, id love that..."
A/N why do all my oneshots end in them going to sleep or to bed...? I guess it's an easy ending, I'll try to stop doin that lol. Jeez this story is over 2000 words long, Definitely my longest one. And also why do all my ideas come at 2-3 a.m? I mean ts 3:36 a.m rn, I have issues... anyway I hope y'all like this, I wasn't very proud of my last one but I think this ones okay.. parts of it I don't like but that's fine, it's good the way it is. Goodnight guys, love y'all!
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