Be prepared for the angst load, two endings, first ending is wAY shorter.
Third person P.O.V
The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love.
Virgil coughed violently, he should be used to this feeling, the feeling of blood and flowers making their way up their throat as the purple and blue flowers slowly grew from his lungs. He had been in love with Roman, but Roman just didn't feel the same. He's never seen Virgil coughing up the flowers, he's never seen the flowers, he's never known Virgil's true feelings. He'll never know them either. This coughing fit was worse than the others, he wheezed and gasped for air, hoping he could get some past the flowers clogging his organs. He sobbed as he couldn't, knowing this is where his heart killed him. He covered his eyes, coughing and sobbing, almost throwing up at the feeling. The flowers started growing out his mouth, finally over taking him fully. He continued gasping loudly. He heard his bedroom door creek open, making him look up at the doorway, still wheezing.
It was Roman.
Virgil didn't even care anymore, he knew he would die any minute, and he accepted it now. Even as he accepted his doom, he was still terrified. Roman ran over and held him up, his body going limp.
"Virgil!? Virgil's what's wrong oh my god!" Virgil sadly smiled, tears in his eyes and blood on his mouth dripping between the tiny flowers.
"H-h-Hana-" he coughed loudly.
"Hanahaki" Virgil rushed our. It suddenly hit Roman, making him cry loudly.
"I'm so sorry Virgil! I'm so so sorry I wish i could help oh god, don't love me, I'm horrible no don't don't die please I don't want to loose you!" Virgil's smile faded as he cupped Romans face, wiping his tears.
"It's to late..." his voice was barley a whisper, his eyes slowly closing as flowers grew all over his skin.
"PATTON HELP! V-V-Virgil no!" Virgil smiled sadly one last time before his eyes went dark. He's gone. Roman sobbed loudly as Patton burst through the door. He saw Virgil's limp, unbreathing body and ran over, falling next to his sons bed.
"VIRGIL!" They both cried, Logan running up to, seeing the sight and breaking down with them.
What a beautiful way to die.
Beautiful and tragic, the way some would describe love.
As Virgil coughed up the flowers, he could tell they were slowly overtaking him for good. He could hear someone running up the stairs to his room, banging on the door violently. He couldn't hear the persons voice, everything being muffled. He closed is eyes, hoping it would take him soon, then the pain would be over. A few minutes later of coughing, the door banging, and gagging, it stopped. He felt his flowers wilting in his lungs, the coughing stopped and he could breath perfectly. Virgil sighed in relief, he died, it's all over now. He was shocked when he opened his eyes and was in his usual room. Just as he opened his eyes, the door gave in to reveal a sobbing Roman, the man behind his pain. Roman, along with everyone else knew that the hanahaki disease existed, and they knew Virgil had it, just not for who. Virgil looked around confused.
"Did it finally kill me? Am I dead?" Roman hugged Virgil, sobbing loudly.
"N-no! Thank god you're not!"
"Why aren't I dead? I know you don't love me back." Virgil froze when he realized he lured himself. Then it hit him. He wasn't coughing anymore, and he wasn't dead. That left one option.
"I finally accepted it Virgil, I love you and have loved you for a long time, I'm sorry I didn't accept it sooner, I'm sorry I made you suffer for so long baby oh god I love you so much, thank god I accepted it when I did!" Virgil stared blankly, sobbing hard. His love of his life loved him back, but he couldn't help be pissed. Virgil pushed Roman off him, glaring at him. Roman looked hurt and terrified at the same time.
"You fucking made me go through so much just because you didn't want to fucking admit you loved me!? Am I that Fucking bad or is your fucking ego just to Fucking big to admit something as simple as loving someone!" Roman flinched, crying quieter in fear that it would make Virgil mad. Virgil started breaking down, pulling his hair and crying hard, face red in anger.
"FUCK. YOU! God dammit I hate that I love you sometime! I love you so much and I suffered so Fucking long I wish you would've told me sooner, fuck Roman why... god dammit, GOD DAMMIT!" Virgil started punching Romans chest, not hard enough to bruise, but hard. Roman just held Virgil's arms,
Letting him take out his anger. Each hit Virgil would yell fuck You until Virgil broke down, collapsing into Romans arms. He sobbed into his chest, mumbling I'm sorry over and over again. Roman lead him to the bed, sitting down with Virgil wrapped around him. Roman just held him and let him cry, rubbing his back and every now and then kissing his head gently. He calmed down, not crying as hard but sniffing and hiccuping a little.
"I'm sorry kitten, I love you..." Virgil whimpered a little more.
"I-I l-love you too puppy..."
They both giggled at the matching pet names.
"S-sorry for punching you and yelling at you.. I was just -"
"I get it Virg, you had all right to be that mad and hurt.. and you are good enough for me, you're to good for me actually, I don't deserve someone as kind and caring as you when I couldn't even accept that I loved someone as amazing as you..."
"I'm really not all that amazing, stop making me sound like that..." Roman pulled away so I could see his face. He gently placed both my hands on his cheeks.
"Yes. You. Are." Each time the prince like man said one word he would kiss a different place on Virgil's face, first his forehead, then nose, the the corner of his mouth. The emo boy blushed deeply, hiding his face in Romans shoulder. Virgil squeezed Roman tightly in the hug, whimpering again as he almost started crying. Roman started running his hand through his hair.
"Hey hey hey what's wrong?"
"N-nothing I'm just... I could've died, and then you wouldn't lived in pain because of me... or would you forget? Would you move on quickly and love someone else, forgetting I was ever even there?" Roman gasped at Virgil's words. He hugged Virgil tighter, nuzzling into his neck.
"I would never move on Virgil, I would hate myself forever and never forget you ever ever. You're the love of my life, and I don't care how long it takes to make you believe me, I will make you." Virgil nodded against Roman, showing him he heard what he said but he didn't verbally reply.
About ten minutes past of them just hugging in comfortable silence, before Virgil let out a tiny yawn.
"Wanna go to sleep?" Virgil nodded against his shoulder again.
"Do you want me to leave?"
"No! I mean uhh... I-if you want too..." Roman smiled softly.
"If you wouldn't mind id love to stay in here..."
"I'd love if you did Ro..." Roman re-adjusted so they were laying down, still hugging each other tighter than ever, never wanting to let go of the other. Roman had one arm on Virgil's waist, the other one behind his head playing with his silky soft hair. Virgil was as close as he possibly could be to Roman, legs tangled with his and his arms around his waist. Virgil sighed happily as Roman messed with his hair, melting into the touch. Virgil coughed a little, making Roman instantly shoot up and start looking at him, checking him all over for flowers.
"What no I love you why are you coughing the feelings are returned what!?" Virgil laughed sadly and made Roman lay back down, going back to the old position.
"But you're coughing!"
"My lungs are just still raw, I'm okay princey, trust me." Roman nodded tensly, making Virgil sigh. Virgil leaned towards him and kissed his nose hesitantly.
"I'm. O.k" Roman searched his eyes for any thing saying otherwise, but when he only found care and love he relaxed visibly, slowly going back to their old position, Roman still playing with Virgil's hair.
"I love you. I love you so so much."
"I know, you've told me a lot. I love you too."
"I'm only saying it so much to make up for all the times I couldn't say it because I didn't want to accept that I loved you, which I do."
"It's okay... I've forgiven you already baby, let's just forget about it okay? Let's act like it never happened. Okay?"
"Okay... I-"
"I love you too." With that both boys happily feel asleep cuddling, happier than ever after a dramatic night.
DAMN MY UPDATES ON POINT! Or... at least for this book, I've been updating so much more yas, anyway I hope you guys have liked all my recent updates, and I have more coming up!
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