(I know I've written a fighting one before but I wanna write another one im sorry. Listen to the song above it's amazing and sad and it'll make this dramatic... more so warnings: self harm, self hate kinda, cussing)
Roman's P.O.V
Me and the other sides were working on editing the script for Thomas's new video. I hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night because of trying to plan it out, and then writing it, I was a lot grumpier than usual, and everyone seemed to notice. Hearing everyone criticize my script was already annoying me but one comment really got to me.
"Y'know this video is gonna get no views. It's unoriginal and boring." Virgil spoke like it was nothing. I sighed loudly and just snapped.
"No one asked for your opinion Virgil! No one wanted you here to help with this, if you can even consider what your doing helping! You're so annoying and I can't stand it anymore just... just piss off!" I yelled angrily. I could hear Logan and Patton gasp, but I didn't care. I looked up at Virgil and saw tears in his eyes, and that's when I realized what I said. I knew trying to talk would make it worse so I just stood there, with a look of regret on my face. Virgil shoved passed me and stormed into his room. I could hear his door slam down the hall. I looked over at Patton and Logan and saw both their faces full of disappointment. I looked down and slowly tried to back out of the room. I felt a hand grab my shoulder, making me jump and stop. I looked up and saw Patton staring at me sternly.
"You, are going to give him exactly 5 minutes to calm down slightly and then you are taking your butt in there and trying to make up with him. Understand me?" I swallowed hard and nodded frantically, Patton was quiet scary when he was mad. He smiled at me and let go of my shoulder.
"Okay kiddo, just know I'm not mad, just disappointed." I walked out of the common room and made my way slowly to my room. I could feel tears prick in my eyes as I did so, taking in what I had said to Virgil. He was a fragile being, and hearing something like that could really faze him, and hurt him. Or worse he could hurt himself. I know he had had a history of self harm. Suddenly very worried, I ran to Anxieties room instead of mine and frantically knocked. I know Patton said to let him calm down for a few minutes, but a few minutes could be fatal for him. I could hear loud sobs through the door and I felt even worse.
"Virgil please? I'm sorry can I come in?"
"Fu-fuck o-o-off..." my heart shattered. How could I hurt the one I love so much. Why couldn't I just tell him I didn't mean it and that I loved him? I didn't know.
"Virgil... I'll leave you alone... b-but p-p-please d-don't hu-hurt yourself, ok-okay? If not for me t-then for Thomas and the others...." I was crying now too, and it was obvious in my voice, but I doubt he cared after what I said to him. The sons grew louder and I swear I heard a few I'm sorry's. I started panicking and raced to get Patton.
"Patton! I tried to go so Virgil but he wouldn't let me in so I told him not to hurt himself and I heard his sobbing get louder and I think he was saying I'm sorry can you please go check on him for me!" Patton gasped and rushed towards Virgils room. I went into my room and fell onto the bed crying. God I messed up. I already miss seeing him.
Virgils P.O.V
After Roman said that to me I ran to my room and fell against the door. I slid down and started sobbing. Why did I love him? He doesn't even know how I feel. He hates me so much, why do I even bother talking to him? Or anyone for that matter. No one cares. I shakily got up and rushed over to the bathroom, searching for my blades. I found one and grabbed it and pulled up my sleeves starring down at my scarred arms. I haven't self harmed in what... a month? I started putting all my hope on Roman, he made me happier without even knowing it. I let out a sob and dragged the blade a crossed my arm. It didn't hurt at all, it actually felt good in a sick way. I watched as the thick crimson blood dropped onto the tile floor. I decided 10 new cuts was enough and wrapped my arms, not wanting people to know. I pulled my sleeves back down and stumbled over to my bed, still sobbing aggressively and shaking. I heard a faint knock on my door and heard a familiar voice.
"Virgil please? I'm sorry can I come in?"
I sobbed again and let out a quiet,
"Fu-fuck o-o-off...". I heard a sad sigh before Roman continued.
"Virgil... I'll leave you alone... b-but p-p-please d-don't hu-hurt yourself, ok-okay? If not for me t-then for Thomas and the others...." I gasped and covered my mouth as realization hit me suddenly. The others did care, maybe even Roman and I had just let them all down by doing this. I started sobbing harder.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I'm so so so sorry oh my god...." I heard footsteps race away and soon another pair ran back. I heard a rushed knock.
"Kiddo? Hey buddy can I come in please? It's Patton!" Patton was really the only one I trusted in the mind. I hesitantly spoke,
"C-come in." Patton rushed in and sat down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back tightly sobbing into his shoulder. He patted my back almost cooing at me trying to calm me down. After about 15 minutes I finally was able to breath and talk again so he started asking me questions.
"Virgil? Can I please see your arms?" I froze and sighed. They all knew I've self harmed so what's the point of hiding it. I pulled out of the hug and held my arms out to him. He softly rolled up my sleeves. I could tell he held back a gasp when he saw the bloody bandages. His eyes glossed over.
"L-let's change those dirty bandages okay?" I nodded bitting my lip, trying not to cry. He rushed off to grab the bandages and a wet wash rag, and quickly came back. He unwrapped my arms and when I looked at the cuts, I realized how bad they looked. He whipped down my arms and wrapped them agains. He looked up into my eyes and gave me a sad smile. He gently held one of my shoulders as he started to calmly speak.
"Virgil, I want you to know that Roman didn't mean what he said at all, I know he's been having a very hard night, and he didn't sleep much last night because he was trying to work on the script for this video, and he was already annoyed with me and Logan. You didn't do anything wrong, just everyone against him set him off the edge. I know he's sorry and he would really love to see you and tell you that. Could I send him in?" I took a moment to process what he said. Roman was going through what I do every day, and I know how and that felt. I totally over reacted. I felt like shit now.
"Y-yeah... send him in..." Patton smiled, hugged me one last time and got up.
"He will be in right away im sure." I focused on my breathing while I waited for Roman to walk in. I kept myself... or tried to keep myself as calm as possible. He doesn't hate me, it'll be okay. I eventually heard the door crack open.
"Mhm..?" Roman rushed over and hugged me. I froze for a second and felt him start to pull away. I quickly wrapped my arms around him tightly. He sighed in relief and hugged me again, and moved so I was sitting on his lap.
"Virgil, I know what Patton told you and he was right about all of it. I care about you so much and I would never say something like that to you and mean it and I know that's not a worthy explanation but it's the truth. I am so sorry I made you think so bad. And I am so sorry I caused you to hurt yourself. Please never do that again, I... you matter to me and to so many other people Virgil. I really hope that you realize that... you deserve nothing but happiness and I wish I could Give you that happiness and everything you deserve in life. I'm so so so sorry.."
I smiled at his words slightly, along with a soft blush growing along my face. I nuzzled into him more and took in his warmth and comfort.
"Roman I forgive you, and please don't blame yourself for what I do to myself. I totally over reacted and should've given you a chance to explain. Even though I don't think I deserve that much, you give me all the happiness I could ever want, you give me comfort, the feeling of safety and almost a calm feeling whenever you're around. This is probably gonna ruin everything between us but... I- I love you Roman...." the room went silent. Not a comforting silence, the kind that is super awkward and tense. I felt him hug me tighter, almost squishing out all my air, and nuzzled his head into my neck. I felt a soft kiss on my neck and blushed. He giggled slightly making me smile.
"Well luckily I love you too... but I still feel like shit over what I did and it wasn't okay. It shouldn't be pushed aside like nothing and I swear I will make it up to you. How about... ah Ha! How about we go to hot topic and I let you buy anything you want, no matter how much it is or how much it costs!"
"Y-you really don't-"
"I may not have to but I'm going to..." he kissed my neck multiple times again. I blushed and let out small giggle. He pulled away and looked at me. I don't think I've ever seen so much love and happiness in his eyes. He had the biggest grin possible on his face, it was hard not to follow along and smile. I gave in and smiled back at him widely. He laughed and cheered.
"Oh my god I can make Anxiety giggle and smile! I'm so happy oh lord yes!" I laughed at his cheering and kissed his nose softly.
"I really do love you nerd."
"Yeah I love you too my little thunder cloud..."
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