Bridal style
Not my art above!
Romans P.O.V
I always loved scaring or surprising Virgil. He always had the best reactions out of everyone in the mind. He would either jump out of his skin, or full on scream. It's getting boring though, always getting the same reaction after everything. I needed to try something new. I paced back and forth in my room trying to think of something, when suddenly an idea hit me. I smiled and walked excitedly out of my room, hoping Virgil was downstairs. I jumped down the stairs and saw him sprawled out on the couch with his earbuds in, playing his phone. Patton saw me from the table and almost said something before I held a finger up to my mouth to hint to him to be quiet. He raised an eyebrow before I pointed at Virgil, making him smile and nod. The back of the couch wasn't to high, so I wasn't worried about dropping him. And I'm the prince, so I'm of course strong enough to do so. I smirked and quickly scooped him up bridal style. He squeaked loudly and went beat red, instinctively wrapping his arms around my neck. Patton started laughing from the table and Virgil gasped looking up at me and removing his arms.
"Language kiddo!"
"Sorry dad! That was really f-ing mean Roman! Put me down!" He tossed around in my arms, trying to get out of my grasp. I laughed and spun around, making him yelp again, hiding his face in my shoulder. I blushed at this action, the butterfly feeling in my stomach that I get whenever I see him. I calmed down and stopped spinning him, carefully set him back down on the couch. He sighed and glared at me, trying not to smile.
"I hate you."
"Love you too Virg!" I walked back upstairs smiling brightly. I finally got a new reaction, and I plan to continue this.
The next day
I sat on the couch early the next morning, patton somewhere in the kitchen, whipping up breakfast. Logan was sat at the table doing a crossword.
"Roman, breakfast is ready and it's Virgil's favorite, and I want him to have it fresh. Could you go get him?"
"Yep!" I got up and slowly walked upstairs, carefully knocking on his door once I reached it. There was no answer, so I walked in slowly, peaking at his bed. He was curled up in a ball under his blankets, hiding his face under them. I had to stop myself from squeaking at the adorable image. I walked over to him and shook his shoulder softly.
"Virg, time to get up"
"Noooo" he groaned loudly, covering up even further.
"Come on, patton made breakfast!" He groaned again.
"Leave me alone Princyyyy" I sighed.
"One more shot before I do it." He stayed silent. I uncovered him quickly, scooping him up bridal style. He had black pajamas on, so he wasn't just naked which was reliving. He squealed loudly.
"Yep that's my name. I walked out of his room, making my way carefully and slowly down the stairs. He blushed bright red and hid his face in my chest.
"Asshole! Put me down now!"
"Mhm?" He groaned loudly, eventually relaxing slightly and hiding his face again. I got downstairs and set him in a chair at the table. Patton grinned brightly at the sight of me carrying Virgil, and Logan smiled softly, you could hardly tell he was smiling at all. Virgil huffed, beginning to eat. I sat next to him and did the same, smiling brightly the entire time.
Later that night
I was sat in the front room watching patton try and pick out a movie. I threw in my input a few times, so did Logan who was sitting on the chair next to the couch I was on.
"Roman, go get Virgil! I want him to join us." I beamed at him and ran upstairs happily at the idea of him with us tonight. He never really joined us for movie nights, I hoped tonight he would. I knocked on his door cheerfully and heard a gentle come in. I walked in and smiled at him when he saw me.
"Virgil, wanna join us for movie night?" He looked like we was thinking for a second.
"I don't know..." my smile fell a little bit, and I saw guilt flash in his eyes, making me fix it.
"Come on! It'll be fun!"
"I don't know Ro, I don't wanna be a bother." I frowned.
"You wouldn't bother us! We all really want you down there! Don't make me carry you..." he blushed instantly.
"Roman come on..." I walked towards him. He sighed, not even trying move away as he knew I would get him. I picked him up gently, and he instantly hid his face, but I could see it burning up brightly. I stood still for a minute
"Roman I don't see why you do this!"
"It's the only way to get you to join us!"
"You could just convince me!"
"You could just stop complaining, it's gonna happen"
"But why do you really do it? That can't be your only reason so I m-" I sighed, annoyed of his complaining. I cut him off by kissing him lovingly. He froze and went stiff. I pulled away in fear and set him down quickly, slowly backing away.
"I-I'm s-so Sorry.. I shou-" he suddenly grabbed the neck of my shirt, pulling me forward and kissing me roughly, yet it was the most loving thing I've ever felt. I kissed back slowly. He put his arms around my shoulders, I wrapped mine around his waist. He held each other close, continuing the kiss for another minute or two. We pulled away slowly, still holding each other close. We both started smiling softly. I leaned in and kissed him gently one more time. He smiled up at me.
"It's about time you made a move, I've been waiting." I giggled a little bit.
"I've been trying to get myself too, I was afraid you'd hate me" he kissed my cheek.
"Far from it."
Next morning
It was early the next morning and I was the only one up, extremely bored. I decided I'd go annoy Virgil and wake him up so we could hang out. I walked out of my room and carefully to his, trying not to wake up anyone. I opened his door slowly and walked carefully towards his bed, poking his shoulder once I reached him.
"Virgil" nothing.
"Virgillllll" He groaned.
"The hell do you want princey"
"I'm boreeeed"
"That sucks. Go back to bed." I huffed and turned around, but was stopped by him grabbing my wrist.
"What are you doing? I'm listening to you and going back to bed"
"Come sleep in here, please? It's cold..." I smiled. He was half asleep, eyes very slightly opened and his words were mumbled slightly.
"Okay, scoot over my storm cloud" he scooted over and I crawled under the blankets with him, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly but not tight enough to hurt him. He cuddled against me in a small ball, wrapping his arms around me.
"Are you tired?" He asked in a hushed voice.
"No, you?"
"No... could we stay like this a little longer though?" I smiled even though he couldn't see it.
"I'd like that..."
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