Trans Men are Real Men! (Fluff)
(Thank you to everyone who helped me out and gave me more information about this type of topic so here is a big shout out to xGothxLunax and MilaSliverstone thank y'all for the info!)
//Roman is trans and just got his top surgery done//
-Human AU-
No one POV:
Virgil smiles as he helps Roman out of the car and into their shared home. Ro groans at the pain of his upper body as Vee helps him lay down on the couch. "Hey babe, it's gonna be ok~ I'm so proud of you for going through with the surgery..Now the doctor said that you're chest is gonna hurt for a while and there's gonna be some swelling but it's not permanent.." Vi says as he kneels down beside his boyfriend and runs his fingers through his hair with a loving smile.
Rom smiles a little as he looks down at his bandaged chest and looks back up at Vee. "Thanks baby~..I love you-Ow!" Ro says as he tries to hugs his Virgil but gets stopped by a shock of pain run down his arms and chest. Roman slowly sets his arms back down on his stomach with a frown. "I love you too~ And I would love nothing more that to give you as much cuddles and hugs as you want but I don't want you to hurt yourself so lets just stick to kisses and me hugging your waist." Virge says with a sad smile knowing full well that Ro loves cuddles.
R whines as he feels pain in his chest and tightly closes his eyes. Virgil frowns as he gently takes Ro's hand, "I know it hurts babe but I promise it's gonna get better..Do you want me to go get you anything?" V asked was he kisses his boyfriend's head and Rom smiles. "I would like some water and a pillow if you don't mind?" "Of course Ro-Ro~ Whatever you want to make you feel better.." Virgil says with a smile as he kisses his boyfriend's forehead and rushes off to their shared bedroom. In the distance Vi can hear R yell back a thank you and which Virge smiles at.
Virgil quickly walks into the median size room with a trans flag and a demi flag hanging on one of their wall. Vi opens the closet door and grabs a bunch of blankets, a bunch of Disney movies that Ro loves, a red, very soft, and squishy pillow for Rom to hold when his chest starts to hurt, and a pillow to rest his head on. Vee quickly grabs everything and heads back into the living room. Roman smiles as Vee kneels down in front of him and set all the movies he brought onto the small coffee table in front of the couch. Then Vi puts the red pillow on Ro's lower stomach and puts the other pillow under Roman's head.
Rom slowly puts his arms around the pillow and moves it closer to his chest to cuddle it. Roman sighs in relief as some of the pain fades away. Vee gently laid a cozy blanket onto of his adorable boyfriend and quickly rushes to the kitchen to grab Ro something to drink and some Advil to ease some of the pain that Roman's feeling.
Virgil walks back into the living room and blushes with a smile as he see Roman curled up with the pillow in his arms and slowly falling asleep. Vee sighs as he gently runs his fingers through Rom's fluffy hair, "Hey babe? Please don't fall asleep just yet I want you to take some Advil and drink some water for me..Ok?" Virge says softly and Rom groans as he opens his eyes again.
Roman whines as he slowly tries to sit up while having a death grip on the soft pillow on his chest. Virgil gives his boyfriend a sad smile as he tries to help Ro sit up. Rom eyes start to water at the intense pain going through his upper body and Vi frowns as he hands R the Advil and water. "It's ok babe~ I know it hurts to move but just know that the pain will fade soon and I love you~" Vee says as he watches Ro take the Advil and water. Vi smiles sadly as he helps R lay back down and tears start running down Roman's face as more pain kicks in.
Rom grips the red squishy pillow and Vee frowns as he gently puts his hand on top of R's hand. Vi leaves soft kisses all over Roman's neck/face as Ro tries to push pass the pain. "I l-love you *sniffle* too g-gorgeous~.." Virgil leans down and gives a soft kiss to Roman's lips and R kisses back. After a few seconds they part and Vee wipes the tears off Rom's face.
"Everything's gonna be ok babe, so just go to sleep..And when you wake up I'll still be right here
..Sweet dreams my prince~.." R slightly yawns as he lays his head against a pillows and slowly falls asleep. After a few minutes Virgil stands up and takes his phone out to look at the time. It's 3:39..Vi sighs as he sits down in the recliner next to the couch and scrolls through Tumblr.
After about 30 minutes Virgil looks over to see if Roman is still asleep and of course he is. Then Virge's eyes widen and small smirk goes across his face. 'Maybe I could go get Rom his favorite snack and drink to ease some of his pain.' "..I guess that could work..I mean I wouldn't be gone but a few minutes so hopefully Ro-Ro's not wake by then.." Vi whispers to himself as he quietly gets out of his chair and walks over to the front door. Vee grabs his keys and quietly heads out the door.
//Roman POV//
I yawn as I slowly open my eyes and I wince a little at the pain that still lingering in my chest but luckily it's not as bad now. My eyes slowly adjust to the light in the kitchen that's a few feet away from me. I look around to see Virgil asleep in the recliner and I smile as I watch my boyfriend sleep. Something catches my attention from the corner of my eye and glance over at the coffee table a few feet away from me. I smile brightly as I see a Pineapple Fanta and gummy bears. I try to sit up as I grip the red pillow with my hand tighter and use my other hand to push myself up.
I feel a little bit of pain still in my arms and upper body but not as noticeable. I reach out and take the Fanta with a smile as I take a drink of it. I hear Vee yawn as he stretches his arms out and blinks a few times to wake up. He smiles as he looks over at me and walks over to me. I pull him down by the front of his hoodie and give him a quick kiss on the lips. I feel him kiss back and after a few seconds we break. "Thanks baby but you didn't have to buy me anything.."
"I know but I wanna make sure that you're comfortable and that I love you~.." Vee says with a small smile on his lips and I chuckle a little as I grab the gummy bears off the table. "Aww, I love you too~..Gummy bear?" I ask him as I open up the package and Vi nods his head yes. I hand him the package and he takes a few bears. "Wanna watch a movie before supper?" "Sure! Can we watch Frozen?" I ask as I see Virge grab a bunch of different movies and walks over to the DVR Player.
I hear my boyfriend chuckle as he puts Frozen in, "Of course babe~ Whatever you wanna watch.." I give Virgil a confused look as he gently grabs my ankles but my confusion quickly goes away when he sits down and lays my legs on top of his lap. I smile as he drapes the blanket that's on me onto himself and for the rest of the afternoon we stayed just like that. I smile as I look down at my flat chest and back up at my boyfriend. Virgil gives me a kiss on the forehead with a smile. I sigh happily, "I don't know what I would do without you~"
(Hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading this one shot and thank you all for the 500 followers!! Thank you all again and I hope you have a good morning, afternoon, or night! Bye)
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