Prom? (Fluff)
High school au
Roman POV:
So me and Virgil have been dating secretly for about a two years, and I really want to tell people that we're a thing but Virgil's really worried. He hasn't told his parents that he's gay...but nether have I so we're both in the same boat. The only other people that know we are dating are Patton and Logan, who are both gay and dating as well. Anyway, since prom is coming up I thought and Virgil could go together. I've got everything set up for when I ask him. I know Virgil probably won't like for me to cause a lot of attention, so for the sake of Virgil not having a panic attack I won't. I asked him to meet me after school where we usually go to eat lunch and sometimes...make out. Don't judge me his face is just to cute not to kiss! Ok so I wait under the bleachers for him to show up. "Hey wanted to see me?" "Y-yeah um..." "Roman is everything ok? You seem nervous." "Actually I wanted to ask you something..." "Yeah?" I'm so nervous I can't even get the words out. "Do y-you want t-to go to pr-prom with me?" He looks at me with disbelief then smiles. "I would love to go with you." We lean in and he closes the gap between us we kiss but only for a few seconds, because guess who just so happens...Patton and Logan. Patton is holding a sign that says "Will You Be The Anxiety to my Creativity?" Logan is standing beside his very happy boyfriend with a smirk. "Awww! You guys are so cute together!" Patton pretty much yelled, "Agreed you two are as Patton would say 'cute' together." Logan said, putting an arm around Patton's waist. "Thank you guys... I appreciate the help." I respond back, "WAIT!" Virgil yells, we all look at him he has a scared look on his face. "What is it love?~" I ask stepping towards him a little bit closer. "What about me parents... what will they say if they found out that I'm gay?" I hug him and telling him in ear that it's going to be ok. He calms down after a few minutes, "I have a plan...Ok babe?" "Ok...What is it?"
Time skip prom night same POV:
As I pull up to Virgil's house wear a white tuxedo and red tie with black and purple roses in my hand. I knock on his door and wait. Virgil opens the door he looks amazing he's wearing a black tuxedo and purple tie.He seems pretty nervous, I give him the roses and hold his other hand. "Thank you for the roses...their beautiful." We walk in to the house. "Mom, Dad... Th-there someone I-I want you to me-meet." I extend my hand to shake, "Hi you must be Mr. and Mrs.'s nice to meet you." I smile, Virgil's mother shakes my hand "It's great to meet you too Mr.?" "Roman...Roman Prince." I say back, "Well Mr. Prince we're glad that you and our boy are going to prom together." Virgil's father says back. "Oh thank goodness... I was so scared that you guys wouldn't accept me." Virgil says quietly so hardly anyone could hear. "Of course we accept you, heck I'm bi. and your father pan." "Ok...that would have been nice to know awhile ago...but I'm glad you accept me and Roman." "Anytime guys better get going it's almost time for prom to start." Virgil and I wave bye to his parents, get in my car, and head to prom. Me and Virgil had a great time, we met up with Patton and Logan and toke pictures and danced the night away. After prom I took Virgil home, I walk him up to his house. "Hey Roman...I had a great time with you...thanks for asking me to go." "Of course babe~I so much fun with you." I didn't realize it but we were both leaning in. We're centimeters away from kissing. I close the gap between us. I put my arms around his waist, he puts his around my neck. We kiss until we both need air, "Well I better you my little storm cloud~" "Bye, love you too Princey~" I wave bye to my gorgeous boyfriend. That was the best night of my life.
(Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the story...the reason why it was prom theme is because at my high school we're having prom this Saturday and I have no one so yay...anyway good morning, afternoon, or night. Bye!!!)
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