Prinxiety: Missing Something (Part 2)
"Time for some payback," Anxiety mumured to himself, watching Princey leave his room. He wasn't dressed yet, with the other found strangely... attractive. He shook my head fiercely.
"Now's not the time for thoughts like that!" As Anxiety's mind tried to clear itself, the royal trait slipped into the bathroom down the hallway. Once he realized Princey was out of sight, he rushed into the prince's room.
He shut the door and leaned against it, sighing in relief. He surveyed the neat, Disney-themed room. "Find the sash, and get out. Simple."
Anxiety cautiously crept towards the walk-in closet. Slowly, he turned the handle, and entered it.
What he saw shouldn't have surprised him, but it did. The closet was gorgeous. Everything was hung up neatly, in order by color. It was quite different from Anxiety's messy room.
The anxious trait started thumbing through the red section of the closet. "Come on..." he muttered when he got near the end of it. He glanced behind him at the white clothing section. He walked over and started looking for Princey's signature outfit.
"... Why does he have a wedding dress in here?" Anxiety snickered at the sight of it. After another minute of searching, he finally found it.
"Finally!" He slid the sash off of the white blouse. Anxiety chuckled to himself as he put on the red garment. It fit him rather well. He noticed a tall mirror on the closet door and strutted up to it, admiring his victory.
"Ah, revenge is great," the trait purred, adjusting the sash a bit. That's when the closet door opened.
Anxiety yelped and jumped back a bit, coming face-to-face with the sash's owner: Princey. The royal trait froze, surprised to find Anxiety there. He examined the other, noticing he was wearing his sash. Princey smirked and leaned against the doorframe. "What are you doing?"
"I... uh..." Anxiety shifted his feet uncomfortably, a blush appearing on his cheeks. Princey chortled at the sight. "Is this because I stole your jacket?"
"Er... maybe?" The emo stared at his feet, trying to ignore the royal trait. Princey rolled his eyes and walked towards Anxiety.
His eyes wided and he took a step back.
"It's not like I'm going to kill you," Princey sighed. "Unlike you were the other day..." He saw the guilt flash in Anxiety's eyes and took note if it. He stepped forward.
Anxiety stepped back.
"You're just going to corner yourself," Princey murmured, walking towards the other. Anxiety didn't listen and, inevitably, got himself cornered. Princey smirked, watching the dark trait's cheeks heat up.
The royal boy leaned down, his lips brushing Anxiety's neck. He heard the other's breath hitch. He moved up to Anxiety's ear, and whispered.
"...Give me back my sash, and I won't say a word about this." Princey whispered. He laughed as Anxiety groaned, and straightened back up. He watched the anxious trait cross his arms.
"Fine." Anxiety slipped the sash off and Princey reached for it. "But!" He moved it out if the prince's grasp. "Only if I get a kiss first."
He wasn't expecting Princey to actually kiss him... but he did. Princey leaned down, connecting his lips to the other's. Anxiety froze up, shocked. The royal trait pulled back after a minute, grinning. "There. Happy?"
He was speechless. His face was almost as red as the prince's sash. Princey chuckled, taking the sash out of his hand and heading out of the closet. He glanced back at the still starstruk trait. He shook his head. "Anxiety, you're too cute."
Once Princey shut the closet door, Anxiety fainted.
A/N: Second part suggested by SarcasticSnake!
I feel like the ending could've been better, but anyway...
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