-True Love {❤️PRINXIETY💜}
Ok, so-
Human (kinda British) AU. Virgil moved away in high school, just after Roman confessed to him, and it broke both of their hearts. Now Virgil is back, and he is not ready to have that conversation with Roman.
Enjoy! Lmao-
Also, TW: Mention of alcoholic drinks, swearing, some flirting (thought I'd say just in case)-
Virgil entered the pub, Patton and Logan in front of him. They headed directly towards the counter.
After a couple glances, an unspoken agreement that Logan should be the one to order was made.
"Excuse me?"
The bartender, who had just finished serving a kid some crisps, turned around and smirked as he took notice of Logan, seemingly not realizing the other two were there as well.
"What can I get you, Babe?"
His voice was smooth, a glint of mischief clear in his eyes as he removed his sunglasses (Virgil decided not to question such a peculiar choice in style). He had short dark brown hair, dimples, and an almost unsettlingly sharp jawline. In short, he was attractive and confident, and very clearly accustomed to always getting what he wanted.
Logan seemed to ignore the flirty part of the barista's answer, and simply ordered their drinks.
"A glass of Coca Cola and two half pints."
Not bothering to hide his offended feelings about Logan not acknowledging his 'nickname', the bartender started working on their beverages, and soon enough he handed them to the taller man, who passed them to his friends.
"How much would that be?" Logan dryly asked as he pulled out his wallet.
"Five quid (pounds) and maybe your number, Handsome?"
The intellectual man simply raised an eyebrow, seemingly completely unfazed by the other's flirting and handed him the money.
"There, thank you-" The barista opened his mouth as if to make an additional suggestive remark, but Logan quickly cut him off, "-Also, I'm not interested. And I'm not sorry about it either."
And before the flirty barista could recover from such blunt rejection, the logical man slipped an arm around his bubbly boyfriend's waist and walked away, leaving Virgil alone with Mr. Smooth-Pick-Up-Line.
"Your friend's quite the thing, mate..."
At that, Virgil chuckled. "He's attractive, you mean? Well, yeah, I guess he is...But he has eyes for no one but Patton, so-" He stopped as he saw a look of confusion arise in the bartender's expression. "Patton is his boyfriend, you know, the guy in the blue polo he walked over to that table with? Yeah. They've been together since they were fourteen. Never broken up once along the way. Pretty impressive if you ask me..."
The bartender smiled softly as he thoughtfully polished a glass. "You talk about it as if you wanted something like that too."
Virgil let his glance slip to the other and answered. "Well, who wouldn't?"
The taller one shot him an understanding nod. "I suppose you're right. I do ultimately look for something serious too, but acting flirty is part of my personality. Being pansexual is just something on top."
Virgil smirked at the bartender, letting his more 'sassy' side take over. "Have your eye on anyone in particular?"
The bartender laughed and glanced over to the darkly dressed one. "I guess you could say that...I would say you don't know them, but I'm not a teenage girl, and you probably do anyway. They're the only therapist in town after all. In some way or another, they've talked to everyone around here...Of course, they've only grown in popularity over the last year, but yeah...Ah, shit, I started rambling, didn't I? Pardon me, sir..." He shot Virgil playful wink.
"Oh, it's fine, Mr. Pick-Up-Line, you are forgiven." Virgil ignored the tugging in his stomach as he uttered the nickname. It made no sense. He could give nicknames to anyone. They weren't exclusive to one person.
"But anyway, about all the other stuff, I don't know much. I mean, I used to go to school in Ketting, you know, the smaller village down the main road after the forest? Yeah, but when I was nearly seventeen I moved and I've only bern back for a couple days so..."
The bartender's smile was the most genuine it'd been up to then. "I've had something very similar happen to me too, actually. Anyway, I'm guessing you're glad to be back, right?"
Virgil nodded truthfully, a sincere smile making its way onto his face.
"Any...'Reason' in particular you're so happy to be back?"
The shorter one's expression shifted to one of slight confusion as he remarked "Why did you say 'Reason' like that...?"
The bartender smirked. "Oh, I don't know, I was just thinking there might be a special something...or someone-"
Virgil rolled his eyes. Not that it was an untrue statement, but he couldn't deal with all that right now. That conversation would just have to wait. Making up an excuse, he left and said goodbye to the bartender. He may have been a hopeless flirt, but he was a cool guy. Virgil respected that. Also, he may have been a potential friend, who knows?
Anyway, he walked away, and just strolled around the pub until he spotted a comfy and relatively private looking place in the back of the building, facing a window.
As he arrived to his destination, he sighed, sitting down on an old, crooked chair and closed his eyes as he softly massaged his forehead. Social interaction, especially with strangers, drained all the energy out of him.
"Why, hello there, Pretty Face..."
Virgil's head suddenly shot up as he heard another man's voice.
He was tall, taller than Virgil for sure, and quite muscular. Light brown hair, perfectly styled, framed his face. He had the sort of face that basically no one in the world wouldn't find attractive, and his half charming, half flirty smile only made him more...Well, hot.
If this were any guy, Virgil would have already scoffed and walked away, but this wasn't any guy. The anxious one realized that when he looked at his eyes. The same lively swirls of caramel and emerald that he'd hopelessly fallen into a couple years back. When the realization of who this was struck him, he didn't want to believe it, but it was undeniable.
Did the other recognize him?
"Is that how you usually greet people or am I special?"
The guy smirked, the playful expression making him even more devilishly handsome.
"You're cute, Babe, that's all."
Virgil took that as most likely a 'No' to the question previously inhabiting his mind. Or at least, a 'Not yet'.
"Something, I really don't know what, of the way you're talking makes me think you're more of a 'No strings attached' kind of guy, huh?" The other chuckled in response. It sent shivers down Virgil's spine, but he ignored it. It bought back memories, but he forced himself to forget them again. It made old feelings come alive once more, but he pushed them down.
"What can I say? One-night-stands are more my thing. I don't like to deal with all the shit that comes along with a 'Proper' relationship. The rest can have that, I'm just going after the fun..."
He winked in Virgil's direction.
That made a wave of courage wash over him. He tested his luck. "You've never been in love? You know, like, truly in love?"
A sigh escaped the other's lips. He took a sip from his wine glass, and answered. "I have been, once. But it was a couple years back, and me and my true love shall never meet again, so what's so wrong about me having a little fun?"
The scowl on Virgil's face was enough to make his apparent ego deflate considerably.
"Come on, Cutie..."
The shorter one sunk further into his hoodie.
Virgil didn't know if he could hold back from telling him the truth anymore.
He snapped.
"For fuck's sake, give it a rest, Princey!"
Then there was silence.
At that response, something seemed to change in the other man. His whole vibe went from flirty and impertinent to considerate and careful. Well, it did until he realized what was happening...Until he realized the nickname.
Only Virgil called him Princey. He had made it clear to all his friends that that was their thing.
He glanced over to the stranger, their eyes met, and Roman felt completely stupid.
Stupid for not recognizing his hoodie, his hair, his eyes, his lips...Everything! His eyes were what finally gave him away though. They were filled with panic as soon as he uttered the nickname. A had was clapped on his mouth.
But Roman had to be sure.
The darkly dressed one flinched. This couldn't be happening. He wasn't ready for this conversation. Or was he? He didn't know what to do.
He hadn't even realized he was crying until a tear somehow landed on his lips.
With a deep sigh, he nodded.
"B-but...You said you would never come back! You said we'd never see each other again! I- You-" He seemed at a loss for words. He couldn't process what was happening.
"I-I'm sorry, Roman. I just- I wasn't sure and I didn't want to give you false hope and-"
The other interrupted him with a scoff. "False hope? False hope!? Virgil, you broke my fucking heart! I-" He swallowed, seeming unsure of what to say next. His fingers were fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "-I have to go." He grabbed his bag and flung it over his shoulder, walking away.
Virgil called after him, he even tried grabbing him by the arm, but Roman kept tearing himself away from his first love.
The man in red speed-walked his way to the door of the pub, not stopping once, but incredibly tempted to look back. The shorter male ran, well, the place was rather crowded, so it was more like a halfway between jogging and walking, after him.
As Remy saw the guy from earlier stumbling over to the door, panicked, he didn't know what to think. "Hey, you alright?" He called after him hopefully, but Virgil was already slamming the door behind him and looking around in the street.
Until- Yes, that was Roman! Leaning against a lamp post, head in his hands and belongings on the pavement. Virgil gave a small cry of joy.
He ran towards the other.
As he arrived to where Roman was, Virgil jolted to a stop. He didn't know what to say. Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, he took a step towards the taller man whose head was still in his hands. It was like he knew Virgil was there, but couldn't find it within himself to do anything about it, so he just stood there, hopelessness ramming into him like a ruthless wave. He'd never remembered how his hear breaking had felt in such a vivid way before, not even the day after it had happened.
He looked up, his damp eyes meeting the other's, which were equally signed by tears. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but the words died in his throat before he could utter them.
Virgil cautiously took another step forward, positioning himself right in front of Roman. Seeing the pain in his Prince's eyes sent daggers through his heart. If this were a Disney movie, they would just kiss and everyone would live happily ever after, but it can never actually be like that, can it?
Or...Maybe it could?
Roman loved Disney, so maybe he wouldn't mind Virgil kissing him during such an emotional moment for the both of them, right? Well, he didn't have the answer to that, but if there was one thing he'd learned over the past few years, it was that sometimes, holding back can have more disastrous effects than actually acting upon your feelings. So he tried.
Moving slowly, he placed himself directly in front of the other, their chests almost touching, and delicately pulled his hands off of his face.
Before Roman could say anything, Virgil stood on his tippy toes (He's short, ok?!) and leaned close to his face. He didn't kiss him just yet, but they could both feel the other's breath on their own lips, and their noses were brushing against each other.
Virgil hesitantly uttered a small "Roman...?"
"My God, I love you so much, Virge-" Roman answered, impatient to press their lips together. He leaned even closer, as did the other, and they met halfway.
Their lips moved together, in perfect harmony, fitting together like two puzzle pieces like they did all those years ago. The taller one pulled the other closer, if that was even possible, by the waist, while the other was tangling his fingers in the one in red's light brown hair, loving how soft it felt against his fingertips.
Everything about what they were doing, to them, was perfect.
That kiss was, in a way, an unspoken sort of vow that neither would ever leave the other ever again. Everything felt so right about being next to the other, and they didn't care if people didn't understand that. They were absolutely and completely in love, and they were one hundred percent sure that was the truth.
After all, it is called true love.
Ok so that ending kinda sucked, but I really wanted to get something out for you guys, so yeah...I hope it wasn't too bad.
Also, you proud of meh for writing another 2000+ word one shot? :D
Requests are always open, btw (just as long as your prompt is intriguing and interesting though...JKJK ILL WRITE BASICALLY ANYTHING I JUST NEED IDEAS GUYS-)!
Lol, byeee!
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