-The Meadow {🖤LOGICALITY💙}
Roommates AU
/Patton's P.O.V./
(P.S. I'm starting this while eating a cookie, lol)
I'm laying on the grass in a meadow near our apartment because I'm really exhausted!
Don't get me wrong, I love helping my friends make choices, but it wears me out...
The sky is a pretty pastel blue with occasional white and fluffy clouds, the grass is full of daisies and poppies all elegantly dancing in the light breeze...
I can hear the fresh water of a stream running on sharp rocks and the birds cheerfully singing...it's absolutely beautiful.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath...then another.
It feels so good to be able to relax...even though I'd never admit it, I do overwork myself a lot...
I'm just laying there, the bees buzzing around me and the sun pleasantly in my face, when I feel something brushing against my side.
I sit up, expecting to find Roman on his way to "slay a dragon witch", or Virgil here to calm himself down...but I was NOT expecting to see Logan sitting next to me.
"Salutations Patton" He said smiling lightly, looking at me with what could be mistaken for fondness...but I know it can't be that. Everyone knows I have no chance.
This thought makes my grinning face turn into a frown for a second...I try to cover it up as soon as possible, but Logan must have noticed because he said "Is my presence annoying you Patton? I can leave if you want me to..."
"No! No, you're fine Logan...I just wasn't expecting you here..." He happily sighed and lay down on the grass, so I did too. "I like to come here whenever I'm feeling distressed or nervous, it helps me calm down." He turned to look at me and caught me staring so I blushed and looked away.
"I love coming here whenever I'm feeling tired or worn out...or when I need to think" I turned around again, facing him, our faces centimeters apart. As soon as I finish speaking, my bangs fall over my face and I giggle. Logan smiles and brushes my hair out of my face gently, sending shivers down my spine.
He lets out a sigh, and I feel something wrapping around my waist, I look down and see Logan's arms. I'm extremely confused. "Logan, wha-" He shushes me and pulls me closer.
I'm fully awear that this is very probably platonic, but I can't help but think it's not. "Patton?" I look up to see my roommate looking at me kindly "Yea?"
"I love how you always do your best to keep everyone happy, how you're always so positive, how you give everyone a second chance, how you bake in the early morning so we all have fresh pancakes, waffles or muffins for breakfast, how you giggle over little things, how your laugh sounds like angels singing, how your honey-brown wavy hair falls onto your face, how your hazel eyes sparkle in the sunlight, how your glasses perfectly fit your face, how you can't contain a smile no matter how hard you try, how always help people no matter who they are, and especially...how you make me feel. Patton, I love you."
I can feel tears building up in my eyes. They start falling.
Logan wipes them off my cheeks with his thumb and looks at me. "D-Do you feel the same...?" His expression is kind of sad, as if he's already accepted heartbreak so without thinking I just lean forward and kiss him.
He immediately kisses back...but it's not a particularly passionate kiss. It's sweet and loving...
The butterflies inside my stomach are going crazy, but I love it!
We both pull away and he teleports us to his room so I cuddle up to him, my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat and my arms around his neck while he has one arm around my waist and the other behind my head and he kisses my hair and forehead repeatedly, and I feel...safe.
We fell asleep like that, but not before telling each other how much we love each other.
(("While dressed like a butler and a princess-" Oh no...wait, wrong side!))
(Abt 680 words :3)
Lol, Byeee!
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