-Spiders! {🖤Logicality💙}
A/N: ((Art on top is drawn by meh! Take it and use it if you want! Idc, lol))
/Patton's P.O.V./
They're everywhere. Crawling up the walls of the room, or making a web in a corner of the ceiling, or even laying eggs in my hair so that their ancestors can climb down to my ears, penetrate my cranium and infect my brain with their deadly venom. I'm paralyzed. I can't move.
I'm gonna die.
I feel my heart thumping and I just want to scream. To get out of here...but no sound comes out. I'm done for.
I suddenly feel something touch my hand...but it was way bigger than all the other spiders around me...oh god.
Could it be a gigantic tarantula?! Or an enormous black widow!? Or an acromantula!?
I feel my breathing accelerate and I want to turn my head to see what it it that's touching my hand, but I'm frozen by pure terror.
I gets further up my hand and I just can't take it anymore. I let out a final scream and then everything goes black.
I suddenly sit up and look around.
I'm in my room.
I'm safe.
I let out a sigh and close my eyes a second but then I feel something is still touching my hand. I look down and see...a hand?
I then look up to see who the hand belongs to.
"Patton?" They way he said my name...I melted on the spot. It was so full of compassion and concern, so full of...emotion.
I apparently just spaced out, because Logan had to thug my hand to make me realize what was happening.
"You seem very distressed Patton. Did you just have a nightmare of some sort?" Oh, I love how he always uses those big words...it just adds to the already giant list of things that make him awesome.
"I-" I started to talk, but then looked into his eyes. A beautiful deep blue...there was no other word for it. He was just beautiful...aka the opposite of me.
"Yes? I really wish to be helpful, so it'd be great help if you told me the reason of your being agitated...if you're comfortable sharing it of course."
"Yea...nightmare. About spiders...Lo?" He lifted his gaze to look at my face full of fear, while his basically just showed concern. "Yes again, Patton?" He lightly smiled.
I swooned.
"Y-You don't need to stay...I'll be fine...I just need to calm down a second-" I shifted my position so that I was sitting cross legged on my bed "-...you probably don't wanna be here anyway...I'm just a burden to everyone." When I glanced at his face, his expression was one of utter disbelief.
"Patton...you're not a burden! And I'll do whatever I can to help you. You're very important to us. Without you Roman would have no one to "fan-boy" with...Virgil would be missing a father figure...Daniel would have no one to confide his secrets in...They all love you so much, Pat..."
Then I mumble "You didn't mention yourself..." and he must have heard me, because I feel him shifting his position until he's cross legged too, directly in front of me.
"I was scared to mention my own opinion on you-" he reaches out and places a hand on my cheek, pulling my face up so I was looking him in the eyes "-because I was convinced you'd reject me...was my assumption wrong?"
I audibly gasped and put my hand over his. "Y-You like...me?"
He just nodded and I felt the weight of three years of crushing being lifted off my chest, along with the best feeling in the world. I doubt it even has a name, but if I had to give it one I'd just call it "pure happiness"
Then he just pulled my face closer to his, him moving forward as well. When our noses and foreheads were touching, and I could feel his breath on my lips he whispered "May I?"
I very lightly nodded and he slowly closed the space between us.
It was like magic, but better. It was short, but filled with so much love it could drown you. His lips were perfect, to say the least...slowly moving in sync with mine. It was wonderful.
When we both pulled back, I ducked my head down afraid to see a look of regret and disgust on his face, but when I got together the courage to look up, all I saw was Logan bearing the brightest and happiest smile I've ever seen on him.
"We both know I'm not good with emotions, Patton-" I nodded, remembering all the times he came to me for advice on feelings "- but I'm sure of one thing. I love you."
My heart skipped a beat and I looked at him in mild shock. At this he just chuckled and kissed my nose, making me blush.
I giggled lightly and his eyes sparkled.
Today started in the best. way. ever.
787 words (just the one shot) :P
Hope ya liked it! It's my first Sirius (pun very much intended) Logicality one shot, so don't judge it toooo hard, okie?
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