-Simply For Blackmail Purposes {❤️PRINXIETY💜}
Ay yo yo everyone!
Here I am, finally bringing y'all another one shot, because it really has been five-ever tbh-
So without any further ado, let the story commence!
At twilight, on a deserted, slightly bumpy road, passed the lonely silhouette of a car, its shadow dragged down along the side of the road by the setting sun behind it, while chirping birds and the tired screech of wheels on cement are the only audible sounds.
Then, suddenly, the car stops, and the scenary is completely still at last.
"Logie, what happened?"
With a huff the man at the wheel replied. "I'm not sure, Angel, but I think our car might have broken down."
An annoyed sound came from the man sprawled upon the left back seat. "Well go out there and fix it, Calculator Watch! I've displayed a sufficient amount of chivalry today, now it is time for me-" he struck a pose, indicating himself, "-To relax, and for you-" he reached forward and smacked the driver in the shoulder, who merely spared him a glance of distaste. "-To be a good friend and fix this humble carriage for us, dont'cha think?"
And with that, the two in the front seats climbed out of the car, and walked around it, examining it and trying to figure out what happened. Meanwhile, within the car, the one on the left softly hummed something resembling "So Much Better" (from Legally Blonde, The Musical) as the one on the right stirred around in his seat, rearranging his position, a troubled look on his face.
"No worries, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance, Lo and Pat will sort this one out, you can sleep through this time, don't stress yourself for once, will ya?" said the on in red jokingly, as he softly fist bumped the snoozing one on the shoulder, movement which made the one in purple give a snoring sort of sound as his head fell back from leaning on the window to hanging loosely above his body, all this making Roman chuckle.
"Watch out, your dark-and-edgy reputation might be at risk if you keep looking like that, Creepy C-"
He was stopped in his tracks by the sound of the door snapping open. "So, I'll make this simple. Our mode of transportation has broken down. Nothing so serious it can't be fixed, but it must be done by a professional, so we'll have to walk to the nearest mechanic and have them sort it out. Patton and I thought we could go together, and you could stay here to 'keep an eye' on Virgil, does that sound adequate enough to you?"
"Sure does, Nerdy Wolverine! Have fun you two, I'll look after our Tiny Tornado. Bye!" and so, the glasses wearing ones were off.
Roman felt at peace. Occasionally he enjoyed quiet times like these, and this was one of those moments. Now that he thought about it, all of them included him and Virgil being left alone, together.
It was a little ironic, really.
The princely one sat there, letting his thoughts run free as he gazed out of the window, when suddenly he felt something softly hit his chest. Looking down, he found it to be the shorter one's head, the tip of his fuchsia bangs ticking the other's neck as he breathed calmly, content with having finally found a comfortable pillow.
Then, Virgil grunted lightly (as if something weird or mildly annoying had happened in his dream) and Roman had an idea. He took out his phone, unlocked it, and set it on camera, pushing the 'Record' button and tilting his device so that its lense captured both his face and Virgil's.
Struggling to contain a breathy giggle he wrapped his free arm around the other's waist, and waited for a reaction, watching his adorably scrunched up nose while he did. "This is gonna be great blackmail material...", he thought to himself.
And so he took a video, grinning at every cute thing the anxious one did in his sleep. While he was taking a moment to fix his hair, using the flipped around camera on his phone to survey his appearance, he felt something soft and slightly damp touch the inside of his neck. Glancing around, he found that the thing in question was Virgil's lips and nose, which he'd nuzzled where they were in his sleeping haze, clearly having no idea he was already leaning against Roman's body.
Noticing, the taller one took a sharp intake if breath, his heart skipping a beat as the smaller one now threw hi arms around his shoulders and snuggled more into a cuddling position, following the warmth the other's body provided.
"Mhmmm...Princey, y-" he yawned, "-You're my...hero, and mhhh..." he mumbled clumsily in his sleep, slurring the words that lit up Roman's heart like a firework.
That's when he saw his two friends in the distance, walking over to the car, a van behind them. Quickly, a small wave of panic taking over him, Roman pushed Virgil back over to his side of the car, earning an irritated, grumbling grunt in return, and adjusted some small things (for example his hoodie and the position of his head) to make it, hopefully, seem like he hadn't moved at all.
Weeks later, the princely one still re-watches that clip of his Storm Cloud subconsciously cuddling up to him whatever he feels down in the dumps. He can figure out why, but it makes him feel better. As he watches over Virgil's sleeping figure, all bad emotions flee from Roman's mind, leaving space only for a warm, fluttering feeling to settle in his chest.
And that's all I got for this time, hope you all enjoyed it-
Also, if you have any spare ideas for one shots, feel free to share 'em lmao
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