-Love Starved {❤️PRINXIETY💜}
This probably sucks I'm sorry I just wanted to get something published-
AnnoyingPrinceTM: Hey Virge
AnnoyingPrinceTM: Why Were you so upset when Padre made us hold hands that one time???
EdgyBallOfAngst: none of your business princey
AnnoyingPrinceTM: Come onnnn!
AnnoyingPrinceTM: Is it just because it's me?
EdgyBallOfAngst: no...
EdgyBallOfAngst: ig I'd just never done it before, idk, leave me alone
AnnoyingPrinceTM: What!? You've never held hands with someone?
EdgyBallOfAngst: ehm, no, i held hands with you last week??
AnnoyingPrinceTM: You know what I meant, Virgil.
EdgyBallOfAngst: ok, fine, ig it's a no then...like, it's no big deal, right? so what if i'd never held someone's hand before??
AnnoyingPrinceTM: Virgil...
EdgyBallOfAngst: laugh at me if you want to i don't rly care
AnnoyingPrinceTM: I'm coming over to your place.
EdgyBallOfAngst: you're WHAT?!??
AnnoyingPrinceTM: You're clearly extremely love starved, and as the charming Prince I am, I must help you!
EdgyBallOfAngst: i'm what? also, i don't need help
EdgyBallOfAngst: roman? come on, you better not be driving to my apartment now
EdgyBallOfAngst: dude no
As Virgil was about to type another text, a couple obnoxious knocks made themselves heard from the other side of his door. The anxious one facepalmed.
"Virgil, open the door please, Virgil open the door!"
The shorter one chuckled at the reference and slowly walked over to the door, unlocking it and letting the other in. "Very subtle of you, Heather..."
"Oh shut up, J.Delightful! Now,-"
He took off his jacket, grabbed a bag (Virgil hadn't noticed it until then) and took something out of it and placed it on the table. "So, I bough some stuff with me...This blanket-" he pointed at piece of red, velvety, soft fabric, "-is here because yours is positively rigid with edginess and about as soft as a porcupine."
The taller one ignored the comment and grabbed a brown packet of something. "This, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance, is the best pop-corn you'll ever have in your life-" he put the packet back and took out a couple DVDs "-And this is my own personal selection of the best Disney classics!"
He grinned expectantly at Virgil, waiting for an answer.
"Why are you doing this?"
Before Roman could answer, the other cut him off, saying, "I mean, it's not your fault no one's ever...Well, shown me love, I guess. It's just because I act closed off that Patton won't give me a hug because all those years ago I lied and said they made me uncomfortable and-", he felt a warm weight on his shoulders.
"Virgil, stop talking and (kisS ME! No-) breathe, ok? It's fine...I'm here. We'll just watch some good ol' movies, and well, maybe cuddle, because you're touch starved and I won't let things be like that any longer."
The anxious one took a couple deep breaths and sunk deeper into his hoodie. "But why?"
"Because you're one of my best friends, Virgil. Now come on, let's start with Sleeping Beauty!"
This wasn't fair. Virgil hated it. He hated it all with the entirety of his cold, beaten down, non-existent heart. Why?!
Why did Roman's arms around his body make him feel so safe? Why was he letting himself feel this comfortable? He knew he couldn't get used to this, it was obviously a one-off thing, so why?!
He hated how the other one raked his fingers through his hair, sending shivers down his spine. He hated how warm inside this affection made him feel...And he despised himself for wanting more.
Without thinking, Virgil spat out a quick "It's Friday night, right? We could make this a thing...Like, I don't know, Disney movies at mine every Friday? If you want?"
A few seconds passed as Roman simply stared at him, slightly shocked.
Then, Virgil realized what he'd said.
He frantically tried to make excuses. "I'm sorry, that was stupid, just forget about it, I don't know what came o-"
"I would love to make this a thing, Storm Cloud!"
Months passed, and so did many movie nights. Each time, Virgil could feel himself getting even more attached to the other, and couldn't find it in him to fight his feelings. He was by now sure he had a crush on Roman.
The princely one, on the other hand, had liked Virgil since a month after they met, but only now was realizing that it wasn't a simple crush anymore. He was in love, and it felt fantastic.
How each time the other met his gaze he felt like he accomplish anything, how their bodies seemed to fit so well together when they cuddled, how they felt like they were in heaven when their fingers intertwined...Everything made them fall deeper in love, and honesty?
They didn't mind at all.
That ending...ew-
The next one will hopefully be better, I just wanted to get this one over with bc I have another draft and something else I wanna write, and having too much stuff on the go makes me overwhelmed and yeah.
I hope it wasn't too bad?
Anyway, that's all from me-
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