-I Met A Mermaid {❤️PRINXIETY💜}
I know I'm writing tONS of Prinxiety rn but bear with me pls-
TW: Swearing
"Virgil!-" Roman exclaimed as he entered the door of his shared apartment, "-You'll never guess what happened to me last night!"
The other man turned around from his desk where he was sorting out some sketches and with a sarcastic tone in his voice, asked "What happened to you last night, Roman?"
"I met...-" He waved his hand before him as if to invite Virgil to try and guess. Virgil repeated the gesture mockingly and let himself fall in his chair. At this, Roman scoffed, but nevertheless, he straightened his shoulders, puffed out his chest and announced his news.
"I met a Mermaid."
Virgil's eyes snapped towards the other, and for a couple seconds they just stared intensely, until Roman gave a small, solemn nod, to which Virgil literally burst out laughing.
Roman scowled at him, but gave him a bit to recover until all that erupted from his mouth were soft, occasional giggles. "Can I tell you the whole story, or will you just make fun of me?" He said, pouting. Virgil nodded his head as if to tell the other to continue, but a mischievous smirk was still on his lips.
"So,-" The taller one started, as he sat, or rather dramatically sprawled himself, on the couch, "-I had gone out to have a drink, nothing special, I just felt like it. Anyway, at some point this chick walks up and starts getting all over me, so I excused myself, saying I had to go talk to the boss in the back of the building, so she would leave me alone, right? But that slut was watching me to make sure I did go to the back of the place, and didn't leave, which was what I was actually aiming to do."
"So in the end, I told myself 'Fuck it' and went through the back door, slammed it closed, and as I was trying to think of what to do before I got in trouble with the owners for trespassing, I saw this guy. He was short, had light blue hair, and the weirdest accent I've ever heard. He told me he was a Mermaid, and I said I believed him-"
Virgil cut him off, mumbling an, "As you do, when someone tells you they're actually a non-existing mythical creature..."
"Excuse me, I am trying to tell a story here! Alright, so as I was saying, he told me he was a Mermaid, and we kinda made friends. I asked him if he minded pretending to be my boyfriend to get rid of that thot, and he said 'Sure, you're handsome!' And giggled, which I must say, made me take even more of a liking to him...Ehm, after that, we exited the bar and he asked me if I had a place to stay-"
Virgil scoffed. "Was he too drunk to walk back to the sea?"
The other stuck his tongue out to him and replied. "No, you Creepy Cookie, he just didn't know how to walk very well yet, so he needed help and somewhere to stay the night!"
The shorter man closed his eyes for a second, seemingly trying to make sure he understood what was happening without freaking out. "So, what you're telling me, is that you 'Made friends' with a probably mentally unstable person? Who thinks they're a Mermaid?!"
The princely one gasped. "He is not mentally unstable! Also, what? You have no proof they don't exist!"
"Don't try me with that bullshit, Dumbass!"
"Well, alright, he may be a little peculiar, but I'm sure he's a good guy!" He shot the other a hopeful grin.
Virgil let his face fall into his hands, desperate. "Just give me this guy's number so I can call him and tell him you were drunk and send him away..."
Roman crossed his legs and looked away from the other. "I don't have his number." Virgil didn't bother containing the sound of annoyance he let out before he asked "If you don't have his number or anything, how are you meant to tell him where he can stay?! Hypothetically, of course..."
Roman scoffed as if Virgil were a little kid who didn't understand a basic maths problem. "Uhm, in person, duh!"
Virgil glared over to the other, wide-eyed. "W- I- How are you gonna talk in person if you don't even know where the hell he is!?"
The taller one got up, and paced over to Virgil, sitting next to him. He spoke smoothly, as if trying not to alarm him. "Virgil...Sweet, sweet Virgil...He's waiting down in the lobby!"
"He's what!?"
"I said, he's waiting down in the lobby. I told him I had to talk to my roommate about bedsheets and stuff!"
The shorter, darkly dressed man, stood up and slowly walked towards the mini-fridge in the office. He opened it, and stuck his face inside, nearly making his nose collide with a can of Sprite. "Virgil?-" Roman asked, amusement clear in his tone, "-What exactly are you doing?"
Without skipping a beat, the other replied.
After throwing back his head with laughter, the princely man walked towards the other, and muttering a couple 'Tut, tut, nope, come on Virgey...' sounds, and managed to tear the other away from the fridge.
Virgil now sat dazed on the couch, hands gripping at a cushion as if he was struggling to comprehend what was happening.
"So..." Roman said awkwardly, "Should I tell him to come upstairs?"
"Please do, I just can't wait..." Replied the other, answer drenched in sarcasm.
"Oh, hi! You must be Virgil, I'm Patton Maeila, but everyone calls me Pat!" Said the Merman through his accent as he sat awkwardly on a chair, on the other side of the desk, and opposite to Virgil, as Roman was leaning on the desk itself.
"So...You're a Mermaid?" The anxious man asked, unsure.
"Yep! But, uh...I wanted to explore the human world, so I snuck out yesterday morning! Things didn't go as well as I'd hoped, sure, but it was very exciting!"
Roman clapped his hands together. "So,-" Ge exclaimed boisterously, "Pat, you said you need somewhere to stay, right?"
The Merman let a giggle escape his lips at Roman's flamboyant ways. "Afraid so..."
Roman cut him off with a wave of his hand. "Oh, don't worry about it, friend! It's the least we can do!" At that, Patton smiled and replied, "Thank you so much, Ro. You're too kind!"
Virgil rolled his eyes, mockery seeping through his tone. "Too kind, huh...?"
He stood. "Roman, can I talk to you for a second?-" He glanced over at the smiling, bubbly one, "-In private?" The one in red let out a chuckle. "Of course, My Fair Knight!"
As they exited the room, the shorter one slapped him on the arm.
"Ow! What was that for!?"
Virgil tried to contain the small smirk appearing on his lips. "That, for the nickname. This...-" He smacked the other man again, this time upside the head, "-Is for dragging me into this bullshit fest."
"Ow! You're being way too harsh, Hot Topic..." Roman muttered as he massaged the back of his head.
"You know,-" Virgil said as they traveled down a secondary road to their office, "-If someone had told me a couple days ago that I'd be friends with someone who said they were a literal Mermaid I would have flipped them off and walked away..."
"And now?" The other asked, hands on the steering wheel.
"Now I don't know what to think. I mean, Pat's really sweet, and well, I guess I've grown fond of him..."
Roman smiled sadly as he picked a spot to park the car. "Well, I'm very glad you're starting to like him, Panic! At The Everywhere!"
Virgil slammed the car as he got out of the car. "Will you ever stop with those nicknames?"
"Never, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance. Never."
As Patton, Virgil and Roman walked towards the beach, they couldn't help but admire the beauty of the night sky. "I'll definitely miss that as soon as I go back...", sighed Patton.
"Are you sure you want to do this Padre? I mean-" The tallest one cut himself short as he saw the look on his roommate's face.
"We'll miss you, Pop Star, but it's right for you to go back...-" He softly hugged the Merman, who squeezed him and ruffled his hair in a fatherly way. "-Tell Logan about us, ok? Your really cool emo human friend and his idiot roommate..."
Before Roman could protest in any way, Patton assured both he'd let all his Mermaid friends know how kind they'd both been to him.
Finally, they all exchanged goodbyes, and as the moon and stars reflected themselves on the shiny surface of the sea, the Merman with light blue hair dived straight into the waves and swam out to the ocean, back to his home.
The two humans watched from the land, feeling the damp sand under their feet and the fresh air swirling around them, the occasional gust of wind messing up their hair.
Roman knew he should probably feel upset because of Patton leaving, but the sight of Virgil under that starry sky was all his brain would let him think about at the moment. He looked so peaceful, yet somehow also bittersweet. His eyes sparkled in a way that made the princely man's stomach subject to a swarm of butterflies, no matter how many times it happened. On his lips rested a small, almost unnoticeable smile, which didn't accentuate his dimples as much as Roman would have liked, but was still breathtaking. His freckles seemed to dance about his face from his cheekbones to the tip of his nose, silently inviting the observer to softly kiss each and every one of them. To Roman, he was perfect.
To himself, he was a broken mess.
Still, this most recent adventure had bought them together a bit more, and maybe, just maybe their feelings for each other won't go unnoticed for much longer...
Ay yo yo-
So, did ya like it? Did it Exceed Expectations? Or was it Outstanding, perhaps? Or maybe Troll? Let me know lmao
(Harry Potter reference? No? Ok...)
Anyway I hope you enjoyed, friendos!
Aaaand, that's all from me, byeee!
((make sure to tell your friENDS ABOUT MY ONE SHOT BOOK, OK?!?! Jkjk lol))
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