-Heaven {❤️PRINXIETY💜}
Human (High School/College) AU
TW: Crying, confrontation, self-depreciating talk, mentions of shouting, emotional angst/hurt-comfort
Virgil swiftly drew an 'X' in the top right corner of the pencil-drawn grid, and smirked smugly. Just seconds after he raised his hand from the paper, he heard an annoyed groan beside him. At this, he chuckled.
"Virgil, come on, admit it, are you what- Some sort of sorcerer?!"
The darkly dressed boy's eyes gleamed in amusement as he lightly shook his head, clicking his tongue.
"Then how?! This is like the fifteenth time you've won, and I cannot allow that! Don't you know I'm meant to always win?! And that would all be dandy for me, because well, I'm the best-"
At that, Virgil emitted a small scoff.
"-But how is one to compete when the competition has been meddled with by a witch-like being's powers!?"
Roman threw his arms up in exasperation.
"Ok, first of all-" Virgil began to talk, his quiet voice a great contrast to the dramatic one one would have heard just before "-I am not a 'witch-like being', nor do I have supernatural powers."
Roman shot him a suspicious glare, as if to say 'Well, I can't be sure of that!'
"And second of all, chill. It's only tic-tac-toe..."
Roman stood up, placed a hand to his chest as if he were covering a wound, or giving his word about something something, and retorted.
"It may be a foolish game, Gray Toro (Because, you know, gray is a depressing color and, well, Ray Toro, from MCR? No? Ok...), but it has deeply wounded my pride!"
Virgil chuckled once more. Honestly, Roman's dramatic mock-disappointment will never not make him laugh. Well, no, not laugh. More like smirk or chuckle.
Virgil didn't do laughing.
"Welp, too bad-"
Roman's reaction to that was...interesting, to say the least. Especially if one had never witnessed it before. He gasped loudly, and stumbled back, one hand clasping the fabric of his shirt right where his heart was, the other hopelessly thrown across his forehead as if he were a fainting Disney Princess.
"How could you say something so, so- So cruel! What have I ever done to you to deserve this, Hot Topic?!"
Saying that he had slumped over the table, his arm reaching out to Virgil as if he was dangling from a cliff and the emo boy in front of his was his only chance of being saved.
Virgil merely spared him a bored glance, then smirked at his own response.
"Aww, you think I'm hot..."
At that Roman sat up and leaned back in his chair, stretched out his arms and then folded them behind his back, his expression mutating into a much more serious one than it had been just seconds before.
"Well, yes, I've been trying to let you know that for the past two years."
Virgil turned around so fast that, for just a second, he felt slightly dizzy. But his dizziness wasn't to be attributed to only that reason. Oh no, it was because Roman wanted to talk about that. Again.
"Listen Princey, I don't re-"
He was immediately cut off.
"No Virgil, we are going to have this conversation, and it's gonna be right now."
Virgil fumbled with his backpack, tossing it on the table, and sat in front of the other boy, mumbling something along the lines of 'Shithead'.
Roman waited for him to prepare himself psychologically, then looked at him expectantly.
"I want to know why you never acknowledge it when I openly tell you I like you, Virgil, because I know for a fact that you like me back."
Virgil looked down at his stomach, sinking further into his large hoodie.
"That's not tr-"
As soon as he started saying that he immediately regretted it. He was going to get shouted at, wasn't he? Oh god, why does he always have to make things worse?!
"It is. I know it."
Roman's voice was...basically a whisper. It wasn't so low that you would think he didn't mean for Virgil to hear it, but it wasn't quite like his usual speaking-voice level either, let alone the yelling Virgil had expected.
"I know it and you know it too, Virgil. Patton told me that you spilled it out to him. Logan proposed to write me a whole essay revolving around the way you act around me and the signals you give, which show that you like me. I pointed it out to Deceit, and he said, and I quote, that it was 'Painfully obvious' that we like each other. Hell, even Remus agrees!-"
His voice went up in a crescendo during the whole speech and by the end, he was quite close to what could be considered shouting, but after he took a deep breath, his volume dropped back to how it was before.
A soft, pained whisper, that clearly tried to be monotone to cover up the hurt it felt.
"Then why, Virgil. Why won't you just let me try? I know I was mean to you in the past, but it's probably the thing I regret doing most in my life! I thought we were over that. I thought we were at least friends..."
Virgil wanted to speak up, but he felt something in his throat stopping him. He could feel his heart rate accelerating and his vision getting slightly blurry. He wanted to cry, sob even, but he couldn't. Not in front of Roman.
"I've been asking you indirectly and directly to go on a date for literal months, so why do you always brush it off? Like, even if it's a 'No', just give me an answer! Please..."
Virgil's voice sounded croaky, like he could start crying at any minute. Actually, he thanked the heavens that he wasn't already.
Still, he tried to give a decent answer.
"I...Y-You deserve better, Roman. Someone, anyone else. Just not me."
Roman aggressively raked a hand through his hair.
"But I don't want anyone else! I want you!" He responded, his voice an angry loud-whisper.
Virgil stood up. He wasn't gonna be able to contain the tears for much longer. He had to go. The darkly dressed boy grabbed his backpack and was about to storm off, and he definitely would have, if he hadn't felt someone grasp his arm. It wasn't in an angry or aggressive way, but more like a plea for him to stay.
"Virgil, please...talk to me..."
Roman's voice sounded so, so...So distraught, so hopeless, so desperate, so exhausted, so sad...
So not Roman.
He turned around, slowly. He didn't know if he was ready to see the pain he knew would be present in Roman's eyes. Such beautiful, beautiful hazel eyes. The eyes of the guy he was desperately in love with. They were full of hurt.
Virgil almost gasped at the sight of them.
"Roman...Roman, I-" He swallowed. This was going to be difficult.
"Listen, it's not that I don't like you, believe me. I honestly think I love you with all my heart, and I have for months, but I can't let you do this to yourself...I'm broken, Roman. Some people are meant to be alone, and I'm one of them. I would ruin your life...You would get annoyed at me for panicking over everything, you would hate me because of my many insecurities, you would lose hours of sleep helping me through night terrors and nightmares."
"And yet, you would still do your best to help me, in the beginning at least, and you know why? Because you're a wonderful person, Roman. And you deserve someone just as wonderful. You-You're just attracted to my physical appearance, because no one could ever dream of loving me, let alone have a crush on me..."
"So please try to look at it from my point of view, and maybe you'll understand. Do it, and you'll understand that I'm just a piece of shit who doesn't deserve nor wants to be alive, and that you're the complete opposite. You're amazing, funny, charming, fabulous, warm, comforting...You're like sunshine, Roman..."
"People enjoy it when you appear. You bring light into other people's lives, you wash away their worries. I'm like a storm. I scare people away, and no one wants me to be around."
"So please, let it go. I'm unlovable, Roman. That's it. I-"
Virgil would have continued ranting, but by now he was chocking on his own tears, and couldn't speak coherently anymore. He was shaking, badly, and his heart felt like it was being stabbed by swarms of anxious thoughts, repeatedly. Right now, he really wanted to disappear.
"But don't you want to be loved? Don't you want to be kissed, and hugged, and cuddled? Do you never feel lonely and just need someone you love to talk to? Do you never just want to go on a casual date, like going stargazing or having a pic-nic, or a 'proper' one, with a romantic candle-lit dinner and a movie? Don't you long for someone to talk to, to write to, to call if you're feeling down, to hug...Don't you just want someone to whisper sweet nothings in your ear while playing with your hair?"
He gently cupped Virgil's face, gazing at him with a look of utter love, and heart ache at the same time.
"Don't you want to be loved?"
Virgil's vision was blurry from tears, but he could still clearly see the expression on the other's face, and it made his knees buckle and his heart melt. After a failed attempt at taking a deep breath, Virgil just decided to just say it.
"Yes, I do, bu-"
But the 'Yes' was the only thing Roman had to hear.
In a quick motion, he swiftly wrapped his arms around Virgil's smaller body and pulled him close. One arm was around his waist, the other was rubbing circles into his upper back.
Virgil could feel Roman's warmth. It was the best kind of intoxicating, and he kind of wanted more. Timidly, he wrapped his arms around the other's neck and cried, but this time, they were happy tears.
That embrace- Roman's embrace made him feel so safe...so comfortable...so warm...
So loved.
They held each other, Roman holding Virgil firmly but gently at the same time, like would break or vanish if he wasn't careful, and Virgil hanging on to Roman like he was his lifeline, his only hope.
Virgil's head was in the crook of Roman's neck, his purple hair tickling the other's skin, and Roman's strong arms stayed securely around Virgil for what felt like both only a second and an eternity .
Eventually, they pulled back.
When they did, all they could do was stare into each other's eyes, mesmerized. There was a perfect silence, a comfortable one. Then Roman spoke.
"Virgil...would you l-like-"
The darkly dressed one knew exactly what the other was going to ask. He was going to ask Virgil to be his boyfriend. As the thought started sinking in, Virgil realized what that would mean.
It meant that only he could be the one to receive those hugs. It meant he was the only one who got to kiss his beautiful, rosy lips. But above all, it meant that...he could be loved and happy, something Virgil had longed for his entire, miserable, lonely, life.
And now Roman was voluntarily offering Virgil a serious, real, true possibility of finding happiness...how could anyone refuse?
Wanting to respond before Roman thought something was wrong, but not finding any words to describe how utterly delighted he was because of his offer, Virgil just nodded energetically, tears stains on his cheeks, and hugged him again with all the strength and adoration he could muster.
Just seconds into the hug, Roman put his hands just above the other's hips, and Virgil though he was going to push him away, but Roman just picked him up and spun him around, a grin on his god-like, extremely handsome face, and Virgil felt amazing. Small giggles were erupting from his mouth and a blush was growing on his pale cheeks.
Being with Roman, he realized, was like having your own, private, little piece of heaven.
And how could he say no to that?
Hey everyone!
So, did ya like it???
You proud of me for writing a 2000+ words one shot? No? Ok, lmao-
But seriously, I hope you enjoyed my best attempt at writing something slightly angsty.
You can just PM me, if you prefer that, or just leave 'em here! ——————>
Welp, that's all from me...
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