-Busy {🖤LOGICALITY💙} (Pt.2)
-Monday, 9:12 am-
"Good morning, Microsoft Nerd!"
"Ah, good morning to you too Roman."
"So, where is my royal breakfast?"
"Precisely what I thought as I entered the kitchen before you. Well, exept for the "royal" part. Anyway, I suspect our breakfast has not been made yet because Patton is usually the one to fur fill that task, and he is no where to be seen."
"What!? Padre has disappeared?! Unacceptable! I shall set off on a quest, and recover him at once!"
"There will be no need for your nonsensical fairytale behavior, Roman. All we must do is look for Morality within the mindscape, and we shall soon find him. That is the logical thing to do, after all. I shall start from his room."
-Monday, 3:24 pm-
"Emo Nightmare."
"My Chemically Imbalanced Romance."
"Hot Topic."
"Oatmeal Raisin Cookie."
"Dark Chocolate Chip Muffin."
"Sugar Plum."
"My Dearest-"
"Ah, finally, I need to talk to you."
"Oh, YOU DO?"
"Yes, had I not made it clear?"
"Oh I don't know, do you think PESTERING me with all those nicknames was effective?"
"Well, it got you to talk to me, so-"
"Nevermind, just tell me what you have to tell me."
"Me and Logan can't get Dad out of his toom."
"I know, right? I suggested to go on a quest and save him but 'nO roMaN, tHeRe wiLl Be nO nEeD foR yOuR noNseNSicAl fAirYtaLe bEhAviOr'-"
"Roman! What if he's dead!"
"I'm quite positive he's not, Virgil. He spoke to us."
"Oh- Well he might have been imprisoned! Or replaced! Or impersonated! Or tortured! Or-"
"Virgil, it's alright. I'm sure Padre is fine."
"I never thought I'd say this, but I hope you're right, Princey..."
-Tuesday, 12:05 am-
"Please exit your room, Patton, it is not healthy to remiain in such a space for numerous days in a row."
"I didn't quite understand that, Pat, could you please-"
"I said you only care when it's basically too late."
"Wh- I do care about you! We all do!"
"Oh, I know Virgil and Roman do..."
"Just- could you let me in, please? So we can talk face to face."
"Thank you."
"Patton, this behavior you're displaying- it's nothing like your usual self."
"Please just forget it Lo, I'll be fine by tomorrow morning!"
"Patton, I'd rather you were truthfully miserable rather than pretending to be happy and fi-"
"Do I mean anything to you? Anything at all?"
"I- Of course you do! I-"
"Because you're always going on about how, as sides, we should all get along and try to spend time with each other, and get mad at Ro and Virge when they fight, but when I reach out to you to spend time with you because I enjoy your company, you just reject me, saying you have work to do, when I know you don't! I can see when you're lying, Logan, I know you're lying...I just- Wish I knew why..."
"Patton, I-"
"Am I too stupid?"
"What? No! It's just-"
"Am I annoying?"
"Then WHY, Lo? Why do you hate me so much!?"
"Pat- No, please Pat, don't cry- I swear, I don't hate you at all."
"You're just saying that out of pity-"
"No, no I promise you I am not. And I also promise you I will be better and spend more time with you."
"You...you don't have to..."
"I know I don't, but I want to."
"Then why-"
"Because I was afraid."
"I was afraid I would eventually mess up our friendship."
"W-why?! Did I give you the impression I didn't like yo-"
"No Patton, you misunderstood me. I was afraid I would mess up our friendship because of- because...M-my feelings."
"Yes, it is what I presume you're thinking it is."
"...Are you kidding?"
"Oh- Oh my goodness- Lo, I-"
"Please, don't acknowledge it just now. Wait until we have re-establised a better friendship, and then we can talk about it. Does that sound alright to you?"
"Yes, it's perfect."
"Hey Lo?"
"Yes, Pat?"
"Would- Would you like to watch a movie with me...?"
"I would love to, Pat"
Hope you enjoyed!
Should I make a part 3? Idk, you tell me if you wanna see it!
Also I can't write endings, yAy- :''''D
Lol, byeee!
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