GAY Sleepover (platonic thomceit)
Note:this is one of my headcanons from the last chapter
Thomas pov
Janus and I are going to have another one of our sleepovers. The lights sides don't know that I'm secretly best friends with Janus and Remus is like a fun older brother to me but only Virgil knows because when he used to be a dark side he took me to the dark sides one time and Janus and I instantly became friends.
Virgil and I pretend we don't like them because the light sides would hate them more and accuse them of manipulating us into being friends
A few minutes later-
Janus came into my room with a ton of snacks and a gallon of coke.
We sit down on my bed and start talking about our crushes.
(Let's pretend Thomas has a crush on a random guy names Jerry)
Janus: So have you told Jerry you liked him
Thomas: Yeah and he actually likes me back
Janus: I'm so happy for you. I wish I had the confidence to tell Virgil I like him but I don't want him to worry about what the other sides say
Thomas: that's sucks. Anyways how is Remus
Janus: Ughhh don't get me started. He talks about Patton a lot and he keeps saying that he is adorable and that he doesn't want Patton to like him
Thomas: And why is it that
Janus: He says that Roman will kill him and think that he manipulated Patton to liking him
Thomas: *rolls eyes* Why can't Roman understand that Remus is his brother and that he is not evil
Janus: Because you and Virgil pretend to hate us and we pretend to be mean
Thomas*laughs* Oh yeah
Janus pov
We turn on the tv and we start watching The Office.
I really wish we didn't have to pretend to hate each other.
As I start thinking a lot Thomas turns to me and ask if I'm alright
Janus: Not really
Thomas: What's wrong
Janus: I just don't want to pretend we hate each other any more. It gets tiring having to look bad and not being able to hug you when you get stressed
Thomas: I do too. *big gay gasp* I have an excellent idea
Janus: Oh please last time you said that we almost died drinking coke
Thomas: Ok true but this one is good
Janus: Ok let me hear it
Thomas: How about we tell Roman Patton and Logan that Virgil and I don't actually hate you guys
Janus: You sure? They might get mad especially Roman
Thomas: Yeah. And if they get mad at me then they can go fuck themselves
Janus: Ok and maybe we should tell them that you're not that innocent
Thomas: No because I love tricking them. And we should tell Virgil and Remus about the plan
Janus: Ok but let's get some sleep
Thomas: Ok
Thomas cuddles up to Janus and Janus hugs him.
Janus: I hope they don't get mad
Thomas: Don't think to much of it now let's go to sleep
Janus: Ok bossy pants
They both fell asleep hugging each other
In the morning-
They both woke up and changed to get ready to tell Virgil and Remus the plan.
Thomas: Remus Virgil come over here!!
Remus: *appears* Yes Thomas
Virgil*appears* Sup
Thomas: Ok Janus and I have planned to tell the light sides that Virgil and I don't actually hate you guys
Virgil: Quick question. Why?
Janus: Because we're tired of not being able to hangout and of Remus and I being put as the bad guys
Remus: Ok I will help you guys
Virgil: Same and Remus and I will hurt them if they say something bad about Janus and you
Thomas: Ok let's go
All 4 of them arrive at the lights place
Thomas: Guys can you come down here. I have an annoucment
Roman Logan and Patton: Coming Thomas
When they arrive and they see the darks and Virgil
Roman: Why are they here *pointing at his twin and Janus*
Thomas: Because we all 4 have an annoucment
Thomas: Here goes nothing.
Virgil and I pretend to hate Janus and Remus because Janus and I are secretly best friends and same with Remus and Virgil
Logan: So you lied to us
Roman: I knew they weren't good they made you lie and Virgil I thought we could trust you
Patton: Roman!!! Don't be mean I pretty sure they have an explanation
Virgil: Thanks popstar.
And we pretended to hate them because we knew how all of you would react and we didn't want you guys to say that they manipulated us into liking them
Light sides* surprised*
Logan: Wait how did you guys become best friends
Janus: That's a long story
Roman: We have time
Thomas: Ok but trust me it's very long
After the 4 of them explained-
Remus: And that's the story
Roman: Wow you guys pretended to hate each other because you scared of our reaction
All 4 of them nodded
Roman: Now I feel bad for making you guys feel like bad guys
Patton: Me too. I'm sorry you guys I didn't mean to hurt your feeling
Logan: I am also sorry for my actions
Virgil: It's ok guys you didn't know
Roman: I'm sorry Remus *hugs him tightly*
Remus: it's ok bro and like Virgil said you didn't know
Thomas: so now that you guys know how about you guys start all over again and we play video games
All of the sides: Sure
3rd person pov
After starting all over again they played just dance.
The twins did a duet and it was The Time Of My Life and when they got to the lift part Remus accidentally dropped Roman and Roman hit him with a pillow.
They all continued to play and they were all suprised to find out Remus and Virgil were very good dancers but Janus beat them and Janus got cookies as an award for winning
I hope you guys liked it very much and maybe I'll do a chapter for Janus confessing to Virgil and Remus confessing to Patton
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