sour feelings 65
Trigger warning : sexual assault (mild) please read with caution.
Romans pov////
"But what about that red thing you did with your arms." Remy says from the far end of the table. He was laying over a couple of chairs with his head upside-down and feet leaning on the top of a chair.
We've been here for hours I was slumped against the wall tapping the marker on temple. Logan was deshevled against a notebook scribbling out ideas as Patton was up at the white board drawing butterflies in the corner.
"I don't even know what those powers do. The only thing I know is I can attach them to people and it will hurt them. I don't even know how to activate it. It's just when I'm angry. Also where the fuck is deceit at?" I then realise I haven't seen him in a long time. I look at Remy.
"He went to go talk to Thomas I have no idea what for but he's been gone since last night. I'm sure he's fine." He says blowing a bubble of gum, where did he even- eh doesn't matter.
"Can we please focus. Now roman what if we tried these powers out. Science isn't helping it's been weeks and it hasent worked. Im- uh ready to give anything else a try, I just want Patton back." He was desperate I could feel it in his voice deep down under those nerdy glasses he just wants his love back.
"Okay okay I'll try but I had virgil to lead me through it last time. Do you really wanna do this right now?" I ask unsure.
"Why not, we've only got one idea and your it. That's all we've got." Remy says. I sigh looking around at the room.
" Will you all get up from the table." They stand and I snap turning the room into more of a science lab tile on the ground but I leave chairs and a table. Smaller though. The whiteboard as well. Remy looks at me.
"Can I have a beanbag chair?" He says begging. I roll my eyes and snap and a beanbag chair appears but it's sewn up with purple patches and white string.
"Fuck hold up." I snap again and it's a purple leather beanbag instead. I nervously laugh.
Logan stands behind the desk notebook galore. "Roman can you make a target down the way." He points to the glass covering the kitchen door and window. I nod anxiety rising in me.
What if I mess up and hurt them.
I try and set those feel aside. And clear my head. I snap once more and it was a rubber dummy version of dep. "Okay Logan what should I do?" I say standing in a fighting pose.
"Patton. Could you come here please." He says to get Patton out of the way. Just in case. Patton walks over and begins drawing in a notebook by him on the desk like a well behaved child. "Okay roman what emotion were you feeling when it first happened?"
"Scared and angry? Worried." I say. I hear him scribble something down on his notebook.
"Weren't you holding a blade each time." Remy says with blast sunglasses on instead. Sipping a Starbucks coffee.
I summon my sword breathing deeply to remember what I was feeling. I let my anger boil to the top channeling all my thoughts of dep. My thoughts that Virgil might not be okay. Everything that's happening the fact that I feel powerless.
"-AN!" Logan shouts. I snap out of it I look at my arms, red glowing veins pulse outside of my skin and clothing. My sword in my hands glows a bright red. I can feel the veins wrapping around my eyesockets.
"Okay what do I do now?" I ask scared of moving.
"I want you to slice the target with your sword and see what happens." He puts on protective goggles. "Pretend he's one of your sparing enemies in the imagination." He says scribbling away in his note book.
I snap so it was a moving person animatronic like the ones in the imagination. It looks life-like. I run at it jumping on its shoulder and slicing it's neck and spinning it around til it fell. I jumped off of it the red marks cracked red splits in the robots skin just like Virgil's arm the cracks quickly spread down it's body glowing until it explodes falling apart in a heap of robot oils and red loose marks splattering on the glass. Some of it coming up and splattering on my face and clothes.
"Remy I'd like you to come behind the desk with us." Logan says stunned. Remy shuffles out of the chair quickly coming behind the desk. I snapped again putting up glass around the entire area I was in and leaving a glass door from them to me. Logan activates the p.a. system. "Roman do you mind going again with three targets that can teleport like dep?" I nod snapping again. Three showing up. "Test two will commence in three, two, one." They all start moving.
I grab the first one stabbing my sword into it going through him until it hit the glass behind him. The second one teleports to next to me the third one following right after I grab the second one by it's neck. I pulled him into the one I had stabbed pulling my sword out, the first one explodes sending parts flying into the second one. I use my sword blocking the third ones attack with a knife. I kick him while the second one tries to move. I shove my sword backwards into it's ribs. The third one teleports up behind me the knife at my throat. I grab his hand and his arms burst into cracking red veins. Glowing they explode I grab the knife from the air and it glows as I stab it into the robots forehead.
I kneel on the ground heaving gasping for air. Remy runs out of the room with a bottle of water. Handing it to me and then lending his hand down. I take the bottle with one hand and his hand with the other he helps me up. He lets me lean on him as we walk inside the screening area.
Logan messes with the computers so it shows the entire endeavour on the glass in front of us. The recording is on loop as we watch just exactly what the veins do.
Virgil's pov/////
They hooked me back up to my table. Tighter restraints more needles. A camera. I instantly become sick again. Dep sits at a desk at the end of the room with two notebooks and three lamps. Five pens and a seven paneled window behind him.
What? I got bored so I started counting stuff!
"You know it's funny that you are still holding on to the hope of them finding us. And saving you." His dark voice not even fazing me anymore.
"At least I have people who care about me, unlike you." I say coughing. He slams his pen down on his notebook. Pulling his fingers through his slicked back black hair. He was more unstable than me I can sence how hard he's trying to keep his form together. Its amazing his form is not glitching.
He stands sauntering over to my "bed". "You know everyone I love seems to run away from me. But right now." He trails his fingers up my bare chest. "-you can't run."
"You know as much as I love being tied to a table I'll never be okay with you touching me again. You ruined your chances years ago you fucking sick bas-" I cough and choke “tard!” I breathe heavily. I wiggle away from his touch.
"The creatives aren't here. I can do whatever I want to you right now.~" he gets his face close to mine. He trails his hand down to my jeans palming me. He shoved his head down to my neck leaving heavy kisses. I try and wiggle away to no prevail.
"No means no." I barely able to mutter. I struggled against the restraints as tears tracked my face blurring my vision. I looked around, turning my neck in every direction to look for something. His kisses becoming hungry bitemarks. Frantic my eyes scan our surroundings, then I spot it, a full syringe of the shit they knock me out with. I mustard the last bit of my power and maneuver the syringe with
Propofol and stab him with it injecting it into his neck he yelps immediately falling into a sleep.
Tears start streaming out of my eyes, heaving breaths start to form. It's been weeks and this is the first time I've cried here. I pull on the restraints trying to get his unconscious body off me. The darkness of the room falls over me. Just the sound of my heaving sobbs filling the quiet room. I shove him with more force he falls knocking over the metal roll around chart with tools on it. I hear Remus running from down the hall. "Dep! Hunny are you okay!" He yells from an approaching distance. I didn't care what he came in here to see. No sense in even trying.
Remus enters the room. Walking over to me confused. "Virgil are you okay? What happened?" He turns on the overhead light seeing bitemarks on my neck and the covers shoved off of me.
"Remus please let me go." My lungs heavy as I faintly speak. Hardly audible. My hair sticking to my face and covering my left eye. Remus was confused. He walks over to the other side of the bed. Seeing the knocked out dep on the ground the syringe the bitemarks the bed sheets. He was so blindly in love. He didn't even see what he was doing was wrong.
He picked up dep. Pulling the syringe out and dragging him out of the room. I sneeze and cough and choke, tears flowing back into my eyes since I was on the table.
"I just want roman." My voice sounded small, broken. Along with my spirit, my lungs, my powers, and my heart. "Where is he?"
Oh my Lord I am so sorry for writing this *sobbing in a corner* but also character development and more reasons to hate this bastard. - sad bandersnatch
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