snake and a knife 18
Virgils pov\\\\
What happend ugh my head huuuuurrrrts. DID I HURT ANYONE?!!
" ROMAN! ROMAN!" I look over to see him laying on my bed, i shake him.
"Are you Okay are you hurt did I hurt you?!" He gets up and looks at me. I pick up his arms and legs checking for any signs or damage.
"Virgil virgil. Calm down what are you doing?" He grogily says and sits up and looks at me.
"Did i hurt anyone are you okay what happend!?" I start panicking. He hugs me.
"Calm down no one got hurt except logans glasses that he threw. Calm down virgil." He rubs slow calming circles in my back. I calm down and flop back down on the bed letting out a sigh. Roman leans over and kisses me. I kiss back. He breaks it looking over at the clock. It was 4 am.
"Lets go back to sleep huh?" I nod at romans question. I listen to his breathing waiting for him to fall asleep, after awhile it slows down.
I slowly creep out of bed untieing me from the sleeping beauty I open my drawer slowly taking my personal kitchen knife and sinking down to deceits door I knock and hide the knife inside my pocket.
I hear the door unlock and i walk inside.
"Hello Virgil what would you like today?" He smiles i walk closer to him and i wip out the knife holding it to his throught.
"Uncurse me asshole" pure fear fills his eyes as I see purple in the reflrction of his eyes.
"No I wont do it! Please hurt me" he says and i nod.
"Well do it snake and ill put the knife away after" he starts shaking .
"Hurry it up!" He nods and starts whispering something under his breath. And he stops. I look at him.
"Ask me something." I say.
"Do you have anorexia?" He asks
"No." I take the knife away and give him a hug.
"I'm so sorry bud." I say. He nods.
I look at him again getting a good look at his face.
"Did they hurt you again?" He hisses when i touch his scar on his face he bites his lip and nods.
"I'm sorry." We sit there in silence for a moment.
"I really have to go.. Im so sorry. I'll figure something out." He just nods and I get up and walk out the door sinking down back to my room. Snuggling up with roman, I wrap my arms around him, but my mind dosent stop it wanders, and i let it.
You betrayed him. You let them hurt them. You should get hurt just as badly as him. Cut cut cut.
I drift to sleep with the thoughts still running around my head, still there.
(Time skip to the next morning)
I wake up to kisses running down my neck, i tense up.
"Its just me emo." Roman says with a smirk. I open my eyes to see my morning Ray of delusional.
He continues to kiss me I kiss back.
What if I hurt him I I can't do this I have to stop. Hes gonna get hurt.
I break the kiss and he looks at me.
"I.. I don't wanna hurt..... You. I can't let myself do that." I look at him tears welling in my eyes.
He holds me. Looks me straight in the eye.
"I won't let you hurt me. I love you to much to watch you fall apart Virgil." He kisses me again but my mind dosent stop it festers. In my skull I can feel my brain spinning.
Roman snaps me out of it with his voice.
"Stay here until i call you to breakfast and you BETTER EAT" He wags his finger at me. I get all quiet and he just looks at me with remores in his eyes. "Okay im going dont you dare peak." He starts smiling again and walks out closing the door.
I run to my bathroom unconsciously talking out my locked box with old razors. I sit on the ground with the rasor right in front of me. It taunts me laughing at me.
Weak baby poor baby you let a prince come and save you, and now your going to stab him in the back. Just like deceit.
The rasor blade glows a bright purple small black and purple flames float around it. It starts floating up.
Worthless pitful freak. They hate you. Let the hate consume you. No one will care when your gone.
I swerve my hand and the blade goes in the direction that I waved it to smashing it against my bathroom doors mirror.
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