not drunk 33
New pov!
Logan pov+++++++
I wake up with my head pounding, I don't remember much of last night after i chugged a bottle of whiskey. Yes I chugged whiskey, I have developed a bad habit of cutting my wrists then drinking to forget, its gotten bad....
What did i do last night? I really need to stop drinking.
Though alcohol dosent effect my much it does tend to make me forget events, when i drink the only downside is I get more emotional but i forget about it in the morning so...... Its become a habit to, have emotions, drink, cut, cry, sleep, forget. At first i cut on my legs but lately ive moved to my arms, so ive been wearing longs sleeves and or small friendship bracelets patton has given me.
I get off my bed and stand up noticing i was asleep in my regular clothes, which was irregular for me. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I wash my face and clean my cuts, then adjust my clothes to look proper.
I walk out of my room and head down stairs, Patton was in the kitchen and roman was sitting on the couch. As soon as get into there sights they both look at me with... Worry?
"Logan come sit down so you can eat." Patton says breaking the awkward silence filling the room. I nod and sit down Roman heads upstairs,... Limping? and patton brings out a but stack of pancakes and multiple plates. Deceit walks down the stairs as I grab a plate and put 2 pancakes on it, grabbing a fork as well.
"Bad morning." He says with a smile. And sits down next to me, also grabing a plate.
"Greetings." I reply and patton walks back to the table with syrup and a small plate with butter on it.
"Good morning to you deceit as well. How did everyone sleep?" Patton says regaining his cheerfulness.
"Adequate." I say grabbing a knife to begin cutting my food.
"Not fine." Deceit says and also starts cutting his food. I hear footsteps behined me coming from the stairs as patton sits down across from me.
"Sup." I hear Virgil say from behined me. He walks closer and takes the seat next to me as roman sits next to Patton. Patton beams.
"Hi guys, this is strange we havent sat and ate breakfast like this in,...... Ever?" He gabs a cut out part of a pancake with his fork and shoves it in his mouth. Virgil gives a slight smile at the bubbly character and adds some syrup to his food.
"Yeah i think you are right we havent ate all together since dee and remy moved in." Roman smiles, something is off though the coversation was... Stiff? Awkward? They were not disscussing something.
Everyone continues to eat silently with this topic hanging over their heads, it seemed like im the only one not avoiding the topic.
"Okay, whatever it is please talk about it because this awkward silence is killing me." I say putting my fork down staring at the other traits. Roman taps his finger nevously on the table.
"Roman stop it your gonna make thomas jittery." Virgil says in his raspy tone of voice. Roman puts his hand in his lap and takes and trys to steady his breath.
Virgil sighs.
"I told them last night after you went to sleep." He says looking over at me.
"Told them... What? I didnt even talk to you last night." I say confused my heart starts racing. He looks shocked and so does Patton. Roman is still trying to calm his nerves.
"Logan what do you remember of last night?" Virgil asks concern in his voice.
"Uh..." I diddnt wanna tell them.
The memories of blood on my arm come to mind, its the last thing i remember.
"Reading a book." I say and instantly deceit laughs.
"Great lie there darling." Deceit says sarcastically. I forgot he knew when people lied. Virgil gives him a threatening stare and he shuts his mouth.
"Logan, you came to my room last night, to you remember anything of what we talked about?" He asks. Patton and Roman look worried.
"No?" I say furrowing my brow. Virgil sighs at my answer.
"Logan you came to my room last night in tears. We talked about you and how you have been selfharming recently." He says quickly. I bite my lip.
"I... Uh.. What? I didnt do that!" I spat out not knowing what to say. My secret was out and i wasnt the one who told it, it was drunk, depressed me.
"Were you drunk again?" Patton finally speaks up. I look at him regret turning at my eyes. Everyone looks between us.
"Yes." I say reluctantly.
"Logan, we have talked about this. Just because you dont get very drunk nor to you get effected as much doesn't mean its okay to chug a entire bottle of alcohol, its not healthy. You of all traits should know that." Patton lectured all of the other sides looking with disbelief at me.
"Now do you wanna explain what's been going on? Or would you like us to assume the worst?" Roman questions almost threateningly.
"I'll explain...." I straighten my glasses and clear my throat. "I have been, not 100% lately."
"Oh really." Virgil sarcastically stated. Roman gives him a glare. He shuts up.
"I have been getting into a bad mental state, I drink, i cut, and then go to sleep. Its not logical at all. I- i-i just feel like I can't do anything right.... I cant help with emotions. I cant find dep. I cant get thomas focused. I cant HELP at all." I sigh the rest look down not knowing what to say, i dont blame them, i would not know what to say either. "Im sorry, me acting this way has just made things worse." Tears threaten to spill my eyes and i stand up with my plate, Virgil grabs my sleeve.
"Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better, its okay, we are all here for each other." Everyone stares at him suprised at how calm and serious he was acting. I give a small smile and he lets me go.
I walk to the kitchen and out up my plate. I can faintly hear murmmurs from the other room. It pains me to see them all worried about me.
I walk out and back to my room without being stopped this time.
(Here ya go bois. Another chapter done and sorry it is short buuuutt i am gonna be posting more often soon. See ya guys gals and non binary pals. Bye 👋)
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