his head 21
Virgil pov\\\\\\
I had pinned him to the wall again, the knife still cutting his neck. He had gotten a couple hits on me and I was bleeding from a gash on my arm from self harm.
The knife starts glowing and i see my eyes flare purple again and blood pours out of the gash in his neck.
"Come on Virgil why are you struggling? Im such a easy target..... Kill me." He spits out blood at me covering my left eye.
"How the fuck are you even talking?!?!" I scream. I feel him struggle under me and he moves his arms from my pull. I finally lose it so I give in and push the knife with full force and push out the other side of his neck. I back away and see his head fall to the floor. Life flows from his eyes and his headless body falls on the floor. I lay on the floor paralyzed at what i just did.
What did i do. I just let him die, I KILLED HIM!
I knew you would betray him, just like you do to everyone else.
I curl up into a ball and start crying sobs emmiting from my core. Vision blurred by blood. My blood pouring out of me. I start shaking.
Romans pov\\\\*****
I run into the room to see a headless depression and a blood soaked virgil, he was shaking and crying head in his knees and knees in his arms and was he bleeding? I can't tell there's so much blood.
I can't belive he killed him. He murdered somone... THERES NO TIME I HAVE TO MAKE SURE VIRGIL IS SAFE!
I run over scooping him up and sinking back down to his room, I lay him on the floor.
"Virgil Virgil talk to me. You have to stop crying its okay I'm here. Its alright shhh" I rub his back and control my breathing hoping he would follow suit. It takes a few minutes but he calms down but dosent stop crying. He keeps whispering something.
"What was that?" I ask
"I... I ......... Killed him..... I killed him... I took off his head......... I did that" his sobs continue and I continue to rub his back soothingly.
"Shhhh shhhhh its okay calm down its alright. Shhh"
"You..r g..g..going to ha...ate me." He managed to get out between sobs.
"No no id never hate you. Im right here and im not leaving." I kiss a part of his neck that wasn't covered in blood.
I wouldent i would never....... Right?
Logan and patton walk in seeing the bloody trait, and patton gasps.
Logan kneals down to get a better look.
"Virgil your bleeding i need to get you bandaged, what happened exactly?" Logan questions walking to the bathroom to get a towel to clean Virgil off.
"A knife...... Lots of blood... Force.... Heat..... Anger.... D-death.... Destruction" he mutters on but i shush him so he would stop talking and thinking about it. Logan comes back with a wet towel and hands it to me so I can clean off the cuts so he could wrap them up.
(Smol beans mess with time)
Patton and logan walk out of the room, i told them id get him to bed then we can talk. I take off virgils clothes and change the passed out trait. I pick out sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt with a purple stripe in the middle. Virgils only major wound was his neck so logan sowed it up after i had cleaned it. Then we wrapped it but by that time the wounded trait was asleep. I changed my shirt as well because I wasn't fond of the blood of my boyfriend staining the front of my shirt. I had changed into a long sleeved ripped up purple and black shirt with one of his hoddies on over it, it looked like i couldent decide which trait to go as to a youtube con so i decided to cosplay as both myself and Virgil.
I walk out to the common area to see deceit now on our couch instead of Thomas's.
Patton and logan sat at the dining table with 3 hot teas sitting on it. I sit next to them.
"So what happened is dep okay? Did Virgil win the battle?" Patton asks and i scratch the back of my neck.
Should i lie, or tell the truth, they might be mad at Virgil.
Tell the truth
I should tell part of the truth.
"Virgil won and dep got hurt really bad, he was out cold." He could heal right? "what about Thomas? Did you guys take him to bed?"
"No we took deceit here and put thomas on the couch." Logan states.
"I have no idea what happend today. I'm so........ Not confused.... But at the same time confused..... Im happy Virgil won... But. What the fuck just happened?" Patton stutters out, me and logan just look at him in awe.
"Did You just cuss?" I ask bewildered. Patton dosent respond. We all just soak in what happened today. Ive almost gotten used to the crazy in Thomas's mind. I can't imagine what Thomas feels like, but I don't have too I can just look at Patton and know our host is not in a good spot.
Virgil killed him. I just can't believe it. Its insane how much power he has, how much power he has over all of us, including our host.
I shake the thoughts away.
"We should head to bed." I seemed to have startled the other 2 traits.
"Yes sleep is exactly what we need." Logan adds. Patton just nods. I stand up and head to virgils room. My blood runs cold from memories of earlier. I decide to take Virgil to my room and sleep there. I pick him up and sink there so it wouldn't take too long. I set him in the right side of my bed while I lay in the left.
( another difficult chapter still I hope you are enjoying it, good day) 👋
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