Chapter 2~
Patton's P.O.V
Roman drag me to his room and locked the door behind him "It's not completely bad but it's not completely good" Roman scratch behind his neck "Just can you show me the bruises" Roman nodded and took off his upper costume off and I saw a bandage around his waist and I can clearly see bruises on his arms and chest"See, I wasn't lieing" I saw a bruise disappear "Why haven't you told me soon!? Is there a way to get rid of them!? Do they hurt!? How long have this been happening!?" I started breathing heavily.
Roman ran over to me "One question at a time please, and breathe I don't want you to have a panic attack" I calm down and slow down my breathing "Okay, I'm fine... First question why didn't you tell me soon?" Roman scratch his neck and sat on the floor by me "I thought that if I told, You would freak out or disown me" Roman started fidgeting with his fingers "I would never disown you for a problem, my second question is there a way to get rid of them" I pointed at the bruises "Uh, that part will be alot of explaining...See when I lie I feel a strong burn somewhere on my body, which is a bruise...When I tell a truth I feel a gentle but soft relief on my body, which is a bruise disappear... Sometimes after a week they bleed and I let them" I was shocked and horrified.
"Why do you let them bleed out?" I ask cautiously "That part I would like to keep that to myself if you don't mind, I nodded and he answer more of my questions.
"Are you positive that you will not tell the others" Roman and I talked for awhile about stuff and him answering my questions. Right now I was outside his door "I promise, don't worry kiddo, if you need to talk, your dad is always here" I say cheerfully "Thanks, I sure will" And with that Roman close the door.
I skipped to the living room humming to myself. Then I remember the Cookies!
I ran down the stairs and saw the cookies on the counter and two missing.
"Hey Pat, I took out the cookies and stole two" Virgil bit into his cookie
"No it's fine, don't eat to much before dinner I don't want you to spoil your appetite" I scolded
"Okay, fine...I only took two, anyways how did it go with Sir-Sing-Alot, I saw him drag you to his room and I'm curious"
I stiffened and shook my head
"He's doing okay, he was just down a bit, but I comfort him" Virgil look at me werid but he didn't say anything else.
I sighed in relief and grab a cookie fro the kitchen.
"Greetings, Patton may I ask you a question?" Logan walked downstairs, and walk to me
"Yeah, what is it Lo?" I questioned
"I noticed, something strange recently with my last encounter with Roman...He had a tiny bruise on his hand, I didn't think anything of it but when he talked to Virgil, another bruise appeared. So I researched of what it means, turns out he can't control his lies and truths, which is odd because for a side to have that kind of thing to happen to them is if a powerful side controlling him.
My question is do you know anything about it?"
I shocked and surprised that
1. Logan did research on this, and not disrespecting Roman's privacy.
2. There's actual stuff about this on the internet and books.....
"Uhm....uh...No?" Logan raised a brow and sighed
"Patton, is that a no or a question?"
"No, I don't know anything about it" I hate lieing but I promise and I don't brake a promise
"Okay, thank you for your time, I won't to do more research" Logan was about to walked away but I grab his arm
"What will happen, if one of us dies?" I didn't expect to say that but I did...that even got Virgil attention.
"Patton I don't know why you want to know but
When a one of us fades then there is two options
1. The side fades, and given rebirth but the price of there memories. But for the side, to do so you would be waiting three days before rebirthing.
2. The side can be replaced by a Random generated side, with the same characteristics as the previous side but a different side.
Fading wise, the side must get killed off, kill themselves, or generally duck out like Virgil did but instead of fading they would be stuck in a endless loop of there thoughts in one room until all the sides shows up and confront them on the issue like we did with Virgil..."
I smiled, walked to Logan and kiss him on the cheek
"Thanks Lo! But the information is for one of us! Love ya" I walked away knowing that Roman wouldn't die. I just have to make sure he doesn't hurt as much...
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