Chapter 9
>:3 The song above does not relate to anything in this chapter I just like this song.
Don't worry this one is fluff...I hope...I'll never tell!!
Virgil's P.O.V
"Hey" I walk and sat next to him "What do you want" Roman sneered at me. "I want to apologise for what I had said before and for being a total asshole to you, It's just I was caught off guard from want you said I didn't know what else to say." I heard a sigh and saw Roman relax his body "I guess I over reacted, from what happened this morning I should have let you explain yourself and I'm truly sorry" I never thought I would hear Princey Apologize. "It's fine...when you kicked me out, I started to think what I love and hate about you...turns out I love you, and I'm still unsure of what my feelings are expect that I love you and I hate to see you cry, So if you will...Will you Roman be my boyfriend" I saw the brightess Smile I could see on his face "Yes!....But if I do something stupid or say something stupid please tell me" Roman hugged me "Trust me, I will Sir-Sing-Alot" I hug back. "Roman....if you lie you know I'll know right?" Roman nodded "Do you know anything about how this happened or did you just have it when you were created?" I felt him let go and sit up
"I-I don't really know...when I was created I was- well like I was three months ago..Happy, Positive, Brave, Outgoing, and Social. I felt alive, like nothing could never hurt me or any of us. I was wrong..the day I actually lied to Patton I felt a burning sensation on my body, I ignored it until I lied again, I came up with the idea of Lieing and Truths...I out it to the test, I went up to Patton told him the truth then it went away, but only one disappear. I don't know much about them but it happens and I hate it!" Roman took a breath and went to the bathroom.
"Virgil do you know what happens when they bleed?" I lied down on his bed "No" Roman walk out shirtless. I stood up shocked and terrified, I walk over to him and trace my fingers over his burns. When he said it burns the actually burn his skin...Why would something like this exist. I can't believe someone so beautiful have to suffer through this.
"I love you...I love you...I love you..If any of your thoughts keep saying that I don't they're lieing..each lie you tell, each thought gets stronger, you have to be truthful..even if it hurts you can't let the Voices get to you, be strong I know you can."
Roman nodded..
Logan's P.O.V
I was looking for ways to stop what's happening to Roman, but nothing. I don't get it, how can someone just get bruises from lieing.
It's like a a lieing detector but this one is more like a torture for the person lieing. If it is then why does bruises appear, he said it burns when one appears, he said that they bleed when he lies too much in a day or longer, he said that they disappear when he say the truth, I still don't understand.
I thought hard on this, it's been bugging me since Roman told us. I search and search, I almost gave up but than I had an idea.
If I can experiment on Roman then I might get answers, it's the best option we had so far.
I walk out of my room and head to Roman's room. I knock lightly on his red and gold door, I wasn't surprise to see Virgil to answer the door "You need something" I adjusted my glasses "Yes...I need to test Roman's body to see if I can stop what he has" I said bluntly. "You can!" I nodded, I saw Virgil grab Roman out of the room "Virge why did you drag me out of my room?" Virgil pointed to me and close Roman's door "So I'm locked out of my room, now why are you here?".
"I need to examine and test your body for any answers to your problem" Roman smiled "Well..if you have any clue to stop it, I'll do anything, Let's go!" I nodded and he followed me to my lab(Don't question it). "I need you too take off your shirt and step on the white and black plate over there" I pointed and he nodded Roman step on the plate and I began the testing "Logan are you sure this is safe?" I nodded.
"Roman tell a lie"
" I hate Virgil" One appear "Ahhh...The shit burns" I started to think I need more answers "Roman tell the truth" "I love Virgil" one disappear I interesting
Burns detected
Injuries detected
Lies detective
Truths detective
Deciet detective
My eyes widen....The last one Deciet how is that possible?! He's a part of Patton! "Logan is everything alright?" I couldn't say anything but I now know what's causing this " any chance when you hear your thoughts does it sound like a snake or a deep man's voice"
"Yes actually why do you ask" I hesitated to answer "Roman I think I know what's causing your problem" I saw Roman get off the plat and put his shirt back on "Really?! How!?" I gulp "More like whom"
"What you mean?"
"Roman, Deciet is the one to cause this to you"
You are welcome...I REGRET NOTHING!!😈
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