Chapter 7
Happy Easter!!!and April fool's!! I hate April 1st so this will be an actual chapter....
I think I should do a summary for each chapter just in case if you forgot..
Patton told Virgil and Logan, about Roman's bruises..then Roman came into the room comfort Patton. Virgil ask why...Roman said so what?. Virgil got mad and Roman agree to explain to them.
(Italic is Roman's answers)
Roman's P.O.V
After Patton stop crying he relaxed in Logan's arms on the couch, Virgil on the other hand was staring at me the whole time while comforting Patton. I think Virgil maybe sad but also angry, I would be mad at myself too. We all say awkwardly on the couch in silence till I spoke. "I understand that you guys may have questions to ask me problem...and I don't mind answering them" Virgil was the first one to ask "When didthe bruises start appearing..Patton said when you lied to him, but I can't believe that." Virgil I love you but why the sudden question, I sighed "The bruises would appear daily for the first few weeks, then one night they stop appearing I thought I would be okay since I didn't feel any pain all through the week, but that didn't last long. When you and I fought about something stupid once again, I said 'I strongly dislike you' then there it was a bruise on my hip...I did eat Patton's cookie, I told the truth then it went away" I look at the floor but back to Virgil's eyes.
I can see sadness,anger,but love was like his eyes were swimming with emotions. Logan spoke, snapping me out of my thoughts "Why did you tell Patton in stead of us" I look at Patton "because he was the only one to see through my smile..he saw a bruise on my hand, he asked even when I said I was fine...I told him and well...he watched over me" I see a small smile on Patton's face, that made me smile also.
"Do the bruises hurt" Virgil ask quietly "Yes..they burn like fire, when you or I touch them" Virgil had sadness in his eyes again but not showing what he feels. "There was blood in your room, when we heard Patton shouting...since Virgil somehow have an ability to smell blood, he said there been blood in your room before...why is that" Logan ask puzzley..I didn't expect to do this but if they want an answer I might as well show them.
I lift my shirt to a bandaged back and chest. "I don't want to infect the bruises, if I unrappe the bandage that is" I smile a sad smile but a happy smile "Does this happened when you lie!" Patton shouted but stayed quiet. I smile once again "It does it so often but when it gets really bad is when, I lie so much in a day or more that's why Virgil smelled blood when he came to appolize" I pull down my shirt and face them. "Roman does the bruises appear when you talk bad about yourself" Logan ask concern but Serious, at that point I froze. I didn't move, I didn't talk, I didn't look. I just listen to my thoughts and excluding everyone, Just me and my thoughts
Shut up
No I'm not
Disney freak
Everybody loves Disney!
Self obsorb moron
Shut up! Stop!
Your no Prince! Your a coward! You can't even pretend everything is fine! Your stupid! Your a idiot! Everyone has there job...You have nothing..
All you have is your thoughts, your fake smile,your bruises,your bleeding,your unoriginality,your disgusting hair,your horrible eyes,your bloody skin.
You should go die! Kill yourself!, Everyone expect Virgil to have these thoughts because he's anxiety but Noone expects the Prince, the creativity, the positive one, and to have such thoughts of killing yourself. No one would notice your gone! SO DO IT!
Shut the fuck up! I know it's all true! I know!
"-man, Roman!" I open my eyes to notice Patton crying again and Logan comforting. Virgil had tears in his eyes also "Yes...I do get bruises when I tell myself good things" I cried as Virgil held on to me. "Virgil how would you feel if I told you that my thoughts said go kill yourself" I ask still crying "DON'T! Please don't listen to them..we'll figure a way of out of this" Virgil shouted with more tears in his eyes. "I love you" I whisper.
"I love you too"
I love angst Don't you!
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