Chapter 5
Thia chapter will be based on what Logan and Patton talk during...the same time Virgil and Roman was talking..
Just saying if you're confuse on what's happening..
Patton's P.O.V
I know that they don't know what's happening but at least they should acknowledge what's wrong. I do love my children but sometime they can be really stupid even Logan can and he's logic. I'm just so mad..and I don't even know why I'm mad at times.
Maybe I should appolize for getting mad because heaven knows that their probably confuse. I calmly walk to my door and open it, I stood there as I saw Logan standing there. Suddenly my angry came back to me "Patton may I talk to you" I let out a "grr" and let him in my room.
"What do you want to talk about" I said angrily, honestly I don't want to hear it but I should. "I want to appolize for any rude remark I made, but I don't understand why you're mad when we didn't do or say anything wrong" Why are smart people dumb "Logic you and Virgil don't understand because you guys never care to pay any attention to your surroundings or the people around you, you may not have said anything but your actions was more put out there than your words" People say that I'm a dumb adult that thinks like child but I'm not I'm actually smart but I like to hide it...well not in front of Logan. I see Logan's face expression change, probably from me saying his side name, "I honestly don't know what you're talking about, please tell me" Logan pleaded, I hate it when he does that it makes me feel guilty but I can't let that stop me..
"Well, if you must know, one of our friends are needing help and I'm trying my best to figure out what's wrong but I can't, I searched online, I searched in books, I even ask strangers on the internet! And still after all that work I can't get an answer or a cure and I'm afraid that he will die and he'll forget us, everything that happened, and that he still be hurting" I broke down crying on my floor, I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me and than into a hug. "I know that you're still mad ar us, but when you ask Virgil and I about fading we knew something was wrong and when you said it wasn't you, we thought about it Virgil didn't have a reason to fade after what happened and I don't have a reason to fade..So we thought that Roman might be the one hurting, that's why we suggested game night to take a closer look at him..When Virgil teased him he said 'no' he flinched and backed up. When he got up the same thing happened when he said he was going to bed..Patton do you know why" I can't tell him, I promise him I won't tell anyone..I pulled out of the hug and wiped my tears "Logan I'm sorry I know that you and Virgil don't know what I'm talking about but please next time when you see us observe you surroundings, observe our behavior, than finally you'll have your answer" I kiss Logan's head and stood up.
"I'm baking cookies would you like to help" I smile and held out my hand "I would love too" Logan grab my hand and we walk out of the room...We walked and see Virgil in the kitchen "Virgil did you appolize to Roman" Logan ask, aww he made Virgil appolize to him, I love this man "Yeah I did but he shove me out of the room after I said "I smell blood" and ask him about it.. strange" Wait..blood no there not- no they can't be, I stop thinking and smile "Why don't we bake cookies together and forget today" they both noded..
I hope Roman is okay
{Sneak peak}
Come on stop bleeding already..Finally!
You're a Prince
You're a monster
You're funny
You're Awful
I love myself
You hate yourself
You're right..
Okay..I'm proud of this story I kinda can't wait till I write again but my head hurts so tommorow the next chapter..
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