Chapter 2
Mortality P.O.V
"I need to tell you this Patton"I stared at Roman with worryness and curiosity. I want to help my friends with any problems they have,even if they don't tell me I still would help them. Roman sat next to me on his bed with fear hesitation "Roman kiddo what's wrong?" I finally spoke after me thinking over my thoughts"If I show you this please don't be mad,and don't understand any circumstances tell anyone got it" I don't know why I would tell anyone, I haven't told Logan's or Virgil's secret before "I cross my hope to fly give me a puppy till I die"
I watch as Roman hesitated lift his shirt off, and what I see his horrifieing.Bruises. On his neck, Chest,Back, Torso,and hands. I wanted to hug him but maybe they hurt, maybe they are from a long time ago, or maybe their recent.
"R-Roman please tell me why there so many bruises on your body, and how long has this been happening!" I said going to my Dad mode/Serious mode, I saw Roman start to tear up while looking at the floor. "Everytime I tell a lie I get a bruise which cause pain through my body even if its just one, When I tell the truth one disappear,This been happening for three months now" Roman started to cry even more, I gently hugged him "Roman does it hurt when you or somebody touch you,like I am now" I look down and see Roman shook his head a yes.
"How does it feel" I ask queitly and softly "F-Fire burning *hic* on my *hic* skin" Roman sound like he's slowing down on crying "Kiddo why haven't you told me or the others" "I was scared that since I'm the prince,the over dramatic,the original, the Disney fanatic,the obnoxious, Prince that you guys were just going to laugh and won't look at me the same way"
I look down as bruises disappear and appear, I pull away the hug "Roman are you telling the truth and lieing?" I didn't think he would notice but I guess he did because he grab his shirt and quickly put it on "Yes" Roman mumble but I heard I got up and walk to the door "I won't tell anybody about what happened in this room but you got tell me when you feel like this okay?"
"Okay" Roman said sighing, I walked out the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. Oh no the cookies! I rush to the kitchen to find the cookies on the counter and Virgil on the couch eating a cookie.
"Virgil were you the one to pull out the cookies out of the oven?"
"Yes I did, I'm not dieing over fire and cookies, and the cookies taste great" I giggle over the fact that we can die but from fading out of existence. My smile faded as I start to think, what if Roman get enough bruises and pain through his entire body,he can't take it anymore.
I didn't realize that I started to cry until Logan walk down the stairs "Patton sweetheart why are you crying?" I wish I could tell him but I promise.
"What would happen if one of fades out of existence" I ask bluntly,heard Virgil coming over to us with well worry...."Patton why would you ask such a thing, but to answer your question....When a side fades they are forgotten and will return in three days, but will forget everything,and everyone"
Logan explain neatly
"Thanks Lo and Don't worry it's not me" I kiss his check and walk up to my room but before grabbing a cookie.
3rd P.O.V
"Logan what did it mean when he said it's not me"Virgil said to the smart trait."Do you have any reason to fade?" Logan ask as he look at Virigl. "No I thought of it but knew it was bad to do, so it's not Patton or me it has to be you or Princey".
"I have no intentions in fading anytime soon when I here"Logan said as if say love is hard to say.
"So that means Patton was asking about Roman"
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