Chapter 16~
So I'm bored as hell! And I really in a Angsty mood so.. prepare for the feels because there will be the feels...
Virgil's P.O.V
I was walking through the hallway to my room, until I pass Princey's room and heard crying...I knew that everything had been distraught, and unpleasant to live with but he always seems to forget that we're here to help him.
I walk closer to the door and press my ear against the door
"I should die, no one will care, no one will notice, no one will care, no one will care, No now will care" He kept saying...
I couldn't take it anymore, I open the door slowly and shocked to see, my boyfriend rocking back and fourth on his bed, with cuts on his arms, he was holding the bloody knife in his hand...
I rush to him and quickly wrapped his arms with his blanket to stop the bleeding and took away the knife..
"LOGAN! PATTON!" I heard running then the door swinging open
"Virgil whats wro- Roman! Patton get the first aid, Virgil keep the pressure on his arms don't stop, I need water and clothe, try and keep him awake" Logan demand. Patton left to the first aid, Logan left to water and clothe....I kept pressure on his arms
"Roman dear, I need you to stay awake okay?" He looks at me and smiled
"I will, I won't go anywhere" He said sweetly like he doesn't care about whether he dies or not
"Ro, tell me why you do it? It won't help you" Roman smiled again
"I did it because I'm a burden, I make you guys take care of me, when you really don't, the Voices said so...the Voices are the only Voice I had to trust...."
With that Roman closed his eyes, and his body stiffen. Virgil sobbed harder as Logan came and patched his arms while Patton was comforting me.
"It's my fault...he doesn't deserve any pain..I should have been with him! I knew what was wrong! I knew he was in pain! I did nothing!" I sobbed harder, into Patton's shoulder. Patton rocked me back and fourth trying to calm me down but all I could do was cry out until there was nomore tears to produce. I eventually calmed down and looked over at Roman's body on the ground as Logan was examining him.
"He will survive. He is lucky that you came and found him or he would have died from blood loss. Now, Virgil I need you to take Roman to your room, while Patton and I clean up the mess. Can you do that?" I sighed sadly, not wanting to see my damaged Boyfriend, but I stood up from Patton's arms and walked over to Roman, and stared at him for a few seconds before picking him up, and looked at Logan and Patton
"I can and I will. I'll tell you guys when he wakes up"
And with that I walked off to my room carrying an unconscious Roman.
I arrived in my room, closing the door with my foot and placing Roman on my bed and sat on the ledge of the bed, stroking his hair
"Hey, Ro. I wish you would have told me about your feelings or at least told me to hold you...I should have listened to you more, I should have paid attention to you, I should have known you would do this! I'm Anxiety and I didn't even sense your anxiety! What kind of Boyfriend am I? A Terrible one.....I love you my prince" I kissed his forehead and laid next to him, hugging him close to me, silently letting tears flow as I slept by my prince.
I stern a bit, and groan as I sat up still tired from yesterday. I look over at Roman, he's still breathing so that's good but he's not awake..I frown, and kissed Roman's forehead. I heard a knock on the door
"Come in!"
Patton walked in, with breakfast on a plate and walked towards me putting on a sad smile
"Hey kiddo, I made breakfast for ya..." Patton placed the food on the end table beside me
"Thanks Dad...Roman isn't awake...will he wake up? I'm scared he won't, what if he dies? What if once he wakes up, he'll try and kill himself again? What if he never wakes up and leave me alone? What i-"
Patton hugged me and rubbedy back. I hugged back tightly, silently shaking a bit
"I know, kiddo. But he have to stay positive I know staying positive isn't your thing, but if you worry too much you'll hurt yourself and I can't loose both of my boys. I know that you're scared just try your best to cope with it... I promise he'll wake up he's strong and brave. He won't leave you alone alright?"
I nodded and let go of Patton, sniffling
"Thanks Dad... what's Logan up to?"
"He's informing Thomas about the situation and what Happened. He wants to let him know since he's our host and all. Plus we don't know how this is going to affect him but enough of that. I have to go and finish cleaning Roman's mess he left"
Patton smiled, and left the room as he closed the door. I watched him leave as I sighed and pushed aside my food, and went back to holding Roman whispering sweet nothings to him.
3rd P.O.V
As the morning falls, and noon rose Virgil lay there beside his unconscious Boyfriend. He hummed, and sat up looking around, his stomach grumbles for food.
"Damnit, don't worry love I'll be back okay? Then we can watch Disney until you wake up"
Virgil got out of bed, and kissed Roman's forehead and walked out wearing his same clothes as yesterday's. He smelt cookies and walked downstairs, rubbing his eyes. He walked up to the kitchen and spotted Patton
"Oh, hey kiddo. I didn't expect you to be out of the room. Want a cookie?"
Virgil nodded and grabbed a cookie before looking over at Logan whom was reading some type of book at the table. Virgil raised a brow, and finished eating his cookie.
"What are you reading Logan?"
Logan looked up from his book and back at his book, continuing reading the book
"I am studying the human body and the mind. I am trying to be able to see if I can experiment on getting inside another sides mind. Which is difficult since we are technically not real but luckily I was able to find a book on us sides and now I must experiment in my lab. If you need me I will be in my lab"
Logan walked off to his unknown location of his lab, Virgil sighed and walked upstairs to his room and saw Roman shifting I almost instantly jumped on the bed staring at Roman
"Come on Ro, wake up!"
And with that Roman's eyes fluttered open, he groan and sat up on his elbows looking at Virgil
"Virgil what happened? Am I dead yet?"
Virgil teared up and hugged Roman tightly
"You Fuckin' scared me you big idiot! Don't you dare think about Killin yourself ever again! I love you so fuckin' much Roman!"
Roman's breathing henched and held Virgil tightly, tearing up quickly as he kissed Virgil's forehead and kissed gently as he pulled away
"I'm so sorry my love, I won't do it again... it's just the stress and with everything that is happening the voices just keeps getting louder and louder and I don't want to be a burden to you. You already have to deal with your own anxiety so why bother dealing with mine? I thought that since I wasn't needed I could just... disappear"
Virgil sobbed into Roman's chest, punching his chest weakly eventually he stopped and sobbed louder, hugging Roman's waist
"Please don't leave me...ever again, I'll be more considerate and pay more attention to you but you have to promise that you will tell me whenever the voices are there I can't help you if you keep things from me.."
Roman hesitate for a few seconds before sighing and nodded
"I promise my emo daydream"
Virgil smiled, and pecked Roman's lips
"You better Sir-Sing-Alot"
That afternoon was just perfect for them, soon enough Virgil told Patton and Logan about Roman being awake and Patton couldn't help but hug Roman to near death and Logan smiling a little, and asking questions...
The night rolled by and Roman was asleep, cuddling Virgil as they were watching Disney. Virgil was still awake, humming along to the songs as he strokes Roman's hair strings. It was peaceful until he heard an unsettling Voice
"You can't Protect him forever Virgil, he will fall and be mine"
Virgil lowly growled and held Roman closer
"I will protect him, like he Protects us. Because I love him."
I'm not dead!!!!
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