Understudy (Prinxiety)
TW: I made Virgil a little confident and Roman a little more anxious, also Roman's really bad at showing love, lol.
High school au
{Third Person POV}
"No, Christine. It's one, two, three, kick!" Roman demonstrated, kicking high up in the air, the brunette watching and nodding.
"Okay, I think I got it." She said once Roman was back in his original stance.
"Great! Let's try it out!" Roman exclaimed, gesturing over to the students directing the music, who began rewinding it.
It soon began and Roman could see Christine concentrating and counting in her head, waiting for her cue.
Once it came she did the high kick correctly this time, and continued on with her dance routine.
"Great job!" Roman cheered, Christine turning and flashing him a smile.
"Thanks Ro-"
Christine cut herself off, falling from the stage to the ground.
"Christine!" A boy shouted out, rushing out from the backstage and to Christine, who was attempting to stand on her feet.
Roman's face fell and he ran around and off the stage, over to Christine and the boy helping her stand.
"Don't worry, I'm fine." She said, pushing herself off the boy, who went to grab at her before pulling his hand away.
"I don't thi-"
"No, watch!"
So Roman and the boy watched as Christine attempted to do her routine, minus the high kick, only to almost fall again.
"Okay... Maybe I'm not okay." She said as their teacher walked back into the classroom.
"What happened?" He asked as he approached the three, Christine leaning against the boy again.
"I fell." Christine stated, their teacher widening his eyes for a moment before nodding, pushing up his glasses.
He sighed and spoke, "Alright. Jeremy please take Christine to the nurse's office." He told the boy, who nodded and guided Christine out of the auditorium, Roman moving out of their way.
"So... Is Christine gonna be okay?" Roman asked, following their teacher as he walked up the stairs of the stage and backstage to check on everything.
"Hopefully." He said as he walked over to the make-up artists.
Just as Roman was about to ask another question he spoke again. "But if she isn't we may have to have Virgil do her part instead."
"Wait, why... Why Virgil?" Roman asked, following him over to the costumers.
"Well he's her understudy. Didn't you know that?" He asked, turning to look at Roman. "Why? Do you have a problem with it?"
"Uh... No. No, I don't. I just thought only girls could play the part." Roman muttered out.
"Well usually, yes. But Virgil's quite great for the part." He flashed a smile over to Virgil, who was trying to ignore his compliments as he tailored a dress for one of the girls.
"Anyway," he turned to Roman again, "Hopefully Christine is okay and heals quickly."
Roman nodded, still thinking about how if Christine didn't get better Roman would have to be "married" to Virgil.
See, in the play Roman's character was married to Christine's character, and the two had to actually act like a couple.
Roman was fine with that when said person was Christine, because he's gayer than a rainbow and Christine knew that, but when the person was Virgil, that was a different story.
Well Roman had a kinda-big crush on the boy and had absolutely no idea how to show he liked him.
He tried, he genuinely did, but for some reason when actually interacting with Virgil, he was a mess.
As in, when trying to actually express his feelings, he usually said something wrong that resulted in an either mad or sad Virgil.
Which just made Roman feel guilty and avoid Virgil by any means which probably just made Virgil feel worse.
And repeat cycle until Roman feels a whole jumble of emotions he can't even begin to describe.
Which is how he currently felt, like a big jumble of emotions he couldn't describe.
Roman shot his head up. "Yeah?"
"You've been staring at the ground for a few minutes now, are you okay?"
"Uh- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He reassured, the teacher staring at him skeptically.
"If you say so." He responded, "Now can you go practice your dance routine? I know Christine isn't here but you should still practice."
Roman nodded, "Yeah, I'll do that."
The next day it was announced that Christine had sprained her ankle, but not only that, she had a grade two sprain.
Which meant it would take four to eight weeks for her to be completely healed enough to actually walk properly and be able to do the dances in the musical.
But, by the time she's able to do that again, opening night would have passed.
So, Virgil's taking over her part.
And Roman has to admit, Virgil's face at being told he got to have a part was pretty cute, he looked so excited.
So when Virgil grinned Roman immediatly turned away and at the floor.
"Well, now that that's done," the teacher clapped his hands together, "Let's get to work! Now, since Virgil's taking over Christine's part we need someone else to be the head costumer-"
"I will!" Roman shouted out, everyone turning to look at him, surprised by the sudden outburst.
"Roman... You can't be the head costumer. You're one of the leads."
"...What's your point?"
At that Virgil scoffed and stood up, walking off and away from everyone else in the circle of chairs the group made.
He muttered something under his breath and Roman went to stand before settling back in his seat.
He felt a hard kick to his shin and turned to his brother, who gestured to the door, mouthing for Roman to follow him.
As Roman was about to say no their teacher spoke.
"Roman, please go get him."
Great. Now he had to.
He mumbled out an okay and stood, walking off.
As he walked down the hallway he let what happen really sink in.
He realized that he, once again, made it seem like he didn't like Virgil, and that resulted, once again, in an upset Virgil.
Which was great. Absolutely perfect.
It was great that thanks to Roman's crap job at showing affection that Virgil was mad at him... Again.
God, why was it like this? Roman just wanted to show that he liked Virgil, but he couldn't.
He groaned and continued trudging down the hall, almost tripping as he did.
He heard snickering and turned, seeing Virgil by one of the janitor's closets, though it had a little dip to where if you were standing in the perfect spot and were wearing the right colored clothes nobody would be able to see you lurking in the shadows like a creep.
"There you are." Roman said, walking over to Virgil.
Virgil hummed, "Yeah, I bet you really care."
Roman did. He really, really did. It hurt him to see the way he upset Virgil and he just wanted to show his affection towards to other to the point where it didn't look like Roman hated him.
But did he say that?
No. Instead, this is what he said: "Mr. Jackson wanted me to find you."
He seen Virgil's face fall before he rolled his eyes, "Fine. Let's go then."
So, the two walked in excruciating silence that Roman hated more than anything.
As they walked Roman couldn't help but think about how much he wanted to say something or do something to show he actually cared for the other.
But he didn't.
They walked all the way to the auditorium and onto the stage in silence, the only thing close to the two talking being them rehearsing their singing.
And God Virgil's voice was so perfect. He could hit the high notes so flawlessly it amazed Roman to the point he ended up staring at Virgil as he sang Christine's used-to-be solo.
It must've been obvious though because when Virgil finished with a somewhat lengthy A5 riff, he glared over at Roman.
Roman blinked and turned away, "Nothing."
It was opening night and the two had just finished their last song, and as there was a round of applause, Roman felt a whirl of emotions as the next scene was prepared.
In this scene Roman and Virgil had to kiss, which was... wow. It was a good thing but Roman's brain couldn't seem to comprehend that.
So, Roman was stuck trying to reassure himself that everything would be fine and he wouldn't ruin it, because really, how could he do that?
So, when Virgil leaned over and pressed their lips together, Roman barely even realized he had wrapped his arms around Virgil.
Virgil must have though, because he immediately pulled Roman closer by the collar of his costume when he did.
Roman gasped a little in surprise, but wow, this was amazing.
He could feel the blood rush to his face as the two continued, Roman getting over his shock and actually kissing him back.
Though soon later Virgil pulled away and Roman had completely forgotten what he was supposed to say next.
Virgil stared at him expectedly before he spoke, "Line." He whispered quietly, Roman snapping out of his trance-like state.
"Oh, right, yeah." He mumbled.
So, the play went on, though Roman's brain was still pretty fuzzy from the kiss and he still felt a jumble of emotions.
He wondered why Virgil had pulled him close like that, because he couldn't have liked him back, he thought Roman hated him.
Maybe it was because he wanted to do the show correctly, that would make sense.
So, Roman settled for that.
But, a little voice in his head kept telling him that maybe Virgil did like him and maybe Roman would be able to tell Virgil how he feels and maybe the two would end up going out on a date.
But Roman promptly ignored that little voice, instead just trying to finish the show with Virgil.
And when they finally did finish, the two held hands with the rest of the cast and bowed, Roman trying to show he was fine with holding hands with Virgil for such a short amount of time.
But he didn't do a great job, as when the curtains lowered he snatched his hand away from Virgil's as quickly as he could.
He seen Virgil's face fall and he tried to ignore it as everyone else walked off the stage.
Just as he was about to walk off himself he felt a hand grab the sleeve of his costume.
"We need to talk."
Roman internally panicked but nodded, following Virgil off the stage and out into the hallway.
As the two walked to the hall Roman noticed Virgil was still holding on to the sleeve of Roman's costume.
So, he pulled his hand away and the two continued walking down the hall until Roman realized he had no idea where they were going.
"Where are we going?" Roman asked, turning to look at Virgil.
"The band room."
"Oh." He looked back at the floor, "Why, exactly?"
"No one will be there."
Roman nodded and the two went back to silence.
When they got to the band room Virgil sat down in one of the seats in the flutes section, patting the seat next to him.
Roman took the hint and sat next to Virgil, still trying to stay as far away from Virgil as he could.
Virgil noticed and sighed, "Why do you do that?"
"Do what?" Roman asked, looking up at Virgil.
"You're literally scooting your chair away from me."
Roman stopped his chair.
"No I'm not."
Virgil just sighed again, running his fingers through his purple and black hair.
"Do you hate me or something?"
"No! I- Why, why would I hate you?"
"Let's see, because you try to stay as far away from me as possible, you don't seem to care about what you say to me, and you're once again scooting yourself away from me."
Roman stopped again and Virgil sighed once again.
"I get that I'm not the best bu-"
"No, you're great!"
Virgil side glanced at Roman, "You sure about that?"
"Of course I am! You're amazing!" Roman exclaimed, Virgil fully looking at him.
"Well if you think I'm so great why do you avoid me like I have the bubonic plague?"
Roman stayed quiet and shrugged.
"Seriously Roman, I want an answer." Virgil said, "Like, I know I'm pushing and I swear I don't usually do this, but I just really want to kn-"
"No, you really don't." Roman interrupted.
"No, I do." Virgil responded and Roman sighed.
"Well... I don't know how to explain it." Roman muttered out.
Virgil scoffed, though it was in a more playful manner. "I seriously doubt that, you describe things perfectly."
"Like what?"
"Like the time you had to describe your backpack for Remus and you listed off every little detail about it."
"Well yeah, it's my backpack, of course I know every little detail about it."
"Still. Even if you describe whatever feelings you have horribly," Virgil reached over and took Roman's hand. "I'll listen."
Roman laughed nervously and looked down, not even bothering to move his hand.
"God, you're anxious." Virgil commented, Roman nodding in agreement.
"It's that noticeable?"
Virgil shook his head, "No, I just know when someone's anxious. Maybe it's 'cause my anxiety's real bad, I dunno." He said with a shrug and nervous smile.
"Oh. Okay, well, do you really want to know?"
"Yes Roman, I do! I feel like you hate me for no reason!" Virgil exclaimed, pulling his hand away from Roman's.
"Guess that makes sense." Roman mumbled and Virgil nodded, "Yeah, it does."
After a second of silence Virgil spoke, "I mean it Roman, tell me."
"Right." He sighed and tried to sort through his thoughts and feelings.
"So... You think I hate you, which I don't, I actually..." Roman mumbled the rest of his sentence.
"I can't hear you." Virgil stated and Roman groaned dramatically, putting his hands over his face.
"I said I like you." Roman muttered, just loud enough for Virgil to hear.
"You lik-"
"Yes. Like, I have a huge crush on you and I don't know how to like, express it." He mumbled.
"Ah," Virgil nodded, looking at the floor, "Well... I like you too."
Roman moved his hands from his face and seen a flustered Virgil still staring at the floor.
"Really?" He asked after a moment of silence.
Virgil nodded, "Yeah. That's why I was concerned that you hated me."
"Oh. Okay."
Virgil cleared his throat, "So, do you wanna go-"
"Yes! I mean, yeah." Roman interrupted.
"-Back to the others." Virgil finished, smiling, "But we can go out sometime, if you want."
Roman smiled, face red, "I'd love to."
"Great. Now, we should probably go."
Roman nodded, "Yeah, we should."
2586 words
Most if this was made between the hours of nine p.m. to midnight, so yeah, that's something.
Also, I just want to mention how much I love Christine from BMC.
If y'all didn't notice I put both Christine and Jeremy in this because I genuinely love Christine, she's just so amazing and perfect.
Lol, sorry, I just really love her.
Anyways, I had an amazing dream last night and I low-key wish I didn't wake up.
(It was about Ayoma from MHA and I being best friends, lmao.)
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