Stupid Feelings... pt. 4
TW: cussing
High school au
{Third Person POV}
Janus smirked, "Good, now spill."
Logan rolled his eyes, walking over to the table, sitting down at a chair. "Before I say anything you can't tell anyone, got it?" "Got it." "Okay. Well I have this crush-" "On who?" He glared at him, "I'm getting there." He took in a breath and sighed, "On Patton."
"Doesn't he have a boyfriend? What's his name? Toby or something.." "It's Tyler and you act like I don't know that." "So.. have you been in this... mood, because of that?" "Seems like it."
"Kinda figured you did." "Really?" "Oh yeah, it was pretty obvious he liked you too." "Wait, what?" Janus looked at him like he was crazy, "Did you seriously not notice?" "Not notice what?"
Janus laughed, "You're so stupid." He gave him a questioning look, "How..?" "Patton's liked you since seventh grade, at least." "Really?" "Yeah." "How do you know?" "He told Roman, who then told Remus, who then told me, and I told you and Virgil."
"See? Stupid." He stood and pushed his chair in, "I'm going back to bed."
As Janus left Logan had one thought in mind.
Patton liked him?
Does he still?
No, he's dating Tyler.
Stupid Tyler...
Janus walked back up the stairs and to his room, picking his phone up and texting Virgil, who he knew would be awake.
Sneaky sneaky snek💛: virgil
On The Virge of Tears: what?
Sneaky sneaky snek💛: do you know if Patton still likes Lo?
On The Virge of Tears: idk probably not, he has a boyfriend yk
Sneaky sneaky snek💛: Well could you check??
On The Virge of Tears: yeah whatever. You'll have to wait tho
Sneaky sneaky snek💛: mkay, I'm going back to bed
Sneaky sneaky snek💛: and get to sleep
He put his phone back where it was, laying down and going back to sleep.
Patton set a plate down on the table, seeing he got a text from Virgil.
On The Virge of Tears: Patt?
Patton-cake💙: yessum?
On The Virge of Tears: do you still have a crush on logan?
Of course he didn't! He has a boyfriend, besides, it was obvious Logan didn't like him.
Patton-cake💙: maybe... I'm not exactly sure
On The Virge of Tears: well I really shouldnt tell you but Jan told me he has a crush on you
Oh that's so-
That's, interesting, yeah.
Patton-cake💙: really?
On The Virge of Tears: its what Jan told me so maybe
Patton-cake💙: wow.... thats, wow...
On The Virge of Tears: I know
He sat down, hearing his sister walk down the stairs and sit at the table.
He likes me?
I had a crush on him for years, then I get over it, and now he has one on me.
Why, why, why, why!
Right after he get's a boyfriend!
God damn it Logan. He thought as he put his head in his hands, his sister giving him an odd look.
Why Lo?
"Logan?" He turned to Janus, "Yes?" "When did you find out you like Pat?" "About a two or three weeks ago, why?" "Just wonderin'." He said as he took a sip of his drink. "Alright..."
Time Skip To Monday
Patton walked into his homeroom, seeing his friends sitting in their usual spots.
"Hi LoLo!" He greeted, sitting next to him, "Hello Patton." He grinned and noticed there was a light pink dusted on his cheeks.
Yes, he knew he had a crush on him, he had gotten the confirmation from Janus, who swore that that he was telling the truth. "How was your weekend Lo?" He asked as he got a book out, "It was fine. How was yours?"
"It was great! Me and Vee went shopping and stuff, so that was fun, and the-" he was interrupted by the bell ringing.
"Hello class," their homeroom teacher greeted, coming into the room, "today we'll be having a longer homeroom so here is your new schedule." He projected a piece of paper on the board, reading times and periods.
They all wrote it down.
Except for a few.
"Those two are so dense." Janus stated, putting his pencil down, "Who're we talking about?" Remus asked, "Logan and Patton." "That's old news, everyone already knew that." "I know."
There was a small silence before Janus spoke, "Kinda sad actually." "Mm.. how?" Remus asked, not looking up from the little doodle he made on the paper, "Well Lo likes Patt but he has a boyfriend, it's kinda sad."
Remus shrugged, "I guess." "We should set them up." "Alright, but how?" "Not sure really." He sat in thought before scribbling something down on a piece of paper, "Whatcha writin'?" Remus asked, looking over his shoulder, "My plan." He said simply before setting his pen down.
Logan finished writing his new schedule, setting his pencil down, "Logan," he turned, seeing Janus, "What?" He handed him a folded piece of paper and he opened it, seeing Janus's cursive handwriting.
Since your so dumb I decided to be nice and set you and Patton up.
Yes I know he's dating someone, don't give me that look you give everyone else. I still have to make more plans though.
Just thought I should tell you.
Logan rolled his eyes, putting the note on the desk.
"Okay everyone," Janus started, "we need to help Logan and Patton." "What's wrong with them?" Janus glared at Remus, who was smirking at his joke, "You're hilarious. Now, we need to help them go on a date."
"Isn't Patt already dating Tyler?"
"Yeah, so?"
"I.. okay then. What's the plan."
"I'm glad you asked!" Janus said as he pulled a whiteboard in the room, "I have no idea."
967 words
Yayy, I finally published this chapter.
You guys are lucky too I was gonna wait until Valentines Day to publish it, but I decided to be nice or whatever.
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