Slip of the Tongue (prinxiety)
Human au
This is sort of a human au actually. The way it works for this au is that Virgil is a witch. He doesn't have a wand or anything though, the way it works is he points and then the magic sets in... I don't know, I've been rewatching Sabrina the Teenage Witch recently.
{Third Person POV}
Virgil ran around his kitchen, trying to find an oven mitt, "Need any help?" He turned and seen his friend, or roommate, Patton, and his boyfriend standing by the entrance of the kitchen. "No, I got it, you guy's go." He shrugged and the two walked off as Virgil went back to what he was doing.
I can't do this alone. He thought as he sat on a chair by the table, "Patt!" He yelled, hoping he was still home, "Don't worry, I'm here kiddo." He reassured, walking in the kitchen and grabbing his apron, putting it on, "LoLo! Come help!"
"Ro?" Janus asked, waiting for the other to answer, "What do you want Janus?" He asked from the other side of the phone. "Can you come over tonight?" "Uh.. yeah, sure, I don't have anything planned." "Great! Man are the fireworks gonna blast tonight..." He added, "What?" "What?" "Uh.. okay, well I'll be over soon."
"Janus. What are you doing?" Virgil asked, eyeing the other suspiciously, "Nothing." He said simply, putting the phone down. "Alright.. well you might wanna go into your cat form, they're gonna be here any second."
Janus sighed, but soon later was a beautiful blond cat. Janus was one of the people who knew Virgil was a witch, after all, he himself was one. Unfortunately he had to stay at the house all the time, everyday because of him previously trying to take over the world.
Really, it was more of a punishment to Virgil than him.
Virgil heard a knock on the door and ran to the door, much more anxious than usual. They shouldn't be here yet!
He opened the door to see his fianće on the other side, "Hello dear." Aaron said, leaning down and kissing his head, "Hey." "So, I'm going to go get my parents and I'll be back with them soon, just thought I should come and tell you."
He smiled, "Thanks." Aaron flashed him a smile before he left, Virgil shutting the door behind him.
"I still think you should be marrying Roman." Janus spoke from the top of a shelf, "Shut up cat. Me and Aaron are getting married, not me and Roman, get over it." "Yeah, yeah, whatever."
Virgil was getting plates out when he heard the doorbell ring, "Oh God, they're here. Logan get the door please." Logan walked into the living room and opened the door. "Ah Virgil there you a-" Aaron cut himself at seeing Logan at the door, "You're not my fianće." "What a good observation."
"You. I like you." Aaron's mom told him, "Thank you, but I'm not marrying your son, I have a boyfriend." Logan said before moving away, letting her, Aaron, and his dad inside.
"You must be Aaron's dad, Aaron told me a lot about you." Virgil said as he walked up to the man next to Aaron, who he assumed was his dad. "Well he obviously didn't tell you I don't care for small talk." He said before walking to the couch and sitting down, Aaron's mom sitting down next to him.
Virgil looked down, embarrassed, Great, now they hate me. "Hey, don't worry about it." Aaron reassured him, lifting his head up to look at him, "Okay, okay, I won't."
He walked back to the kitchen, seeing Patton, Logan, Janus and...
"Roman, what are you doing here?" Virgil asked his ex, who was sitting at the table, "Janus invited me." Virgil glared at the cat, who jumped from the counter down to the floor, walking into the living room. "He said something about fireworks."
Virgil sighed, "Whatever, just stay in here"
He walked back out, smiling and sitting on the chair across from the couch, "So tell me, how many serious relationships have you been in?" "Oh. Well I've been in a lot of relationships, well- not a lot, but I never took any seriously I mean.. ugh.." She smiled, "I like him." She took a drink her wine, "Even more then Jake." She added.
Virgil smiled, "Thank you." He turned to Aaron, who was standing behind the chair, "Who's Jake?"
He sighed, "My fianće, well, ex. But he's long forgotten."
Then Roman walked in.
"Hey Vee, Patt wanted to ask you something." "Unlike your ex, who's forever remembered!"
Then Aaron's mom stood, walking to him, "So, your the ex. Here, sit." She sat down, Roman sitting next to her. "Why would you invite Roman?!" Aaron whisper shouted to Virgil, "I didn't! Patton did!" He lied, but it's not like he could tell Aaron his cat invited his ex.
Then Logan came in.
"Patton wanted to ask you something." "Oh God. What is it?" "He wanted to know if the chicken is supposed to be smokey." "Oh, great." He got up and hurriedly went into the kitchen, seeing the chicken he put in the oven on the counter with a confused looking Patton staring at it.
He walked up to it and turned to his friends, "Okay. I want you two to go out and talk with my soon to be in-laws. Be charming, but not more charming than me." "Okay, kiddo!" Patton grabbed his boyfriends hand and happily skipped out of the kitchen.
"Could this night get any worse?" He asked himself, "I just wanted everything to go well! What we need is some harmony." He then got an idea.
He came back out, seeing Roman talking to Aaron's mom, Logan and Patton talking to his dad, and Aaron himself glaring daggers at Roman. "Who wants crab cakes?" Roman grinned, "My favourite!" He exclaimed, grabbing one off the tray Virgil brought in the living room.
"Oh of course, you made Roman's favourite." Virgil rolled his eyes, "Shut up and eat one."
Everyone ate one and before he knew it.
They were all singing.
Everyone was arguing, Virgil was tired of it.
"Everyone!" They all looked over at him, "Please! Can't you all get along? Does it really matter what everyone thinks?" He asked, side hugging Aaron, "At the end of the day all that matters is that Aaron loves me and I love Roman."
Everyone froze.
"Aaron!" He corrected, "I love Aaron." "You sure?" He asked, looking over at him, "Yes I'm sure!" "Are you?" His mom asked, standing, "Yes! Aaron tell her I love you." He stayed silent, "Tell her!"
He sighed, pulling away from him, "Do you?" And with that Aaron and his parents walked out the door.
Virgil walked back in after trying keep the three there for dinner. "What are you still doing here?" He asked Roman, who was sitting at the table on his phone, "Don't talk like that to the man you love."
He rolled his eyes, sitting on a chair, banging his head on the table.
The next day he was sitting at the table with Logan and Patton.
"Is it possible you still have feelings for Roman?" Logan asked, "No! It was just a slip of the tongue! Tongues are slippery!" "Okay, calm down." "Maybe you should talk to someone." Patton suggested and Virgil shot his head up.
"You're right!"
In a flash he was now in a psychologists office.
"Hello, I'm Dr. M- Virgil?" He shot his head up, seeing Aaron's mom, "Mrs. Martin? What are you doing here?" "My job. What are you doing here?" "Oh. Well I just wanted to talk about what happened last night."
"Ah, yes.. The incident. Well what do you want to talk about?" "That I do infact love your son, that's what." "Hm.. alright, let me tell you something." She took her reading glasses off, "You don't know your own heart." "What? Yes I do."
She shook her head, "No, you don't. Now, you need to figure out how you feel, when you do, and you still feel the same way about my son, then you can get married." "Great! That sounds easy enough."
He stood and walked to the door, "See you in about four years." He froze, "Four years?!" "At least. Mental health shouldn't be rushed."
He was now flipping through his spell book, trying to find something, anything, he could use to help him.
He then found something.
"Well this should help." Then in front of him appeared a red and pink map, it was supposed to be a map of his heart, to help with the whole Aaron thing.
"This looks hard." "Try the information booth." Janus told him, "Oh, good idea."
He pressed the a part of the map that read Information.
He was now standing in what looked like a waiting room, the walls were pink and red and behind the desk was a man wearing a red suit. "Um... excuse me?" He looked up, "Hello, welcome to Virgil's heart, are you here for the tour?"
He nodded, "Alright, fo- Oh! You're Virgil." He nodded again, "Well it's nice to meet you! Now, if you'll follow me." He started walking and Virgil followed him, "Oh! Purple, I love purple." He walked to a frame with a painting of just purple on it.
"I know." They walked, "Ya know, I was worried taking a tour of my heart would reveal all these dark secrets but turns out it's very-" he stopped and seen a crack in the wall, "Cracked!?" He turned to the man, "I don't get it! Why is it cracked?"
"Oh don't worry, all hearts get broken, that's where Roman broke your heart." "Oh.. okay." They walked more and Virgil grinned, "See? I love Aaron." He nodded, "Again, I know."
"Yeah! And he's even on a pedestal, which, probably isn't the healthiest thing, but I'll work on that." "Yeah, you do that." He walked to a door and opened it, seeing,
Well, pictures of Roman.
"I don't understand! Why is Roman here?!" "Roman will always have a special place in your heart." "Well why does he have his own room?" "Roman's part of our permanent collection. Things in the hall are just temporary."
"Temporary?" He nodded, "Remember two years ago when you loved orange? I swear, if I never see that colour again-" "No! Aaron needs a room! It's not temporary, we're getting married!"
"Well rooms get built over time." "I don't have time!" He turned and walked out, seeing another door and opening it, seeing puppies come out. "Aw! Puppies! I love puppies." "I know."
"Aaron needs a room though!" "Well," the man now had a hammer, "go build one." He handed him the hammer before walking away.
Virgil let out a breath, he finally finished the room, he even painted it. "There we go!" He walked over to Aaron, well, the copy of him, "Here's your room." He smiled, "I love it."
He was now kissing Aaron, who had forgiven him. He had felt like he wasn't just passing through, he felt like he belonged in Virgil's life now.
"I love you."
"Love you too."
1878 words
I'll do a part two, that'll be when Virgil "marries" Aaron.
It'll end in prinxiety, don't worry.
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