Heros and Villians pt. 2
TW: my crappy writing and gayness
{Logan's POV}
Wow. Just wow. He looks so great in that outfit... and that hair! It looks so soft, and spiked at the same time, and the bowtie it such a nice touch. "Lo?" I got interuppted by my thoughts by Patton, "O-oh sorry Patton, yes I'm ready to go" I extended my hand and he took it, we soon got out of his apartment building and were now walking down the street.
{Third person POV}
As the two walked towards the restaurant they started talking, "No, Lo, infinitesimal does mean small" Patton corrected as they walked inside. They went to a table and sat down, "What do you want to eat?" Logan asked.
"Hm... Maybe spaghetti" he said, lifting a menu up, "You?" "Probably soup" They talked and talked, not about anything special, just favourite foods and what they like to do, until the food came.
They looked around and seen that Logan's watch was beeping, "Oh, sorry let me turn that off" That only happens when I'm in the same place as a hero, he thought. "What was that for?" Patton asked, tilting his head a little "Nothing" Logan lied.
"Okay! Do you want to continue what you were talking about?" "Sure"
{Logan's POV} (Sorry for being so repetitive)
So now I have to make sure a hero doesn't catch me, or at least in front of Patton. "So what-" I was interrupted by Patton's watch going off, "Oh, sorry" he went to turn it off "Guess we're even now" I smiled, "Yeah I guess so" we continued to talk, then my watch went off again.
So, there's a hero here, and since my watch went off twice, their very close, I guess I'll use my powers to tell. I started using my powers and looked around the restaurant, one young man was going to propose to his boyfriend, how cute.
Another girl was breaking up with her boyfriend to be with his sister, interesting. A family was going to have their eldest daughter come out as asexual, but nothing about heros. I looked over at Patton, I doubt he could be it, but I could always check.
'He's so cute' I started blushing pink, "You okay Lo?" Patton asked "Y-yeah, I'm fine" 'He's even cuter when he blushes' I'm sure I was bright red by now. "Are you sure?" He asked, running up to me and putting his hand on my forehead, "You don't have a fever" "Maybe it's just the temperature" I said, "Yeah, maybe"
We finished eating and talked for a little while, that is until the wall got crashed in, "Oh, great..." I muttered, walking up to to crashed wall. "Roman!" I said, still whispering "Oh! Hiya Lo! Aren't you supposed to be on a date with Patton?"
{Third person POV}
"I am!" Logan whispered back, "And it's here!" "Oh..." Roman said, "I'll leave" "Good idea, after all a hero is already here and-" his watch went off again, "Great, well, I'll just find them using my watch" "Good luck!" Roman said, leaving and fixing the wall with his powers.
Logan walked around, following his watch, Patton doing the same. Logan walked up to the table him and Patton were sitting at, "That's odd" he said, looking around and seeing Patton coming over, also looking at his watch, "hm.." he looked over at Patton
'Come on! That villian must be around here somewhere!' Logan gasped, which Patton heard, "Hi Lo!" "Your the hero!" "Your the villian!"
{After going to Patton's aparment and explaining}
"So your a hero and I'm a villian?" Logan said, summing it up "Yuppers!" Patton said, cuddling closer to Logan "And you still want to be together?" Patton nodded.
That was bad but ehhh. Hope you liked it, I started another book because I can't go to school and I did want to and I'm bored.
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