Festival (Prinxiety)
Roommate au
{Third Person POV}
"C'mon, Vee, lighten up!" Roman told his boyfriend, taking a sip of his overly-sugared lemonade as he slung an arm around his shoulder.
"I didn't even want to come." Virgil told the other, turning to glare at him as the two continued walking around the town square.
"I still don't understand why." Roman said, turning to look at the boy.
"Because you've never been to one, rich boy." Virgil muttered, looking down at the ground.
"Look, these festivals suck, okay? There's too many people, way too long lines, and food that could give you diabetes just by looking at it." Virgil stated, Roman sighing.
"But it just looks so fun! I've never been to one of these anyways." Roman said before seeing a booth with an array of random things to buy.
"Oh my goodness look at those glasses!" He exclaimed, pointing over at a pair of hot pink sunglasses with light pink gemstones on the frames.
Virgil flinched at the sudden change of tone and elbowed the other's side, Roman wincing slightly. "Ow, that hurt."
"You're fine." Virgil said, pushing Roman's arm off of his shoulder. "Now can we please leave?"
"Well can I get a few things first?" Roman asked as the two began walking over to the booth where Roman seen the sunglasses.
"... Fine."
"Thank you, Vee!" Roman thanked the other, kissing his cheek.
Virgil flushed red and looked down as Roman happily took his hand and guided him completely to the booth.
"Do you want anything, Emo?"
Virgil looked up from the ground and at the table, seeing an array of sunglasses lines up neatly. He seen the ones Roman had pointed out, along with various other colors of the same kind.
He looked next to the sunglasses and seen a few beaded bracelets and baseball hats before he spoke. "I don't want anything."
"You sure? What about these colored glasses?" Roman picked up a pair of glasses, which went from violet to lavender, the metal frames fitting perfectly on his face.
"Oh you look so cute! I'm gonna get them for you." Roman said before turning to the woman behind the booth.
"Oh, no, that's fine." Virgil said, taking off the glasses.
"You sure?" Roman asked as he took out his wallet.
"Well... I like them, but you don't have to get them for me." Virgil told him. "Vee, I'll get them, it's fine." Roman said before turning to the woman again, paying for the two's glasses, along with a bright green pair of the kind Roman had for Remus, since he knew he would want some like his.
"Besides, it's not like I can't afford something, I have rich parents you silly."
"Mm-hm, and they spoil you rotten." Virgil said and Roman scoffed, rolling his eyes as he took the bag from the lady.
"They don't spoil me rotten." Roman said, pulling his sunglasses out of the bag, slipping them on.
"Yeah, sure they don't." Virgil said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"They don't." Roman stated turning and looking at him, Virgil immediately laughing at his boyfriend.
"Wow. Rude." Roman said once Virgil finished giggling, a small smile on his face.
"Well you look hilarious. Especially considering how the sun's literally going down."
"I look fabulous." Roman said with a smile still on his face before seeing another booth. "Oh my goodness look!"
Virgil looked over and seen a booth with clothes and even more jewelry than the other one had.
"Look at these dresses!" Roman exclaimed once the two arrived at the booth, picking of the baby dress.
"What about it?" Virgil asked, pushing his glasses up and resting them on the top of his head, now able to see the bright colors of the dress easier.
"Mom would always dress me and Rem in dresses like these." Roman said as he picked up the dress. "They were so pretty."
"Oh. That's pretty cool." Virgil said as Roman redirected his attention over to a table with a bunch of jewelry.
"Ooh! Vee, look at this!" Roman picked up a twine necklace with a wood carved spider on it as a charm. "Do you like it?"
"I mean, it looks pretty cool but don't buy i-"
"Great! I'll get it for you!"
Virgil sighed as Roman continued looking at jewelry, not even trying to stop Roman.
Honestly, he should be use to Roman buying him things all the time. After all, Roman was the reason Virgil had a full sized and working gumball machine in his room.
"Hey Vee, do you think Janus would like this ring?" Roman asked, picking up a silver ring with a snake wrapped around an amethyst and showing it to Virgil.
"Probably. Why?"
"Well I wanna get everybody something." Roman said, looking over at a mood ring with a heart on it. "I already got Remus those glasses, might as well get the others something." He told the other as he picked up the mood ring, putting it on his ring finger.
"Look! It's purple!" Roman exclaimed, showing Virgil the mood ring.
"What's that mean?"
"No idea." Roman said, slipping it off, "Here, try it on."
Virgil did and watched it change from the bright violet it once was to a dark black.
"Wow. It matches my heart." Virgil said as he took it off, Roman rolling his eyes, "Your non-existent one?"
"It exists." Virgil said, picking up an azure blue beaded bracelet, a gold charm with a "P" dangling on it.
"We can get Patton this." Virgil said, holding up the bracelet for Roman to see.
"Ooh! Yeah! And look what I found for Logan!" Roman held up a gold pocket watch.
"A pocket watch?" Virgil asked and Roman hummed showing Virgil the actual watch pendant. "It's Alice in Wonderland themed." He said, "See? It says "Drink me" on this." He showed him the square charm the Virgil had failed to noticed at first. "Oh, that's actual pretty cool."
"Right? And there's a little bunny charm thingy at the top of the watch." Roman said, tapping the bunny charm.
"Great. Now can we leave?"
"Yeah, sure." Roman said, walking over to the woman running the booth, paying for the things they bought and putting them in the bag where they bought their glasses.
After he did the two were walking through the town square when Virgil spoke, "You realize you've been wearing those glasses the whole time, right?"
"What?" Roman asked, reaching a hand up to feel his face and feeling the frames of the sunglasses.
"Oh my Gods, I totally forgot about these." Roman said, taking off the glasses and putting them atop his head.
"I don't know how, but okay." Virgil said with an amused smile.
"Shut up." Roman told the boy, who rolled his eyes.
As the two were walking Roman seen booths selling food and got excited,
"Ooh! Vee, can we get funnel cake?!" He asked, turning to look at Virgil.
"You can. But I'm not." Virgil said and Roman smiled brightly, taking Virgil's hand and dragging him over to stand in line with other people, still holding his hand as the two stood in line.
Once the two got to the front Roman ordered his funnel cake and turned to Virgil, "Do you want anything, hun?"
"Nah, I'm fine."
"M'kay, well let's stand over here and wait." Roman said, moving over to the side to let the next people order.
As the two stood, Roman began swinging the two's hands, Virgil letting him as he checked his phone.
"Hey Vee?"
Virgil hummed, turning off his phone and looking up at Roman.
"I love you."
Virgil felt his face turn red but smiled, glancing down at the ground, "Love you too, Princey."
Roman smiled at his boyfriend's reaction before seeing that his funnel cake was now finished.
He paid and the two walked off, Roman letting go of Virgil's hand and happily eating his funnel cake as the two talked.
As Roman was looking at more booths Virgil took a piece of funnel cake, Roman turning around and seeing the powdered sugar on his fingers.
"Hey! Don't take my food." Roman exclaimed, pulling the funnel cake away from Virgil.
"Well I'm your boyfriend, so I can have some."
"You don't say that when I want your food. Plus, you said you didn't want any."
"... What's your point?"
"That you're mean." Roman said, turning back to the booths, now holding the funnel cake closer to himself.
Roman turned, immediatly feeling his boyfriend's lips on his own.
He smiled and kissed him back, feeling Virgil wrap his arms around him, Roman smiling even more into the kiss.
When the two pulled away Virgil smirked mischievously, Roman looking at him, confused.
Virgil held up the cardboard boat thing holding the funnel cake and ripped a piece off, taking a bite.
"Hey! When did you even take that?!" Roman asked, taking his funnel cake back.
"When we were kissing." Virgil stated, "So you only wanted to kiss me to take my food?"
"Well... Yeah. And you had powdered sugar on your lips."
Roman and Virgil walked into their apartment, having just left the festival, seeing their friends sitting in the living room and watching T.V.
"Finally! We've been waiting all night for you two!" Remus shouted, leaping up from the couch, "Now lemme see what you got." He said, taking the bag from Roman and looking at the contents.
"Ooh! Look at these!" Remus exclaimed, taking out the pair of bright green sunglasses Roman bought and putting them on, everyone staring at him.
"Wow... Those are... Something." Patton said, not quite sure on what else to say.
"They're amazing and I love them more than anything." Remus said, "Even you Janus."
"I hate you."
"Anyways," Remus looked back into the bag, "Patt, I think this is yours." Remus tossed the bracelet over to Patton, who missed it completely.
"Jan." He tossed the ring to Janus, who took off the beanie be was wearing and caught it in the hat.
"And Logan!" He slung the pocket watch over to Logan, the pocket watch landing in his lap.
"Thanks guys," Patton said as he slipped the bracelet on, looking over at Roman and Virgil, "So how was the festival?"
"It was great! Well, except when Virgil kept trying to steal my food." Roman said as he walked passed the couch, "But it was so much fun! I loved it!"
"That's great! Vee, what about you?"
Virgil shrugged, "It was fun."
"He loved it." Roman said, Virgil smiling a little.
"Maybe a little."
1835 words
Fun fact: I got the glasses Roman got while at a festival yesterday.
I literally love them so much, they're my reason for living.
I'm also low-key proud of this chapter, I like it.
And Virgil taking Roman's food was me taking my best friend's ribbon fries because that's what best friends do.
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