Fake Dating (Prinxiety)
TW: kinda mean Janus
Human au
{Third Person POV}
Janus is visiting.
No, actually, it's horrible, Janus has to tell Virgil just how great his life is and remind him that everything in his life is just all going to shi-
Anyways, Janus is visiting and Virgil isn't happy about it.
So Virgil was sitting on his couch, scrolling through his phone as the T.V. played a random show he had watched a million times.
He wasn't actually watching it though, it was meant to be more of a background noise as he was on his phone.
He then heard a knock on his door and knowing to was Janus, he sighed but stood and walked to the door.
He opened the door and was met with Janus on the other side, as he expected.
"Did I come at a bad time?" Janus asked with a raised brow as Virgil let him inside. "No, you're on time."
"Well I was just wondering, you look as if you just woke up." Janus said with a shrug as he looked around. "Thanks Janus." Virgil muttered with an eyeroll, shutting the front door.
"Just telling the truth." He said with another shrug, turning back to Virgil, "Where are your friends? Or are they not real?"
Virgil glared at him before speaking, "They're on their way." He stated as Janus walked over to the couch, sitting down, "Whatever you say."
Virgil rolled his eyes again but walked over and sat next to Janus.
The two sat on the couch for a while, both on their phones as the show Virgil had previously put on played, making the only real noise on the house.
But thank God, he heard a knock on the door.
He sprung up, excited that his friends were there and he wouldn't have to deal with Janus alone anymore.
He opened the door and felt relief wash over him at seeing Logan, Patton, and Roman on the other side of the door.
"Oh, thank God you guy's are here I literally hate this." He said as he ushered them inside, shutting the door after they were inside.
"He can't possibly be that bad." Logan told him, "Yeah, sure."
"Wow Virgil, you must be desperate for friends."
The group turned and seen Janus was now standing and eyeing the group.
"I mean, Logan and Patton, sure, they're nice, but..." He trailed off as he eyed Roman up and down.
Virgil, not knowing what to do yo stand up for himself, looked down at the floor.
Roman noticed how his c̶r̶u̶s̶h friend wasn't standing up for himself.
Well crap, guess I gotta help.
"Actually, I'm his boyfriend." Roman stated, and Janus stopped his talking before a smirk formed.
Virgil looked up at Roman, confusion decorating his face. Roman winked and Virgil gave a small smile in return, a thank you.
"Wow, Vee, you have a boyfriend?" Janus asked, side-glancing over at Virgil, "Does he fight your battles for you too?"
"Actually-" Virgil began but Roman interrupted him, "No, Vee, I got this."
"That's really just proving his point." Logan muttered and Roman glared at him.
"But please, continue."
Roman turned to Janus and spoke, "Virgil is the most gorgeous, funniest, and intelligent person I have ever met, and deserves everything in the world, everything but you talking to him like this,"
Roman continued on but Virgil had stopped listening, he was amazed that Roman quickly came up with those things.
And how believable it sounded, he sounded as if he actually felt those things for him.
But Roman was an actor, he figured he was good at things like that.
When Roman had finished Janus smirked, "Wow Vee, you've got a great boyfriend here."
Virgil smiled proudly and looked over at Roman, "Yeah, I do."
"Remus, you're brother's not dating Vee, and we have to get them together." Jansu told his friend that night as he laid in bed.
It was obvious the two weren't dating, (to Janus anyway) considering how surprised Virgil was when Roman said that they were dating.
"Look Jay, I'm a little busy trying to see if permanent marker can wash off of walls." Remus said from the other side of the phone.
"I don't care. We need to get them together."
Remus sighed but smirked, "Fine."
795 words
This totally isn't based off of a tik tok that I now can't find. (Said characters actually reminded me more of Janus and Remus, but I'm not as good as writing those two.)
Also, sorry if it's bad, I'm writing this at eleven-something (almost midnight) so.. yeah.
And I'm probably not gonna continue this unless I somehow get a half-decent idea.
But hope you enjoyed!
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