Christmas Day (both)
This is set where I'm telling the story of both ships day's. If that makes sense.
TW: my crappy writing adorable fluff and gayness
Human au
{Third Person POV}
Patton shot out of bed and quickly shook his husband awake, "Looo! Wake up!!" "What time is it?" He mumbled, still laying down, "It's Christmas o'clock!" He paused, "Aka six thirty"
"Hun that's way too early" "But you wake up at six thirty everyday!" "True, but I hate doing it" "Aw c'mon! We have to get up! It's Christmas!"
Logan sighed, sitting up, "Fine" he muttered, grabbing his glasses off the table next to him, "Yaaay!"
"Veee!! Wake up sleepy head!" The other groaned, turning to his husband, "What do you want?" "It's Christmas! Time to get up!!" "Mm... no" he muttered, putting the blanket over his head, "Please! It's almost nine and I woke up at six!"
"Fiiine I guess I can get up" he sat up, the blanket still wrapped around him, "But it's gonna take a while because I'm tired" Roman huffed, "Fine, but go as fast as you can!"
"Time for breakfast!" Patton yelled excitedly as Logan drank some of his coffee, "What are you making?" He asked, watching as the other took out a couple cookie sheets, "Cookies!" "Dear we can't have cookies for breakfast" "Sure we can! It's Christmas!"
"You're getting away with so much today"
Patton giggled, "Of course I am! I'm your favourite!" "You're my favourite because you're the only one here" "I know" he stated, getting things out for cookies. "You're helping ya know" he said as he started putting the ingredients in a bowl, "What? Why?" "Because I said" he replied, laughing.
"I made breakfast!" Roman yelled through the door of where his brother and husband were sleeping, the two had fallen asleep late that night and would be mad. "I'm killing you!" Roman laughed as Virgil snickered, "Which one said that?" Virgil yelled through the door as it swung open, revealing a tired Janus and murderous Remus.
"Both" Janus replied, smacking the back of his head as Remus did the same to Roman. "Hey! That hurt! Maybe I shouldn't have made you breakfast" "It was supposed to hurt idiot" Remus mumbled, sitting next to Virgil on the counter, "How do you deal with this idiot?" He asked, pointing to Roman.
"I don't" Virgil answered jokingly, "How rude!" Roman stated in fake offence, the two laughing, "Maybe I shouldn't have married you" Virgil shrugged, "Maybe" "Maybe you should've married Remus" Janus joked, everybody laughing.
"Time for presents!" Patton said happily, picking up his camera and recording, grabbing a present wrapped in light blue wrapping paper and handing it to Logan. "Open it!" He looked up at the other, "Why do you have a camera?" "So I can see your expression when you open it!"
"Okay" he opened the gift and took out a shirt, "Unfold it!" Patton said, getting more excited. He did and gave a look at his husband, "What's it say??" He flipped the shirt to Patton and the camera.
It was a black shirt with a picture of Belle reading and in white letters said, My Weekend is Booked.
Patton giggled, "Put it on!" He sighed, standing and going in the bathroom.
"Time to open gifts!" Remus and Roman exclaimed in unison, their husbands looking at each other, "Here Vee!" Roman handed him a gift with red wrapping paper with candy canes on the paper. "Let's see what it is" Janus said, passing the gift to him, "Probably something emo" Remus said, watching as he opened the gift.
He opened it and seen it was a black shirt with the words Hot Topic across it in red letters, "Get it? Because I call you Hot Topic?" He laughed to himself, "Yes I get it"
Logan came back and Patton squealed, "You look so cute!" Logan sighed as Patton got up and ran to him, taking the camera, "Do you like it?" He smiled, "Yes I like it" he grinned and kissed his cheek, "I'm glad"
"Now, time to open your's" Logan said, walking to the tree and getting a present wrapped in pink paper with snowmen on it, "Okay, here take this" he handed him the camera and took the gift.
He opened it and inside was a necklace with a blue butterfly on it, along with a book about butterflies, "I love it Lo!" He gushed, putting the necklace on, "You do?" He nodded, "It's amazing!" He grabbed another gift, "And I got you another one, even though I didn't tell you" Logan laughed and took it, "Well I got you another one too"
"Okay Ro, here" he handed him a gift and he took it excitedly, "It's kinda dumb but-" he got cut off by Roman gasping, "I love it!"
Virgil had gotten him a Disney necklace with the lamp from Aladdin making a heart. "Thank you, thank you!" Roman hugged him and he smiled, "You're welcome"
"Okay, on the count of three we open them, okay?" Logan nodded, Patton had set up the camera to where it was pointing at both of them.
"One, two, three!"
They two opened them and Patton squealed, Logan had gotten him a Winnie the Pooh necklace with Pooh and the jar of "Hunny"
Patton had gotten Logan a necklace with a planet pendant, only the planet was a rainbow.
"I love it!" Patton exclaimed, tackling the other in a hug, "I love what you got me too" Logan stated and Patton lightly kissed all over his face.
They got up and heard someone knock on the door.
Patton jumped up and skipped to the door, opening it he seen Roman, Virgil, Janus and Remus. "You guy's are early" Patton said, looking at the clock, "It's only ten something" Janus said, looking at his watch, "Oh, well come in!"
They came in as Logan was standing to throw away the wrapping paper, "Hey Lo" Roman said, waving a little, "Nice shirt" Virgil pointed, "Thank you, Patton got it for me"
The rest of the day, and some of the night, was spent with them opening gifts they got for each other and having fun, which mainly meant watching movies.
It was fun.
Merry Christmas!!
Unless you don't celebrate, then Happy Friday!!
This did take awhile, but I liked how it came out. Also, the Belle shirt is what I got and I love it!
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