Propmt: PERSON A and PERSON B go to a fair/amusement park and PERSON A wants to go on the roller coaster and PERSON B agrees. Later, PERSON B regrets their decision and ends up clinging onto PERSON A for dear life. (Of course I'm not just gonna make the one-shot really short- so yeah I am just adding bs and bs of this two idiots)
Human AU
Virgil's P.O.V.
"Okay kiddos and Logan. We will go by groups. I'll go with logie. Virgil and Roman will go together!" Pat said with a big smile while hugging Logan's arm. I roll my eyes not really wanting to be paired with sir-sing-a-lot, but there is really nothing I can really do.
"Patton and I expect you both to reunite back here with us at 5 pm. I know you both aren't kids but you both act like one. Now Its currently 2:56 pm so you we better get going. Just call me or Patton if you need help." Logan says with the same serious voice he always has. Patton just nods.
"Let's go princey before I regret coming here a lot more" "Shut up emo. Anyway, where do you want to go first?" "Are you really asking me-" "Okay then I choose!" I just roll my eyes again. "I think we should gooo ttttooo.." Roman just looks around probably thinking of a ride will that kill me. "BINGO! The roller coaster!" I froze 'I knew it' . "The wHAT? NO nO NO I am NOT going into that death trap!" I scream. "Stop being dramatic.. that's my job. and Come on it's gonna be fun!" He says with puppy eyes. "No- stop- dOn'T-" I say. I mean, who can resist puppy eyes?? "Ughh.. okay- BUT! If I die it's your...fault." 'I give up I can't with this idiot'. "YAY! You won't die I promise!" He starts to drag me over to the line and I am starting to regret my life choices. WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS?!?-
I am sitting next to princey, regretting my life choices, asking myself why my mother even had me, mom abort me now. I hold on for dear life. The ride is starting. I will literally die.
I just hold tight onto Roman. I wrap my arms around his torso while also trying to bury my face on his chest. "Virgil? what-" "shut up. I am literally trying so hard to not punch you. If I could I would but I don't want to die-" "Welp- we are almost at the top so the drop is coming soon-" "s-shut the actual f-fuck up-" I hold princey tighter. I feel one arm wrap around my back, like if it was trying to comfort me. "Hey hey- It's going to be okay I am here. Nothing bad will happen to you!" "Wow my h-hero!" "LOoK I aM trYInG tO cOmfOrT yOu- Oh shit-" 'what-?' I open my eyes just to see a little of what's happening. 'no...' we are already at the drop, then it just goes really fast. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!" Roman lifts one arm up (the free arm he has not the one he is using to hold me) because.. that is what most people do at roller coasters- duh-
"F-FUCKING SHIT-" I yelp. Princey just holds me closer to him, making me blush a deep shade of red, even my pale foundation won't be able to cover.
The ride ends and we both get off it. I am just really traumatized I am still clinging onto Roman like a fucking koala clinging to a tree. But right now Princey is my tree and I am the koala. I legs won't stop shaking. I feel like I am going to fucking drop dead on the dirty ass ground.
Suddenly I feel like I am being fucking lifted up bridal style by this dumbass. "Bro- what- what- what are you doing-?" "I thought you were going to fall so I lifted you up??" "Wow thank you very mmmmuuuuuccccchhhhh. YoU deSerVe a rEwaRd!" "I- what- are you dRuNK-?!" I just roll my eyes and kiss Princey on the cheek. "ThaNk yOu veRy MuCh my HErO~!" I swear by the spawn of satan that I just say Princey-Fuck fucking blush.
"Okay you can put me down now." I say. "Uhhh- No. Let's go to the ferris wheel!" "What- no- HEY-" he starts running while I just cling onto him. I hear him chuckling. "I swear to hell and satan I will fucking kill you." "Aww yeah, I love you too." I just blush- 'He what'.
"Oh look!! Its Patton and Logan!! Let's go greet them!!" "UgHh-"
"Hey Logan, Padre! What's up? Virgil and I are going to the Farris wheel. Would you both like to join us?" Roman says with a big ass smile on his face.. 'cute idiot'.
"Haha- sorry kiddo! We would love to but we are going to get something to eat and drink. But thank you! I hope you both have funn~! Also Roman please put Virgil down." Patton says. "Henceforth I am unable to can. Now let's go emo!" Roman continues running while I just continue clinging onto him. "OKAy okay! you can stop running now! We are here either way there is no need to run!!" "Ughhhh okayyyyyy" Roman puts me down but holds my hand tightly buy not tight enough to hurt me.
We get on the ride. I am sitting next to Roman.
We were like 5 minutes into the ride and I managed to have the courage to try and tell Roman how I felt. "Hey.. Roman." "Hmm??.." He hummed silently as a indication for me to continue. "I- I have had a lot of fun with you today. I enjoyed your company.. it's fun hanging around with you. . ." "Aww! Thank you cariño~" I smiled. "Look. I want you to listen carefully 'cause I am only saying this once!" "Okay okay I am listening. I'm all ears."
I chuckle. "I fucking like you. Like- I like like you. I just keep thinking about y-you none stop and feel weird everytime I see you. The fact I fell for a c-cute idot- anyway, You have helped me through a lot of s-shitty moments. You have helped me through my panic/anxiety attacks, you were there when no one ever was, you put a roof over my head when I didn't have one, you provided me with food. L-look.. thank you. For everything. I don't really know how to thank you enough. . ." I was looking down the whole time that by the end I noticed Roman went to lift my head by the chin.
He was smiling. A gentle smile. It felt warm and fuzzy I just wanted to stare at his face forever. "Well it's my turn to talk. Virgil. I am so happy to tell you I return the same feelings.. Look. You also helped me. You helped me after the death of my father.. you were there by my side even if you weren't really obligated to be. I shared my home, love, food with you because.. you didn't judge me when I would show my emotions to you. You gave me so much affection. More than anyone or anything could ever give me. Would you be my boyfriend?.." "I-I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!" I started to laugh as I threw my arms around Roman's neck. Roman chucked. Out of nowhere I started to tear up and Roman noticed. "H-Hey are you okay-?" Roman asked me with a worried tone of voice. "I am great! Just really happy that's all.." roman moves me so I am able to look at him then he whipes the tear away with his thumb. "Aww mi amor.. can I kiss you-?" "W-what-" "Right- Sorry- stupid question- I get it-" suddenly I pull Roman into a kiss. It felt great..
We kissed for almost one minute until we had to breathe- ugh breathing is so overrated, why do we even do it?. "The ride has ended and its only like 3 something something pm." Roman says. We both get off while holding hands. "Wanna go get some food and drinks?" Roman asks and I agree.
After we ate some food, talked, and flirted it was almost 5 pm so Roman and I moved fast. We got to the meeting place and saw Padre and Mother.
"Oh logie there they are!" Patton yelled pointing at us. I guess Roman and I didn't notice we were holding hands because when we got there with Patton she started fangirling and Logan tried to calm him down. "Well it's time to go home. Let's go." Logan said.
In the car ride I was feeling really tired that I just cuddled really close to Roman and fell asleep in his arms. Best day of my life.
Finally!! God- that was hard- time to sleep!!♡♡
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