Chapter 9
Eliza Pov
It's Saturday. Oh my gosh it's Saturday. But I woke up at 5:00 in the morning for some reason so I have 5 hours before I see Hamilton. I wonder if he's as excited as I am. Probably not. Or maybe he is. I don't know. My phone beeped.
Satisfied: Hey r u up?
Me: yupppp super excited 😂
Satisfied: so I'm guessing you want me to come over 5 hours before it starts and help u get ready?
Me: Absolutely.
Angelica arrived in about five minutes. She helped me with make up and hair and how not to scare him away. "I do not scare boys away! And even if I did, Alexander he's different." I told her. "Oh honey please. This boy is no different from the rest but sure give it a shot I guess. And Yes you must certainly scare boys away. Why else would Alexander want to move up a grade?" She said snickering. "Because he's so incredibly smart." I said in a confident voice. ".....I don't really scare boys away, do I?" I asked sounding a lot less confident all of a sudden. "Yes." She said. "WHAT?" I screeched. She's supposed to be helpful! Not truthful! "With your brilliance." She said smiling. Oh. Of course.
Alexander Pov
My alarm clock started going off. I hit it and looked at the time. It's 6:30!! On a Saturday! Why is it going off at 6 am on a Saturday?? Oh wait. Eliza. "Hamilton why the hell is your alarm clock going off??" Jefferson said groggily. Then he jumped up and threw up. Gross. Then I remembered last night. The fight. "Jeez.. your face man... it's a little bit....not to be rude but it's... it's bad man. It's bad." He told me. Well thanks. I sighed. "Why did your alarm clock go off?" He asked again. "I'm going out in a bit." I replied. "Really? Where?" He asked. Did he hit his head or something? Because it sounded like he actually cared. "Why do you ask?" He turned red. He stammered for a bit then managed to choke out "I don't know." "Alrighty then. Im gonna get coffee with Eliza." I told him. I looked at the clock. I want to sleep. And my face hurts. "Hey man? Could you wake me up at 9:00?" I asked. "Okie." He said not looking up from his phone. "I'm counting on you man." I told him. "Of course." "I'm secretly a male prostitute." I said. "Wait. What??" He asked looking up from his phone. "Heh. Nah just makin sure you were listening. I'm really counting on you okay?" I said. "Okay okay." He replied.
—Time skippp—
"Hamilton. Wake up. If you don't wake up I'll start screaming. My lord just wake up." I bolted up. Then hit my face on the top bunk. Jefferson started laughing. "Shut. Up." I looked at the clock. It was 9. Alright guess he did listen. I jumped up, took a shower and put some fresh clothes on. I looked in the mirror. My face was still not to great but whatever. "Hamilton just tellin ya its 9:50!" Jefferson yelled from the living room. Oh crap. I jumped up grabbed my bag and sprinted out. "Dang I didn't know you could run." Jefferson commented. I don't have a car or a drivers license so yeah I'm running. As I got closer I looked at my watch it was 9:55. Why did that run seem like so much longer? I fixed my collar and pulled up my socks and retied my shoes. I walked in. Eliza was already there. Dang it. I'm usually the early one. I walked over and set my bag down on the floor. "Hey. What's up?" I asked her, sitting down. Why am I so nervous?
Eliza Pov
He looks as nervous as me! Is that a good thing? I think that's a good thing. Wait why is his face bruised? Anyways it's going really well and it started sprinkling outside. Alexander didn't seem to like the rain whatsoever because when I pointed out that it was raining he just went 'oh. Uh.. sorry It's just that me and rain don't mix.' Is this the time to ask about his life before he came to Princeton? Alright I'll go for it. Maybe I should ask about his family. "So do you have any siblings or anything?" I asked. He hesitated and said "Yeah. I know that you do." Then he laughed nervously and fiddled with his hands. I've never seen him so nervous. "What's their name?" I asked. "James. Why do you ask?" "Well, I just don't know much about your life before you came here." I replied. "Oh. It's not the best of stories so I don't think you really want to know. But what about you? What were you up to before Princeton?" He asked. Wait. No he's trying to direct the conversation from himself. No we will talk about this. "Well in high school I went downtown with my sisters a lot and we'd go to parties. In our middle school years we did basically the same thing." I said laughing. "What did you and James do?" I asked him. "We would.. I don't know do normal kid things." He told me, chuckling. "What about your parents? Did you ever like go out and do stuff with them?" "Erm.. not really. I lived with my cousin for a long time. My dad wasn't around after I was ten and when I was twelve my mom....wasn't around anymore either." He told me. "Oh. I'm sorry." I told him. No wonder he doesn't want to talk about it. "See it makes people sad and that's even before I finish so I don't really tell many people anything." He said. Some thunder boomed. Alexander visibly flinched. "What do you mean you haven't even finished yet?" I asked him. "After my dad left and mom died my cousin, Peter took me and James in. Peter committed suicide. Then James and I got separated. Later a hurricane came and destroyed my town. So it's not really the most happy story." He told me. Oh my gosh! "I'm really sorry." I told him. The whole rest of the day, I didn't mention it.
Thomas Pov
It was about 12:00 when Alexander came back. It had stopped raining but I got an alert on my phone saying there would be a flash flood coming in later tonight. Which is fine. I like the rain. When it was sprinkling I kept my window open. He sat down at his desk and started studying. "How's your datteee go?" I asked. "Fine." He said. "Did she ask about your face?" I asked. "No." He replied. Aww come on.. talk to me." I said leaning on his shoulder. "No." He told me. "When is your test anyways?" I asked. "Monday." He said. This is unlike him. No snarky comments and one word answers? Nah. This isn't him. Thunder boomed outside. Alexander fell out of his chair. I started laughing. "Is little Lexi scared of the rain? Maybe you should get your monkey to protect you." I told him. Don't get me wrong I do like him but I can't show it. "Just stop. Please." He said. This is weird. Why is he acting like this?
1235 words. Wow.
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