Chapter 19
Warning! There's a slur in this one too. I'm sorry. And there's cursing but that should have been obvious since all my other chapters have some cursing too.
Alexander Pov
I started to wake up. God I wish I hadn't. I was instantly hit with pain. I groaned and moved my hand to my side. It's felt like all my ribs were broken. Then the pain in my head. To be honest I don't know really how to explain it, but it just felt like this constant extreme pressure. I groaned and started to sit up. Then Thomas came over with...another Thomas? I didn't know he had a twin. "Wha...?" I mumbled. Oh wait. I'm seeing double. Greattttt. "Stay down. I'm going to take you to a urgent care once Mary finds her keys." I ignored him and started to get up. I was hit with even more pain. He pushed me back down lightly. Even though it was light yelped from the pain. "Sorry. Is it your ribs?" He asked. I groaned and glared at him. My double vision was starting to go away. But the pound in my head wasn't. Then I heard a girl yell "GOT MY KEYS!" And she ran into the room and out the door. Thomas asked "Can you walk?" Of course I can walk. I started to stand up and then fell. Fuck. Thomas grabbed my arm and let me lean on him as we walked out. I sat in the back seat with a bowl, in case I threw up. I closed my eyes and trying to contain my pain. Every time the car jostled or came to a stop I thought I was going to die. My throat hurt, my head hurt, my chest hurt. Why is it taking so long to get to urgent care?
Thomas Pov
I kept looking back at Al to see how he was holding up but there wasn't really anything to see. It was just a beat up nineteen year old in the back of a minivan shaking slightly with his eyes closed. Then we finally reached the urgent care. Mary jumped out and opened the back car door. Mary and I grabbed Alex and helped him walk in. There was no one in there except for a twelve year old girl talking to her mother and a seventeen year old laughing his ass off while he was stuck in a baby swing. When we walked in they shut up almost instantly. The nurse at the front desk let out a small gasp and ran to get a doctor. They took Alex in and left Mary and I in the waiting room. After about an half hour a doctor came out and told Mary and I that he had two broken ribs, and a concussion. The doctors left and came back with Alex who was smiling, despite the pain.
Alexander Pov
Yeah it hurt. But I have to smile through it. Even though I don't want to. No one would be able to tell it wasn't genuine because I've rarely actually smiled. Like from pure joy. I mean I've laughed and stuff like that but pure joy? Only once or twice.
You know what I really want to do? I want to go back to Thomas' house and yell at his dad. I think that's where it went wrong. I'm a fighter with words, not with fists. John helped me realize that a few months back. I haven't made anyone cry during a debate but I am willing to change that when it comes down to it.
We were walking back to the car and I said "Thomas? You trust me right?" "Yeah...?" He said slightly nervous. "Your really trust me?" I asked. "Alex, if you say some absurd thing I'm gonna trust you a little less." He said, helping me get in the car. "I can do it legs aren't broken. Anyways what I was saying is I want to go back." I told him. "Back to where my dad is? Your insane! We could stay with James Madison or something!" He said. I think if he was drinking coffee, he would have spit it out. Just to paint a picture. "Thomas, running away from him won't solve anything. Plus James Madison hates me. And I don't particularly like him either. But if we talk to your dad then we'll have a place to stay and have a resolution." I told him. "Alex is right." Mary said. "And I'm the one driving so I'm taking us back." Thomas sighed and said "And if it doesn't work?" "It's going to work." I said sternly.
—Time skip because..yea—
I rang the doorbell for Thomas because he was too nervous. Thomas' dad opened the door. "Ugh. You."
He started to close the door. I stopped him just before he could. "" I said stepping in. I looked at Thomas who looked completely mortified.
"What do you want faggot?" His dad asked. I scoffed. Oh shit I don't have a plan. Alright here goes nothing I guess.
" You do realize he's your son right? You do realize you raised him right? How can you just completely throw that out the window due to relationship stereotypes? It's truly insane. And no, don't throw the Bible at me because it's I'm not even going to get into that. So pull you ego out of your fucking ass and realize that he's your fucking son. I grew up without a dad, and to see that a dad is treating their child with such disrespect and no decency is almost fucking insulting. It's really sickining to see this. So stop being the jackass you are and be nice to your son! I shouldn't even have to tell you that. It should be common sense." Woah. Was it me that just said that? He just stood there and stared at me. "Erm...uh...sorry." Thomas' father said.
"Yeah that's right." I muttered, just loud enough for the three of us to hear. "You Guys can stay here." He said scratching the back of his neck. Thomas and I went to his room and then Thomas turned to me and said
"That was so fucking badass Hamilton."
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