Chapter 16
Alexander Pov
Once I got back to my dorm I didn't bother locking the door. It's not like they'd come after me anyways. I mean Thomas sort of had to because he also lives here but that doesn't mean I have to talk to him. To be honest I didn't really need the revolutionary set or the Schuyler sisters. I was fine without them.
Who am I kidding? They are the reason why I'm still alive. There was a knock at my door. It's probably them. "Son? Are you alright?" I heard someone say. Wait why is Washington here? Oh right. I ran out his class. Jeez I'm such a loser.
I opened the door. "Alexander! I just came by to make sure you're alright." He said. "I'm fine." I replied coldly. Then I closed the door on him. Why do I do that? I always push people away. I heard another knock at the door. "Alexander!" Washington shouted through the door. I sighed and opened it again. "Your obviously not fine." He told me. "Just stay out of it."
I said sounding as cold as ever. "Alexander I'm not giving up on you. You remind me of when I was younger. The quick witted guy that doesn't know when to slow down. I realized that by not stopping, I was destroying myself. The sooner you realize this, the happier you'll be. I know that you've talked to your friends but you're still not satisfied. I'm going to try my best to change that." He told me.
I was on the verge of tears. He doesn't know that I already destroyed myself. I can't push him away too. I let out a small sob. He hugged me. My teacher is hugging me. Jesus fuck this is weird.
"It's okay." He muttered. "No. I-It's not. I already did it. I destroyed myself already. T-They hate me. I have no f-family. I have nowhere else to turn." I said in between choked sobs. "They don't hate you son." He said softly. "DONT CALL ME SON!" I shouted. Dammit here goes Alexander Hamilton ruining his life..again. He's going to leave. I cried harder.
Then he hugged me again. "I'm not leaving until you're alright." He replied. Why does he care so much? And if he's not leaving till I'm alright, I guess he's never leaving. "J-just go. I'll figure it out." I said, pulling myself together. "Okay. But if you ever need anything, I'm here." He said. Then he walked out.
I picked up my phone and called John. I probably should of thought of something to say.
John Pov
After my boy- I mean Alex left, everyone got mad at me. Somehow they figured out that I knew about his past and they got mad because I didn't tell them. So that bullshit went in for about an hour then my phone went off.
And since I was looking for any excuse to get the attention off me I told them to hold on. I looked at the caller ID. My jaw dropped. "Guys it's Alex."
"PUT IT ON SPEAKER!" Angelica yelled. "! He called me for a reason!" I replied. Then I picked up the phone. "J-John?" A small voice asked. "Yeah Alex?" I said trying my best not to freak him out. Then they started screaming at Jefferson. Then I covered my phone and yelled at them "SHUT UP!" "John I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do. I know you and everybody are probably real mad at me right now, but your the closet friend I've got..I can't let you hate me." He said. "Alex! I would never hate you! And as far as I know none of the other pricks you and I call friends hate you either." It was quite for a moment.
"R-really? Even after all the shit I've put everyone through?" He stammered. "Alex, we're your friends nothing you could do would make us hate you. Unless it was like murder or being mean towards a turtle or somethin'." I told him. I looked at Jefferson. He was listening in on the conversation like his life depended on it. Then I whispered to Alex "and I think Jefferson likes you."
He chuckled and said "You are like a third grader." "Thank you!" I said, taking the compliment. "Do you want to come and hang out?" I asked. "No.. not really. Tell Jefferson that I need to talk to him." He said. "Will do." I replied. "Bye." He said. "Bye."
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