Chapter 15
Alexander Pov
"Alexander, Why?" Thomas asked. Because I'm an immigrant, bastard, orphan, whores son, that's why. I looked at him then looked at my friends. The Schuyler sisters had arrived. Great. Let's all look at Alex and make fun of his life problems. Ha! Ha! Ha. Hilarious.
"I-I gotta this thing..." I muttered pushing past the Sisters. Angelica grabbed my shoulders and Eliza grabbed my waist. "Aw no ya don't!" Peggy shouted. I pushed them off of me and bolted. "WE GOT A RUNNER!" Peggy shouted. All of my friends, and Thomas chased after me. I ran past some kids and ran down some stairs and just when I thought I had lost my friends I heard John say "Come on Alex. Let's all go to my dorm and sort out your feelings." Man I sure do love it when people live your life for you. Wait why am I so mad at John? He didn't do anything. Laf pulled me into a hug. "Come on, let's go." He said. I went back with them and every time I looked back and thought about running Herc said "Just keep swwimmiinnng." He loves children's movies too much.
We got to Johns dorm where he made us all sit down. "So. Alex why did you cut?" He asked. Angelica gasped. "Gosh! Lemme do this John. You have no clue on how feelings work." She stated, pushing him in a chair. I thought he was doing fine, but whatever.
"Why were you upset in the first place?" She asked. I glanced at Jefferson. I gestured towards Thomas and said "Because of this asshat."
"Now, asshat- I mean Jefferson- why would Al be mad at you?" Angelica asked. "I might've made fun of his family.." Mr. Asshat said. Eliza gasped. I forgot that I told Eliza about the whole family situation. Angelica looked confused. "Alex why did that make you mad?" She asked. "You might not know why but this ASSHAT DEFINITELY KNOWS WHY!" I shouted, standing up.
I rolled up my sleeves. I'm going to kill him. "Alex I'm twice your size. You really want to do this?" Jefferson asked. I glared at him. "Ok so we're doing this." Jefferson said, standing up. I walked up to him and punched him square in the face. My friends all shouted. "NOT IN FRONT OF MY TURTLES!" John shouted. Since when did he have turtles? I turned to look at the turtles but was very rudely interrupted by a punch to the gut and then then my jaw. I fell to the floor. I groaned and grabbed Thomas' legs and threw him on the ground with me. Angelica grabbed my feet and dragged me out of the dorm.
"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!" She shouted at me. I scratched the back of my neck. "Somewhat.." I muttered. Aaron Burr popped out of his dorm. "God dammit Hamilton shut your girlfriend up." He said, and went back in his dorm. Angelica's sighed and grabbed the bridge of her nose. "Alexander. What did he say about your family that got you so pissed off you had the sudden urge to beat him up and then get so upset that you'd cut?" She asked, trying not to scream. I really don't want to rant, but she's asking for it.
"Well." I started. "What could be possibly could have said to get me so 'pissed off'? Could it be that he made fun of my dead family? Oh and to make matters worse the asshat did it in front of a whole class of Juniors. Do you know how much that sucks? Well A LOT. IT SUCKS A LOT! And I didn't just start randomly cutting out of the blue, sister! That doesn't happen! I've been doing this for a while! You just haven't noticed! Maybe if payed enough god damn attention sometimes, you'd realize that I'm fucking BROKEN INSIDE! AND I HAVE BEEN FOR A WHILE! Do you know what having to grow up without parents can do to someone's self esteem?! Do you know what it feels like to have your cousin commit suicide IN FRONT OF YOU?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO LOSE YOUR LAST HOPE IN A GOD DAMNED HURRICANE?! NO! So now you have your stupid answers. You happy now?" I finished. She stood there in shock.
Aaron Burr and Theodosia has came out of their dorm, Charles Lee and James Madison had stepped outside and James Reynolds was outside as well. Then I realized all my friends too. Everyone stood with there jaws dropped. "Alex I'm sor-" Angelica started. "I don't want your fucking pity." I told her. I turned around and head back to my dorm.
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