Chapter 13
Thomas Pov
Alexander walked into our dorm holding a letter. "What's that?" I asked him. "My test results." He said, his eyes glued to the envelope. After a few minutes I asked "Are you just going to stare at it or actually open it?" "I'll open it. Soon." He replied. About twenty minutes later I realized he still hasn't opened it. "If you don't open that, I'm going to do it for you." I told him. "Why do you even care so much?" He asked. Because I like you. I would say that, but he'd probably say no. Especially after what happened with my dad. "I dunno. Cause you'll be in my classes maybe?" I replied. It wasn't that bad of a lie. "Oh." He said, looking slightly disappointed. He sighed and opened it. After he read it, he kind of just sat there. "So..?" I asked, trailing off. "Meet the latest Junior of Princeton College." He said smiling at me. "THATS GREAT!" "YEAH I KNOW RIGHT?!!?" He shouted back at me. "Think of all the parties you'll be invited to! You thought the sophomore parties were big? Just wait till you see a Junior one!" I told him. "..Not exactly why I'm excited but.. okay!" He told me.
Alexander Pov
I got in. Oh my god I can barely wrap my head around it. I got in! I have my first Junior class today. All my classes are based of writing, since I have a scholarship for writing heh. Speech and Debate is my first class. Which is my best class. Even though Jefferson and I have our good moments I can't wait to obliterate him.
—Itty Bitty Time skip!—
My alarm clock goes off. I sigh. It's 9:30. Welp I guess it's like my first day all over again. I took a shower and put on fresh clothes. I'm ready for the short jokes. "Hamilton hurry up. It's 9:50. Let's goooo." Jefferson told me. "Okay, Okay. I am on my way." I said, grabbing my bag. We both headed out the door.
"By the way," Jefferson started "You are kind of well known in Junior year." "Wait, what?" I asked. We walked through the class door. A few kids were already in there. "Yeah. There have been rumors going around that your some genius." He said chuckling. "But they haven't met you yet." "Hey!" I laughed and punched his arm.
I felt a person touch my shoulder. "Mr. Hamilton, right?" Woah. A teacher got my name right for the first time ever. I usually get HammyLiton? Why would my name be HammyLiton? "Yes sir." I said looking up at him. "Please, Call me Mr. Washington." "Got it... Mr. Washington." I said.
As more kids filed in, I could hear them whispering 'Is that him?' Or 'That's the prodigy?' Guys. I'm not that young. It's not that big of a deal.
Anyways Mr. Washington started class and through it I got bored and fiddled with my pencil. Then I hear him say "For this next part you might want to take notes. Might. I don't really care. But if you want." Finally something that isn't mind numbingly boring.
"We will be having a new debate. This is our fifth one this year, I expect good things from you. And Hamilton? This is your first but you didn't get moved to the Junior year for nothing." I smiled softly. "The debate is if College should be free or not." He went through our names telling us which side we had to be on.
I got free. "The debate will be this Friday. "I will choose two of you randomly from this jar," he said shaking a jar full of names "And you will go head to head. Tomorrow we will do a improv debate on zoos. Good luck to all of you." He said finishing. I had a few more classes but they were boring so I won't talk about it. When I got back to my dorm I started writing away. If I get picked there's no way in hell that I'm losing.
Thomas Pov
I worked on my debate a lot but not as much as Alex did. The whole class feared him because opponent after opponent, they got smashed into the ground. He's only been here for Five days! If you got Alex it was like someone coming up to you and saying 'hey do you want to be beat up? Yes? Okay.' Then I got a phone call from my father. He started screaming at me about how I was a disgrace, and I deserved to burn in hell with the rest of 'my kind'. A tear rolled down my face. "D-dad you're drunk." I said. "SHUT UP! YOU SHOULD DIE!" Then he hung up. I wiped away my tears and started walking to class. It's 10:20. I'm late. My sadness was replaced with anger in the as fast as you could say Thomas is a disgrace. I walked in. "Jefferson. You're late." Mr. Washington said. "Yes sir, I'm sorry." I said sitting down next to Alex. Then Washington said "Without further ado, the people debating are...." He shook the can and pulled out a name. He chuckled softly and said "Hamilton. And..." Hamilton sat there with a cocky smile on his face. God I wish I could punch him. The whole class held its breath. "Jefferson!" Me. Why me? Hamilton jumped up and ran to the front of the room to one of the, which Washington called, debating desks. I went to the one across the room. "Jefferson, you may begin." I felt me anger boil up. I have to contain it. "Alrighty. Number one," I started. "So I get it not everyone can afford a college, but does that mean we should just let in all and everybody? No! If kids want to be in here for free, then they should get a scholarship!..." I continued and finished by saying "Hey and if ya don't know, now ya know." Then it was Hamilton. He stayed quite for a second before saying "You must be outta your GODDAMN mind if you think..." he continued. Then I heard him say "Do you know how many families in the U.S suffer from debt? Eight out of ten! Free college would be a benefit to all families out of order. Take yours for example." The whole class said "ooooooh!" My anger couldn't be contained any longer. I looked at his cocky like smirk and said "Well at least my family is still alive!" The class went silent. Alex just stood there. He looked like I'd broken him. Washington said "Alexander, are you alright?" I saw the tears in his eyes. Why isn't he fighting back? Why won't he respond?! Say something! The fire in his eyes were gone. He gathered his papers on his desk and muttered "yeah." His voice cracked and he went to his desk, got his bag and walked out. Fuck.
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