James burst into the grand hall.
"She's selling papers with those. . . Those- Newsies!" He yelled.
Pulitzer stood up from his seat calmly and put his hands behind his back, nodding thoughtfully.
"How are you so calm?!" James asked.
"I'm thinking." Said Pulitzer.
"Our plans of action. Go get Adam."
James nodded and scurried off.
"I'm coming for you." Pulitzer mumbled before banging his fist on the table.
On his way to Adam, James past Lucille's room. She sat at her vanity brushing her long blonde hair.
"Oh hello James." She said as she saw him in the mirror.
"Hello." He said stepping inside nervously.
Lucille stood up swishing her robe.
"Do you like my dress?" She asked, batting her eyelashes.
"Very much so." James said, "And your hair, and eyes. . ."
Lucille giggled, "Thank you."
She walked over and pressed him to the wall.
"What was that?"
James moved so it was Lucille against the wall now, his hands leaned on either side above her shoulders.
Sure, she was pretty. She was very very pretty. She had sparkling blue eyes and looked the exact opposite of Katherine. Katherine hated him. She loathed him. She wanted nothing to do with him.
James ran a hand through Lucille's hair before quickly leaning down.
"What are you- Mm."
He captured her lips in his softly.
"James." Lucille said pushing him away.
"You're great. You're hot, like, really hot and all. But you're betrothed to my little sister!"
"I can't do it Lucille. We have to find her and I need you. I have to have you. I wanted to be betrothed to you in the first place, not that little brat."
"I'm so glad you feel that way." Lucille signed.
She ran forward and grabbed him, kissing him hard, and finding Adam was long forgotten.
"I'm so bored!" Race yelled through the lodging house.
Katherine looked up from her typewriter.
"Yeah!" Les piped up, "Can't we go do somethin?"
"We could go to the beach?" Katherine suggested.
They all looked at her.
"There's one right by here." (For the sake of this story)
"I'll get the bags." Davey sighed.
"I wantsta bury Davey!" Les yelled.
"Bloody heck no!" Davey yelled back before running away from his little brother and Race who had begun to chase him across the beach, hoping to catch him and take him back.
Jack walked over to where Katherine sat on a beach towel, notepad in hand, scribbling down notes.
"Aye, aren'tcha gon' go in da water at all Ace?" He asked.
"Hmm, I like when you call me that." She grinned pressing their noses together.
Jack smiled lightly.
"Anyways I have too many notes to go through. Maybe I can get a job here at The Sun and bring my own income to support you and the boys."
This is something he loved about Katherine. Not only was she insanely beautiful, but she was insanely smart and kind.
"Well okay," Jack said with a mischievous smirk as he began to walk away slowly, "holler if you need anything."
"Mhmm." Katherine muttered not looking up from her notes.
Once he was about ten or so feet away from her he began to run back. Katherine saw him out of the corner of her eye and figured he forgot something such as needing that baby blue newsboy cap he always wore. Knowing him he'd even wear that in the water unless she hadn't told him it'd be best he take it off. It wasn't until he had come and scooped her up in his arms and continued running to the water that she let out a small shriek and dropped her notes.
"Jack Kelly I swear to-"
"I told yous I'm gettin' ya in da water!" Jack laughed.
Jack now stood knee deep in water and Katherine clung onto him for dear life, kicking her feet back and forth, she did not want to get dropped in.
"Jack don't you dare!" She squealed.
"Oh I's wouldn't." Jack smirked, winking at her.
Katherine took a hand off him and brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes and then out if his, "You are the most impossible bo-"
Jack purposely slipped his hands away from where they supported her back and legs and she landed with a SPLASH!
It wasn't until she wasn't coming up for a while that he got worried.
"Kath?" He asked looking around, "Katherine!"
Suddenly the little brunette popped out of the water, spitting it at him, "Got yous." She smirked.
"Oh dat ain't fair." Jack smirked.
Jack grabbed her ankle and yanked it out from under her so she fell back in the water, Katherine came up coughing and sputtering before bursting out laughing and splashing him with water. Jack splashed if back just as hard and it was a total splash off.
Finally Jack crouched down and put Katherine on his lap. Even with her hair a stringy mess she was beautiful, so beautiful. He cupped her cheek gently and kissed her softly but passionately and Katherine wrapped her arms around him. They heard the boys hooting and hollering from the beach and they smiled against eachother's lips.
They finally came back to the sand to find a very grumpy looking Davey buried in the sand, a extremely satisfied Les, and a sunburnt Crutchie. (Poor bby <3)
"Alright guys let's go home." Jack said slinging an arm around Katherine.
"Reporting to home base, we've got her in sight."
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