The very emotional and comfortable hug they were having was soon broken when two kids ran upto Namjoon yelling papa.
Ele: PAPA??!!!
Nj: ahh forgot to tell you most of us are married like me , jin hyung , Yoongi hyung . And Tae is engaged , while Jimin and hobi are dating.
Ele: oh so you , Jin ssi and Yoongi ssi all have kids ?
Jin: yup.
Ele: thts great but hey what about Jungkook ssi like you didn't mention about him.
V: well there is something you should know. About Jungkook well he is currently single but that's cause he is promised to someone . And that someone is you.
Ele: wait WHAT!! Me ?
Jm: yup.
Ele: the hell , your saying my bias wreckers are my brothers and my bias is my supposedly future spouse ? What in the fucked up dream / sorcery is this.
Nj: um well this is not a dream or any kind of sorcery I think...? Its the truth , the reality. Our parents and Jungkook's parents made a deal to marry you guys to each other while you two were babies. Well most of us are the same Taehyung's fiance and him were promised to each other while young me and my wife were promised to each other while young same goes for Jin and Yoongi.
??: Papa!!!!!
Nj: ah sry sry. Come here there is someone who want to see you both .
??2: who papa ?
Nj: your aunt so come here..... So Eleanor.
Ele: I prefer if you call me Elena.
Th: well we prefer if you call us oppa.
Ele: ok I'll call you oppa.
Nj: ok continuing , so this is Nova and this is Tyler they are twins and are both 3 years old .
Ele: oh hi 👋. My name is Elena , and I'm your aunt . But you both can call me Ella
Nov: Ella nini....
Ele: nini?
Th: thts their version of eonnie.
Ele: ahh kk.
Nov: nini!!
Ele: oh ya sry what were you saying cutie.
Nov: nini is so pretty.
Ele: rlly thnq .. but Nova is prettier no?
Nov: rly?
Ele: yup so how about a pretty little candy for a pretty little princess.
Nov: nini have candy ?
Ele: yup here
She took a candy out of her jeans pocket and gave it to Nova.
Ty: can I get candy ?
Ele: ofcourse champ here ya go.
Nov&ty: yaay.... Thnq nini. Papa we love nini.
Ele: well I'm honoured.
Nj: guess you forgot about us ?
Ele: oh ya sry I just love kids.
Nj: no worries and u seem to have won them over.
Ele: ☺️☺️. Wait who is that.
She said pointing towards a corridor where a tall and young looking girl stood gazing at the scene taking place inside the court room .
Nj: oh why did you just stand there come here..... Well this is my wife Kim Tiana. And Tia this is Eleanor.
Tia: Eleanor as in your long lost sister ?
Nj: yup ..
Tia: really thts great ... Finally a sister. Also now kookie can finally date.
Ele: oh ya theres tht , now I understand the tradition and stuff but how we be together. Like I don't know him except what he portray as an idol an he doesn't know me at all.
Th: well you see as you turn 15 for girls and 16 for guys you can live with each other like in the same castle. And get to know each other and eventually fall in love.
Ele: so I'll have to move in with him ? But I just got here ?
Jin: you can live here with joon , tae and your parents for a couple of months and can later move in with Jungkook .
Jk: does she have to can't we just let the things be like how it was for the last few years.
Jh: Jungkook , we are not alone.
Jk: ah ya sry I should have watched my mouth.
Tia: enough with all this let me take Eleanor to her room .
Ele: ahh I would prefer if you called me Elena I'm not used to the name Eleanor.
Tia: as you wish now come on...
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