Jungkook , Eleanor and Hoseok were coming back from the promising ceremony of Namjoon's twins with Yoongi kids. And they were almost at Whisteria, maybe 5/6 minutes left to reach their destination when Elena suddenly got restless and soon asked the vehicle to be stopped since she felt whatever she ate at the function coming back up . As soon as the vehicle stopped she rushed out and Jungkook followed her out . Once she finished empty her stomach out she washed her mouth with the water that kook gave her and also drank some water and once she was sure she was ok they got back inside and the ride started again
Jk: what happened all of a sudden Elena ?
El: I don't know either . I just felt sick all of a sudden maybe it's motion sickness or maybe the food didn't sit right with my stomach.
Jk: hmm maybe...
Though Jungkook had acted as if he also believed it , he hadn't he was actually quite worried since in the 2 or 2 and 1/2 years Jungkook had known Elena she never had any form of motion sickness before. And she had eaten the same kind of food before too but had never gotten sick . But just for his sake of mine he decided to believe it was due to the food. And decided to take her to the royal physician is this occured again.
Soon they reached Whisteria and one by one they got out from the vehicle and Jungkook walked towards the throne room but before that he turned to Hoseok as if to say something.
Jk: Hoseok take Elena to our bed chamber and ask one of the maids to bring some herbal tea for her. If like she said the food isn't sitting right with her health then the tea may help her feel better.
Hs: as you wish your majesty...... Come Queen Eleanor, I'll assist you to you bed chamber. You can take some rest.
And like that Hoseok took Elena to her chamber before going to the kitchen to tell one of the maids there to prepare the tea as Jungkook had asked and told them to deliver it to the queen. After he was done with the jobs Jungkook had given him he went back and joint Jungkook in the throne room and helped him get done with the rest of his schedule for that day.
It was night time and Elena had refused to come for dinner saying she wasn't hungry so after few tries to get her to come down Jungkook gave up thinking if it's really was the issue , skipping food for one night might help a little . So after he was done with his schedules and done with eating his dinner he quickly went upstairs and changed into his night wear before waking Elena up and helping her half asleep self change into her night wear. And later slipped into the covers with her soon falling into a deep dreamless slumber
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