The next morning itself all the needed arrangements for the king's funeral had started and the mourning period had lasted for 7 days during which the kingdom was handled by Hoseok while Jungkook and his mom were often in their rooms only coming out for food or other necessities . And through this Elena was alternating between helping Hoseok respond to public nd make decisions & taking care of Jungkook. But she did it without a single complaint. And like that the 7 days had finished nd it was time to start preparing for Jungkook's coronation.
Elena nd the Mrs. Jeon were in the library when they heard the door opening nd saw the 7 BTS members approaching them..
J.mom: what's happening why are u all here together as if something important is about to occur.
Nj: greetings ur highness, princess . About why we are here Jungkook here has a request .
J.mom: what request?
Jk: I want to go back to earth. I can't accept being king so soon I need time to process dad's death and prepare for this duty. But I can't do that here . So... Since when we go there time here freezes we won't be delaying anything. At the same time I'll get the time I deserve.
Jin: ur highness if I may. I think this would be a good thing. This way Jungkook would be able to grieve and accept the loss and he will have time to take in some positive moments too. Which would help him be a better King for his people. But if we hold the coronation right away he may not be in the best mental state to rule for a while.
J.mom: ok I understand. Nd yess Jungkook u may. I also believe this time away will benefit both u nd the others around you. Also are u taking Eleanor with u ?
Jk: thank u mother. Nd no if that's alright with u Elena. I'll bring you next time , when the situation is better.
El: sure I don't mind . And it won't be for long you guys will be gone for maximum an hour according to this dimension . So .
And like that after getting permission from the queen mother and other the 7 boys got ready for their departure to earth. They said their byes to everyone nd began the journey towards the same forest which was situated in Florenza that they used to open the portal between Earth and their dimension. The same forest Elena had seen the first time she came back to Florenza. And quickly began the journey to Earth.
As soon as they went through the portal the time on earth started again while the time back home froze. And the 7 boys found themselves back in the same fan meeting room they had first met Elena in. And the guards let the next fan in as the fan meeting carried on. After it was done they all were brought back to the hotel they were staying during the concert days in US this time.
And all the boys quickly washed up nd went to sleep since the next day onwards they were going to get back into the lifestyle of an idol.
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